McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Nightmares: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' Sorsha leaned back into her chair balancing on the back legs of it. Her long legs were stretched out on the desk before her and she held a paper in her...)
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'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
{{Delete|No longer playing.}}
Sorsha leaned back into her chair balancing on the back legs of it. Her long legs were stretched out on the desk before her and she held a paper in her hands. She kept reading Rathan’s letter, her eyes focusing on the last line.
“And more importantly... Yours, when you're ready.”
Reaching beside her she took up the glass of wine sitting there and drank some of it. She idly wondered what she could do with Rathan at this point. She was extremely curious about him, in fact she kept thinking of their encounter over and over again, replaying it. It was the thrill of the mystery, the sense of danger and hostility that crackled around them with the ever underlying flavor of temptation that drew her.
But, he had also said one word that grabbed her attention, making the rest pale in comparison, Magick.
She wondered how much he actually knew and what he could actually do for her.
Behind her Lorlan entered the room and she cocked her head. “Lorlan, how much do you know of Marquis Rathan?” she asked and he straightened, pleased that she was actually being nice to him.
“Well not much my Lady,” he bowed, “but I can certainly ask around and do some research. I have to admit we servants do speak amongst each other of course only to make everything smoother for the nobility.”
“Yes…” her eyes narrowed, “I know only too well how word travels in this realm,” she told him bitingly.
“Find out everything you can on Rathan Himoura, and make sure he finds out you’re doing it. When he does, make sure he believes the Lady is making sure that before she opens his heart to him she wishes to know more…,” she paused and grinned, “that she is interested.”
'''Report from Cenarious Stormrage '''
I'm proud to announce that I am now expecting my first child! My lovely wife, Duchess Kisharianda Onxyien, is now glowing as only a woman who has been pregnant for at least a few months can. She even thinks its a baby boy! I look forward to the enlargement of my family and I hope to see my child grow in a world full of peace and prosperity.
For D'Hara,
Cenarious Stormrage
Dragon King of D'Hara, Marshal of the Black Lions
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha read the latest news and stopped in mid step. She lowered her hand and blinked. Duchess Kisharianda was with child. Her eyes brightened but her face showed no outward emotion. “I guess this calls for a personal visit,” she said to no one in particular. Before she would though, she had something to take care of.
She had unfortunately missed Selena’s birthday celebration, but she’d had a gift made for the child nonetheless. Informing her servants of her departure she instructed them in retrieving the gift, and prepared an additional one for the expecting mother and her child.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira'''
Lycan woke up in his cot. He looked around and recognized his tent but he couldn’t seem to remember how he got there. Ugh… He sat up and hoped the room would stop spinning. He took a deep breath and got up. He was used to drinking but he would never get used to the consequences in the morning after.
He dressed and walked outside. The sunlight hit is eyes and he growled closing them. Any other day he would’ve welcomed the beautiful spring morning but not today. He looked around and everyone seemed busy with their chores. He neared the fireplace where three of his men were having breakfast and he sat down next to them.
He hadn’t shaved in three days, his hair was a dark wavy mess and his face was pale. “Rough night Sir?” Damien asked as he handed his commander something to drink.
Lycan took it and sniffed it giving a sour look to the stench of the miracle potion that healed all indisposition. He took a sip and shuddered. “Argh… and …no. Great night…rough morning.” He added with a wink. All three men chuckled in agreement and continued eating their breakfast. Another one handed Lycan a plate with some meat and bread which he refused. All three stopped in mid-chew and stared at him.
Noticing their reaction he looked at them with a raised eyebrow “What?!” None have ever seen him refuse food before. “This dam potion hinders anyone’s appetite.” He lied.
He got up leaving their wary looks behind and headed back to his tent. Damien appeared a few minutes later. “Sir, a report from the King.”
Lycan opened it and read the message. I smile formed in his face.
“Damien, spread the word. This is great news! Our beloved Queen is expecting a child! I shall visit her at once. This definitely requires my presence!”
“Yes, Sir. Great news indeed.” He left to tell the men with a smile upon his face.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
A few hours later, Sorsha arrived in Port Nebel and was about to immediately board the first ship when her gaze swept over the area. Noticing the Ducal Palace sitting in magnificence over the city she grinned, a small detour…
Arriving at the entrance, the guard noticed her and looked her over warily. She looked at herself in turn and grinned. Well…The blood red leather could be intimidating she figured. “Inform the Duke he has a visitor.”
“And who do I tell him you are?” he asked and she cocked her head in thought. “His Mistress,” she grinned.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Mathias had just arrived back to the Ducal Palace from a night in the temple working with the Holy Prophet. Seeking to get some rest he headed straight for his bedroom. However upon his arrival at the front gate he noticed one of the guards questioning Sorsha as she attempted entrance.
“And who do I tell him you are?” asked the guard to which he noticed Sorsha grinning and then saying, "His Mistress."
Mathias quickly ran up to the two before another word could be said and stated, "That will be all...uh...good job keeping the undesirables out and all but I shall take this lady with me into the Palace. Put her name on the list for allowed entry...Actually you know what she is already on there, just make sure you remember her face."
After which Mathias then bowed and said to Sorsha, "Would you like to lead the way?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha smiled mischievously after seeing Mathias’ reaction. “Are we nervous this morning?” she asked and walked through the entrance.
Walking ahead of him, she headed straight to his office as if owning the place herself and sat in his chair. She languorously stretched her legs and set them on the edge of the desk. “You look tired,” she noted absently and crossed her legs. “Long night? Tell me how did things turn out with your prophet?”
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Narrowing his eyes and staring at Sorsha he grew slightly angry at the muddy boots that now lay on his desk dirtying everything near them.
"Everything went fine. Though it is unfortunate that it is still not large enough to support the populace of the city. It currently only has enough room for about one third of my people. Hopefully though it will soon be able to support my peasants."
Mathias then walked over Sorsha and in the process slightly pushed her legs off the desk and in the process accidentally knocking a few papers over, but that is better than having them all ruined he thought to himself. Then kneeling next to her, "I assume you slept well?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Narrowing her eyes in turn Sorsha moved her boot over the hand gathering his papers and put her weight on her knee. “I did…” she smiled, “thank you for asking.”
She ignored the boot now pressing deeper into his flesh and slid the papers from his hand. Glancing at them without interest, she set them back on the desk again and cupped his chin. “I thought of all the wonderful things you could do for me…” she whispered. “Are you ready to please me?” she asked gazing into his eyes, hers were strongly overpowered by the violet in them today.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Looking back into her eyes he responded, "I did say I would do anything for you, didn't I?" All the while holding back the agonizing pain that he was feeling in his hand. Mathias then forced a smile and awaited her response.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
“Are you getting smart with me?” she gave him a dangerous look and pressed harder. He didn’t say it, but she knew he was in some pain. She watched him for a moment, his lips pressed tightly together and she smiled with satisfaction.
Removing her boot, she stood in front of him and still holding his chin made him stand slowly, making sure he felt the length of her on his way up. “We’ll start small. Whatever you had planned for the day, clear it,” she ordered him.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
"Luckily I had nothing planned for the day my lady." he said as she slowly lifted him from the floor. During which he took a good look at her entire body as he was lifted, becoming more enthralled as time went on.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
“Good,” she tapped his cheek. “First things first, I’m hungry,” she said as she trailed a finger to his mouth. Tracing his lips with her gloved fingers, she continued to his chin down the front of his chest. “You will get me something to eat.”
When she had seen him last, she couldn’t help noticing his beard had grown again as did his hair. Taking his hair in her fist, she drew him closer to her. “After you’re done that, you will have the hair and beard return to the way I cut it last. This look displeases me,” she said with mild irritation.   
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Mathias left the room and after about 30 minutes he returned with a freshly shaved face and trimmed hair all the while carrying a plate of grilled fish. "I hope this is to your liking my lady. My chefs have yet to arrive and I attempted to cook this while I had Duad trim my hair. I assume this is all suitable for you?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha had been looking out the window when Mathias returned, remembering when he had thrown a chair through it. She heard him walk in and turned around. When she noticed his appearance she nodded approvingly. He then handed her the plate of pitifully grilled fish and her face turned away. “I hate fish,” she told him darkly and pushed the plate away. “Gah,” the smell of it was disgusting.
She didn’t much care for the look on his face, and sat down. “Make this a lesson. From this moment forth you should make sure to know my likes and dislikes. Don’t make the mistake again, I won’t be so nice about it next time.”
Leaning back she took a look at him, he looked really tired, in fact he looked as if he hadn’t slept in days. “Are you tired?” she asked.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
"My Lady I have been for two days straight working with this temple business. So yes I am tired. Would you offer me a rest or is there something else you desire for me to do? I am ready for anything my lady."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Looking at him, she considered his request with a pensive expression. After a moment she laughed. “No you don’t get to rest. You should have been ready for me,” she told him coldly and rose off the chair. “Get your things ready, we’re leaving for Port Raviel.”
She walked to the door and leaned on the doorway, crossing her legs and arms. Her eyes taking him in and the sad state he was in. “I may let you rest on the way…” 
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Mathias' shoulders dropped at the words, “Get your things ready, we’re leaving for Port Raviel.” Then slapping his hand to his forehead he began to rub and think to himself, "You have to be joking I have been up for two whole days and now she wants me to go on a trip!....Bleh."
Then gathering himself he said, "As I said I would do anything for you." Then snapping his fingers, Duad quickly came running into the room and awaited his orders, "Prepare my belongings for a short trip to Port Raviel." Duad quickly responded, "Of course my lord." and then ran off to complete the task.
Mathias then stood there brushed some of the dust off his armor and thought as he waited for Duad to return and as Sorsha stared at him, "I better earn her back, I don't know what I would do if she left me again. I must do everything in my power to make sure it lasts this time. Nothing shall stand in my way. I will be hers..." Then cocking an eyebrow at his thought, "I will be hers? No she will be mine."
Mathias then turned back to face Sorsha as soon as Duad returns I shall be ready, but until then. Is there anything I can do to make your wait more comfortable?
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha watched him for a bit, thinking to herself how much she enjoyed this. Not so high and narcissistic now was he? She wondered if he realized how much she was going to ask of him and if he was truly ready to do as she asked. He was going along with her wishes a little too easily, she knew he probably thought this was the extent of it all but he was in for a surprise.
At his question she approached him and looked down at his armor. Touching his face, she made sure to run her fingers where his beard no longer was. She reached up to touch the back of his neck, lingering. “I would like to see you dressed into something more… comfortable. Leave the armor behind.” She knew what wearing his armor meant to him, and waited, testing him.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Mathias was a little taken back by her request to wear something else. "My Lady must I wear something else? I mean I'm not even sure if I have anything else that might be suitable."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Being this close to him, she slowly traced his armor with a finger. “I want to see the man beneath” she said with a rare kittenish purr in her voice. “Don’t you trust me?” she said and this time, she was the old Sorsha again. Her voice, sweet, soft and her manner gentle. Her eyes were pleading, asking for his trust.
She could see the uncertainty in his face, and just as quickly she turned cold again. “Does this mean you refuse?”
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
"No, I merely mean that I don't have anything nice to wear. However if you insist..." Mathias then began to remove his armor to reveal all he had on was a thin pair of brown pants, and a white undershirt. Then grabbing some boots he had under his desk he put them on and asked, "Will this be fine my lady?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
“And since when do you care for your appearance?” she retorted but watched as he removed the armor. At the sight of what lay beneath she stood blankly, no smart comment on her tongue this time.
She walked out of the room as Duad returned. She looked to his clothes and then back to Mathias with a cocky grin. Why in the world did he not have proper attire, he was a Duke. Shaking her head she thought of Conrac, he had always been dressed in the finest clothes, fashionable, handsome.
The thought made her pause, it was a forbidden thought on her part, why did she have to go there? Her fists tightened with anger. When she turned to look at Mathias again, her eyes were filled with hate. “Take his,” she pointed to Duad, losing complete patience. “Well get some in the market,” she ground her teeth and left the room.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Mathias put on his servants clothes in disgust and then followed Sorsha out the door.
The two walked into the merchant quarter, and there they found a small lady who made fine noble wear. Mathias then picked up a blue silk shirt and some fine brown linen pants. He then thought to himself, "I hope this will please her." Then speaking aloud, "My Lady would this be a good choice?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha was still silently fuming. When she noticed the color of fabric he chose she internally smiled, but her face remained impassive. “It will do,” she said quietly. She then showed him some of the clothes she had chosen, a multitude of coats, shirts and pants of various colors. The small lady was surprised but pleased at how much they took and Mathias blanched.
Folding her arms, she waited for Mathias to part with some of his precious gold. She knew how he was when it came to money. When they were done, they reached the ship. She led him to her cabin. “I’m tired,” she told him. “You will watch while I rest.”
Getting on the bed, she lay down and stretched lazily. She then rested her head on one hand, and watched him quietly. He sat on a chair near her, nearing exhaustion. She could see it.
After a while, she noticed his eyes begin to droop and quickly open again and he looked at her to make sure she hadn’t seen it.
Putting her hand on the space in front of her, she pat the bed. “Come to me,” she said softly. “You’ve earned it…”
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Mathias' eyes widened at the proposal. In almost an instant he was again wide awake. Though his body disagreed. As he stood he felt all sorts of pains in his body and was stumbling towards the bed. upon reaching it he collapsed on the bed and said, "Well, I made it my lady."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Upon lying on the bed, Mathias was almost instantly asleep and Sorsha quietly watched.
She waited to make sure he was in a deep sleep and then she carefully nestled next to him. Curling up as she had every night since the last time she'd seen Conrac and Mathias has ordered her away. She had tried in vain to remember what warmth, comfort and reassurance felt like but she could never find it.
Leaning her head onto his chest, she closed her eyes. For the first time in a long time, she was able to finally sleep.
It was the same nightmare. Kaylan had been revisiting Sorsha’s dreams since the first time she saw her. Each time she returned with words of hate, accusations and pain. Sorsha had kept them for herself, for in what world could she tell someone what was occurring without alerting them of her insanity.
“They’re lessons,” she told her with a smile as she pointed to the chains hanging from the ceiling. “You’ll thank me later,” she grinned. Kaylan had always been beautiful but Sorsha groaned in reply thinking how ugly she could become and how she slowly grew to hate her. How could a dream feel so incredibly real?
There was no walking or standing, suddenly Sorsha’s hands were tied by the very chains Kaylan had shown her, hanging from the ceiling, the tips of her toes barely touching the ground. “You know because of you, I learned the meaning of love…sweetness…hope…”
She took Sorsha’s chin and tapped her check gently, but then squeezed hard. “Do you know what that did to me?” she hissed and backhanded her making Sorsha cry out. “It made me weak and they hurt me!” Kaylan yelled at her and Sorsha closed her eyes. Every time the nightmare happened, Sorsha had tried to defend herself, to explain why she had cared for her younger cousin the way she had, but it was futile. Now all she did was endure the pain in silence. The pain only increased and so did her madness.
Kaylan walked back to the table that was suddenly in the room and picked up a large weapon. This was the cause of Sorsha’s imminent fear and she cringed, shaking her head. “No…” There was no warning, the blows came fast and hard with blinding pain, the thing was evil. How could she not wake from this, she thought with panic.
There was a short pause and Kaylan neared her, “now smile for me, and say thank you for the lessons Mistress Kaylan,” she whispered lovingly. Sorsha refused and narrowed her eyes. “Wrong answer,” she laughed and drove it into her stomach with excruciating pain and Sorsha screamed.
She couldn’t leave, she couldn’t escape.
In the bed on the ship, her body convulsed, and she thrashed, her breathing was shallow and fast. She panted as her body endured the invisible pain only her psyche could pick up but she was still impossibly sleeping through it all.

Latest revision as of 14:08, 17 December 2012

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