McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/day five: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay for Sorsha McDowell''' That morning when Sorsha woke, she prepared her things, and headed straight to Port Nebel without wasting time. She felt like it was moving too quickly ...)
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'''Roleplay for Sorsha McDowell'''
{{Delete|No longer playing.}}
That morning when Sorsha woke, she prepared her things, and headed straight to Port Nebel without wasting time. She felt like it was moving too quickly already. When she arrived, her gaze rested on the Ducal Palace for some time but that was not where she headed. Instead she went directly into town, this time she had informed herself as best she could to the whereabouts of Rathan, and went to find him.
She announced herself to his retinue, “Sorsha McDowell to see Marquis Rathan, please,” and patiently waited. On the outside she may have looked calm and composed, but her insides tingled with the need to see him.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"Sire, the Lady Sorsha is here to see you."
Rathan looked up from his reading, his eyes full of joy.
"Send her in already, and get a bottle of wine, some cheeses and some crackers."
Rathan eagerly awaited, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't ever remember feeling this excited before he met her.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha was led into the room where Rathan was sitting, a book in his hands, a finger within the pages, keeping his place.
When she saw him, the yearning she had felt flared and she bit her lower lip. Her breath seemed to quicken, and out of the corner of her eye she watched as the servant moved back. Suddenly wishing he would move faster and leave already.
It seemed forever until he finally left. When the door closed behind her, she grinned and her gaze returned to Rathan. She didn’t say anything, she just watched him as if seeing him for the first time. Every line of his face, the color of his eyes, his lips, his shoulders, the way he sat casually, as if without a care, she knew to be illusion.
There seemed to be a long stretch of silence between them as they just watched one another and then she walked toward him. He rose from his chair to greet her, and her arms were around him so quickly he didn’t have a chance to say anything. She leaned her head into his neck and held on as if afraid to let him go. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in months,” she whispered to him and then pulled away to give him a slow lingering kiss.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan held her in his arms, his heart felt like it would explode out of his chest.
"I feel the same way..."
He kissed her again, and as he pulled away, he whispered in her ear
"I love you so much, more than words can describe."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Rathan’s whispered words were her undoing; he had never said them to her before and neither had she. And the way he said them tore at her, not because she had ached to hear them but because she felt it, they mirrored her emotions. Her eyes filled with tears and she began to cry softly. “I love you too,” her hands slid to each side of his face and she kissed him desperately. It had taken her a long time to realize how much and now she felt like she had no time left in the world. When she pulled back, her tears were now staining her cheeks.
“This is so hard…” she trembled in his arms and her voice broke. Her hands trailed down to his back and she felt the comforting warmth of his body beneath her fingers. “I feel like my world is ending and I die a little more each day.”
She closed her eyes and kissed his lips lightly. She didn’t care how forward she was being, or how many kisses she had given him so far. She would have given him a hundred more if only to make sure he knew how she felt. Her choice would be soon and she didn’t want to let one moment pass without showing him the truth of her feelings. No matter her decision… she would lose one. It could be Mathias… or it could be him.
“Rathan…?” she said his name weakly. “Can we pretend today that it’s just you and I? I just want to be with you.”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"Of course we can Sorsha. It's the way I prefer it."
Rathan kissed her again.
"Today is your day, whatever you want to do is what we'll do."
He kissed her again, he found her absolutely irresistible and every nerve in his body was alight with feelings of ecstasy.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
She didn’t care, being there with him doing absolutely nothing would have made her just as happy as a day filled with something to do. “As long as I am with you...” she smiled and wiped her cheeks but more tears appeared. What she really wanted to ask was if it would be alright if she stayed there and kissed him all day, but she didn’t. She gave an exasperated smile at her continuous tears and then gave up trying all together and gave him a chaste kiss instead. She closed her eyes and let her lips linger on his, feeling the warmth, the softness. Her heart wanted to beat right out of her chest, he made her feel so much, and she couldn’t get enough of it.
Finally she opened her eyes, the violet color barely visible through the moist twinkle in them, they were just orbs of glassy blue. “Show me your world Rathan?” she asked and then reached down to his hands, intertwining their fingers. “Take me to some of the places you’ve been. Make me remember as if we were there together, all along.” Her voice broke again, and she reached up to wipe more tears, realizing she was still holding his hand and gave a light laugh out of embarrassment.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"A day in my life, well if you caught me in Nebel it would be more interesting. Here I spend my time in study or training at the academy. I've acquired some interesting tomes on Daemons and the cults that worship them. I hear it is possible to gain eternal youth from a powerful enough daemon."
Rathan paused and kissed her again.
"But I suspect you'd find all of that quite boring."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
“No I don’t,” she shook her head and smiled. “Nothing you do or say bores me.” She then kissed the inside of his hand. “Let your voice take me there instead. Let’s ignore this room, and everything outside it. Let it be me and you. I will close my eyes and you can take me to the single, happiest day of your life.  You showed me the stars…I remember” she said the last softly. “I know you can take me there.” She then sat on the bed and lay down into it, inviting him to lie down beside her. “You also said how you had seen so much, but none of it was as beautiful as me? I wish you to take me there. Please…” she said softly, her eyes pleading. 
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
Rathan lay down with her, taking her in his arms. He kissed her softly and began to speak.
"I was born and raised in Minas Ithil, on Atamara. The winters were cold, the forests vast and green. A river ran past, next to the family estate, and in the summer I and my cousins fished and swam in it. Our studies and martial training began early. I excelled in my studies, arithmetic, alchemy, history... I was never the best warrior amongst my kin, but there is no shame in that. My family has produced many great warriors. From there I joined Nighthelm on the Far East Island, and spent some time as inquisitor of a faith I felt nothing for. I left after a while, and came to these lands, joining Everguard. I soon left to found Viridian, held a region for a while, and became enemies with Vesna Valentine. Viridian died, and I wandered the lands, a rogue scholar. I spoke with the Zuma and their daemon masters, and explored much of the West, before moving to the Grand Duchy of Fissoa. There I found Bowie, he was judge until he was run out for incompetence. Then Conrac contacted me, he was an old associate of mine. I came to D’Hara and became his Knight. You know the rest."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha smiled at his words, and imagined being there. When Rathan was done, she then looked up at him. She lay on her side facing him as he lay facing her. Again she took his hand in hers and held it to her heart. “And what of the happiest day or moment of your life?”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
"We're still in the middle of it, I'll tell you more about it later." he said lovingly, squeezing her hands lightly and kissing her again.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
She smiled, her eyes twinkled but the tears had all but dried up now. She kissed him and put her arms around his neck. She was so close to him now, his oxygen had become hers and when she spoke it was so softly, her lips brushed against his. “And do you remember the first day you saw me? You must have… seen me before our first kiss?” she asked curiously, her eyes looking into his. Now enjoying going back through his life, seeing it through his eyes, knowing what it was he thought.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"The first time I really met you is when you became my Knight. I had seen you around now and then, but kept my distance, out of respect for my good friend Conrac. You always managed to take my breath away though."
Rathan paused to kiss her.
"My great uncle Raziel was a mighty warrior of my homeland, a hero who had conquered a thousand battlefields and wielded a sword bigger than a man. He was killed in a cowardly ambush though. It is said his rage at the ignobility of his death was so great he shed the shackles of humanity and became a powerful Daemon, and usurped many Daimon Lords of the Netherworld... They say he is now the Blood God, and sits on a brass throne upon a mountain of skulls. Some of the old houses like mine carry the spark of divinity, granted to them by the powers that created the world, and that under the right circumstances, can become gods themselves."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha closed her eyes at his words, trying to remember how many times she had seen Rathan yet never talked with him. It was amazing how much of an effect she’d had on him without truly knowing, until later.
When he pulled away from kissing her, she licked her lip slowly, tasting him. Aching for more, but she let him speak instead.
He spoke of his uncle, and his family lineage and her brow furrowed with interest at his words. “Spark of divinity?” she asked curiously. “What kind of circumstances? Is this why the Zuma have granted you rank, because they have recognized it within you?” She glanced to his forehead and then back to his dark eyes.
When she looked at him, it was as if he was the only person in her world at that moment. “You have always fascinated me Rathan… I could never tire of the things you speak of,” she passed her lower lip through her teeth. “I actually envy you. The McDowell’s do not hold such powerful secrets. The only secret we’ve ever had, was one of shame, one that has forced us into hiding…” she let it trail off and then exhaled lightly.  “To have such magnificence within you… is extraordinary.”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"It's a gift and a curse really. With fame comes enemies. Not to mention the blood rage. Certain members of all branches, most of the family really, have a condition. At times they are driven into a killing frenzy, lusting for blood. Very few have learned to control it, for others, it's constant... For me... Well, I can control it long enough to take the sleeping remedy. That is the real purpose of it."
He spoke, the shame in his voice evident.
"It doesn't occur very frequently."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
She had seen him angry once, and she recalled it like it was yesterday, even through her murky memories, it was hard to forget. For the last year she had been trapped into a cage of emptiness, where she wasn’t able to touch the immense rage she should have felt after everything that had taken place. In fact she would have given anything to let it through, and here he had it in abundance, trying to contain it.
She lightly touched his cheek and her fingertips trailed over his lips, followed by another kiss, one of comfort.
“And here what I needed this entire time was rage which you know how to touch… and what you need is the emptiness to contain it, which in turn I can touch but can not always control. What a pair we make,” she sighed softly. “Maybe I can teach you…” she said with a bittersweet smile, deep down knowing how she became when she was within the void. “I would do it… for you.”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"You would? That would be great. It is the Himoura's greatest weakness and if I could over come it..." Visions of conquest and wealth briefly swam before his eyes, and he kissed her again.
"When we get back to Nebel I have something to show you."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
“It won’t be easy…” she hesitated, “but I will try my best.” She recalled the nightmares vividly above everything else, and what Kaylan had put her through. Looking at Rathan’s trusting eyes, she wondered if she would have the heart to put him through a similar experience. If only to show him how to use his rage to feed the void. If the blood rage was as bad as he said, would he survive it.. would she?
Trying to forget the torment, she nuzzled into the cushion beside him. “Do you wish to return tonight?” She was so afraid of losing time. She didn’t know what the next day would bring, and she only had one day left. She didn’t want to miss a thing.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"No, let's just stay here. I wouldn't want to ruin this night with travel."
Rathan pulled her close and kissed her. He held her close, not speaking. Before long, her breathing slowed, and he knew she was asleep. He kissed her on the forehead and slowly drifted off to sleep himself.

Latest revision as of 14:14, 17 December 2012

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