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(New page: '''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira ''' Lycan heard someone enter the room and he looked over just as he was taken a sip at his ale. Putting it down on the table he saw Sorsha and Mathias a...)
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'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira  '''
{{Delete|No longer playing.}}
Lycan heard someone enter the room and he looked over just as he was taken a sip at his ale. Putting it down on the table he saw Sorsha and Mathias approaching him. They looked happy and there was an unmistakable glint to their eyes.
"Oh... Mathias I didn't know you were here too. My apologies if I have interrupted you." turning to look at Sorsha he added "I am well. Just tired from my trip. As you can see I am barely decent. My apologies for coming here looking so...dirty." he looked down on his dusty clothes and shrugged. "I didn't have time to change."
"And how are you since I last saw you?" he smiled.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha smiled and let go of Mathias’ hand to sit in front of him. “I am… well,” she told him. His question bringing her back to the last week. She had not seen Lycan in some time now, he knew absolutely nothing of the ordeal her, Rathan and Mathias had been through. “I do have some news,” she grinned and looked up to Mathias beside her. “Mathias and I are to be wed... We were only now discussing our plans,” she grinned again.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
sitting next to Sorsha Mathias continued, "Yes she has finally agreed to marry me." he said with a smile on his face. "Though as to the details...these are yet unknown. We still have yet to choose when and even where we are to be wed. Not to mention any other finer details."
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Lycan watched with surprise. They were to be married? When did that happen? He was happy for them though. He noticed the sparkle in their eyes every time their eyes met. They were happy and that's all that mattered.
Lycan remembered the first time they had met and he smiled in thought. "Guess you finally saw the actions you needed to find out if he loved you or not." he said somewhat cryptically.
"Well my congratulations to you both! This is wonderful news!" he got up and shook Mathias hand as he gave him a pat on the back and then turned to Sorsha and offered a hug.
When she returned the hug he relaxed finally. He wasn't sure what to expect since he last saw her. Things were very confusing and he didn't honestly know how well she had been when she asked him to leave her for some time.
He turned to Mathias and smiled "Mathias, would it be rude of me to ask for a few moments with your bride to be?"
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias stood up and gave a slight nod of his head to Sir Lycan. "I shall wait outside. Come and find me when you two are done."
Walking outside Mathias quickly found Lasair prancing about and decided to play with him while he waited for the two to finish inside.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Lycan waited for Mathias to leave and then sat back down facing Sorsha. He took another sip of his ale and turned to her. She simply sat there waiting for him to speak and taking her hands in his he took a moment to look at her. To look in her eyes.
"Sorsha how are you really? How is your memory? What has happened in my absence? Aside from the obvious I mean." There was a mix of worry and care to his words.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha watched as Lycan took her hands. Her face still had a smile on it, but at his question it slowly slipped. “Yes… it is returning, there are days where I am unsure if they are dream or reality. Some days I feel as if some belong to another person other than myself and I am only allowed to view them as if looking through their eyes.” She looked down to his hand and then she removed hers to lower them beneath the table. “I am sorry for all I have said to you,” she apologized. “I am grieved I hurt you so.”
She looked away, “I have hurt so many people… and still it does not seem to end.” Looking back at him, she sighed. Now that she was made to think of it, her heart saddened despite the light feeling she had only a moment ago. She would not cry again, she would not let Lycan know how much her heart bled inside, hoping her mask would stay in place.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
The last thing he wanted was to make her sad again when she looked so happy before. He sighed at his own question but he needed to know. He was sure things weren't all great and a true friend asks, doesn't just sit there nodding and smiling.
He saw her discomfort at his words and he tried to make her feel better. "'s ok. I'm here right?!" he smiled. "I'm sorry to ask you this but I was unsure if leaving when you asked me to was the right thing to do. I saw how your two contenders behaved around you and I wanted you to make your own decisions without feeling pressured into anything..." he turned his gaze away from her. Another memory came to his mind and he glanced at her with a smile. She looked back at him with a questioning look and he added.
"Sorsha, I don't know if you remember this but the first time we met you were carrying a big burden. I tried my best to help you with it and gave you my advice but now, after all you have been through I have to ask. "Have you found love?" he asked bluntly.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha smiled weakly and looked back the way which Mathias had left. She knew it inside. It was a few moments before she looked back to Lycan. “It has been difficult… yes.” She then reached up to wipe her eyes from the tears Lycan couldn’t see yet, but which she felt. “I feel it, I feel it at last. I have finally found love, but I have found it at a dear price. More than I ever thought I would have to sacrifice.” She wished Mathias would never have to hear her words, it would be unfair to him if he did. At her words, Lycan frowned and her voice lowered, out of deep pain. “In finding love, I have lost myself… and I have… destroyed a man. It will take me some time to find the pieces of my life, but I am now ready. The guilt inside though…” she said weakly “is unbearable.”
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Lycan heard the pain in her voice and sighed. He was happy she had found it but he also knew who the other man she talked about was. He knew one of them would get hurt in the end and there was no way around it.
He took her hands back in his and spoke softly. "My friend, you can't keep everyone happy. In the choices our heart makes, there will always be someone left hurting. But all you can do is learn to live with those choices and enjoy what your heart has chosen for you." he smiled reassuringly. "Please don't be sad. Or feel guilty about it. One should be so lucky to find true love..."
He got closer to her and whispered. "If you speak of guilt, I know there are things Mathias is better off not knowing. But you can always share that burden with me. I will try and advice you the best I can and I promise you I will never judge you." he gave her a smile hoping she would feel some relief.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha smiled at his words and gave him a tight hug. “Thank you for your words of hope Lycan, I am grateful and appreciate the gesture. In time I believe I will find the courage to show Mathias the dark corners of my heart as well as the light within. If he truly loves me, he will accept this. I will not live my life apart from his, and will not keep secrets from him as I expect neither will he.” She finished softly and pulled away.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
"Good. That's exactly what I wanted to hear." he gave her an honest smile as she pulled back.
"Now there's only one more thing." he started undoing the top buttons of his shirt as Sorsha watched wearily. He chuckled and gave a little laugh. "Don't worry..." he reached inside is shirt and took out a necklace with a pendant.
"Recognize this?" he held it between them hoping she would recognize the crystal pendant he had given her as a gift on her last birthday.
"If you take this back all will be forgiven." he said playfully. He had long ago forgiven her for the way she had treated him.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha wiped the last of her tears and smiled. “I accept,” she said and held her hand out for him to return the pendant. Her set it in her hand, and she returned it around her neck. The pendant now nestling near her cleavage and she then looked to Lycan, “I should get Mathias now. Do not take offense, I can’t describe it, but already I miss his presence immensely.”
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Lycan grinned seeing his pendant back where it belonged. When Sorsha mentioned Mathias he remembered he was still waiting outside and smacked himself mentally.
"Of course. I am sure he is feeling the same way." Lycan got up and walked up to the door. Opening it he saw Mathias playing with Lasair but looking somewhat impatient.
"Mathias, I'm sorry I kept you away from your beautiful bride. Hope you find it in your heart to forgive me." he smiled and moved away allowing him to enter.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias finally being allowed back into the room decided to seat himself next to Sorsha once again. Once he had finally took his seat he looked to Lycan and said, "You have nothing to be sorry for."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha leaned into Mathias and took his hand in hers. “Lycan, would you like to stay for dinner? I know you will not refuse food,” she joked and grinned. The light now returning to her eyes and she looked to Mathias. “Mathias and I were actually discussing returning to Port Nebel, we have much to prepare if we wish to get married at all, we shall need to begin soon. You are more than welcome to stay the night if you wish.”
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Lycan laughed at her joke about him and food. He laughed more out of relief for seeing her happy again and having made sure she was where she was supposed to be.
"Of course I will join you for dinner. And yes, I will take your offer and stay the night. I really need a bath." he chuckled as he looked down and remembered how he looked.
Lycan followed them into the dining room where they waited for dinner to be served.

Latest revision as of 14:15, 17 December 2012

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