McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Shattered: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' Sorsha swallowed as she approached the Ducal Palace. So many times she had been here now, and every time she was here a part of her changed and she lef...)
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'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
{{Delete|No longer playing.}}
Sorsha swallowed as she approached the Ducal Palace. So many times she had been here now, and every time she was here a part of her changed and she left a different person. Would this time be any different? Only time would tell.
“Please inform the Duke, Sorsha McDowell requests to speak with him,” she told the guard, and waited. She looked down to her hands, noticing the slight tremble to them and balled them into fists. She hoped she was doing the right thing.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Mathias was in his office when his servant Ferraj knocked on his door. "My Lord the lady Sorsha wishes to see you. Should I let her in?" To which he readily replied, "Yes, please show her here to my office."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha was led to the Duke’s office and walked in, her gaze sweeping the room and finally fell on Mathias. Immediately upon seeing his shortened hair, and now clean cut beard she swallowed, feeling guilt. “Milord,” she spoke softly and gave a slight bow of her head. “You look handsome,” she compliment and her eyes tightened. Her flaw was that she was an extremely straightforward person and if she thought it, she said it. In this instance, she realized her candor would not be seen for what it really was.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
"Indeed my lady I am doing great all the more seeing as you are here with me. Might I ask though what has brought you here to see me today?" Sorsha then with a grim face began to speak only to be cut off by a knocking at the office door.
"My Lord! It is Duad I have urgent news for you I must speak to you at once." the voice from the other side of the door said. To which Mathias replied, "Can it not wait? I am with Lady Sorsha right now. Is this indeed that urgent?" Quickly Duad replied, "All the more my lord, I must speak with you now."
After having been allowed entry into Mathias' office Duad quickly ran to his lord’s side and whispered something into his ears. A look of shock and awe passed over his face. He then looked back to Duad and with a whimpering voice said, "Please tell me this is some sort of cruel joke. This can not be true...can it?"
"Yes my lord, it is all true," said Duad to Mathias.
Mathias then motioned for his servant to leave, and turned to face Lady Sorsha, "Sorsha, I have a feeling you already know what Duad just told me. So I will allow you a chance to explain why."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha watched Duad stand tall and proud beside his lord and gave him a disgusted look. Mathias motioned for him to leave and she narrowed her eyes as he passed her by. Alone now… she cleared her throat and looked to up to the ceiling, looking for strength. She took a deep breath and tried to compose herself. Finally she looked down, directly into his blue eyes.
“Milord, I truly have no idea what your servant has told you therefore I cannot agree with what could have been rudely whispered in my presence. I did in fact come here tonight for a purpose. One I had wished to tell you of myself before you heard it from the gloating of inconsiderate souls. Unfortunately I have become witness to the vicious hobby of gossiping servants seem to find pride in and I think its abhorring.”
She flexed her jaw as she worked it angrily. How could Duad serve his lord this way and rush to him with news, she now knew from the expression on Mathias’ face was incredibly painful.  She approached slowly until she was directly on the other side of his desk. “Mathias… I want you to know my feelings for you have always been true. Before you are blinded by feelings of anger and hate, I wish for you to know I do love you…”
She turned away and began to pace the carpet before her. “My heart and mind have been clouded for days now…” She shook her head, “no… months,” she whispered. You have been a friend to me as I requested and along the way, you have shared the same emotions for me as I have for you. But I cannot be who you want me to be, and the same goes for you. Don’t deny it, in your heart you know this to be true.”
She looked to the side, as he watched her. “I am in love with two men… You were right from the first. I have loved Conrac since the moment I laid eyes on him and then you walked into my life and somewhere along the way I have fallen for you as well. I know what you will say, how is that possible?”
She averted her gaze and rubbed her cold hands, “I have no idea how… all I feel inside is this suffocating sensation that I am a horrible person. I may not be right with the things I have done, or that which I do. Maybe in the end I am not meant to find passion, love or happiness. All I know is that I am at a crossroads. I cannot be selfish and have you both, it simply does not work that way, it kills me to do so but I have to choose.”
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
"This is not worth my time or effort! What is with you? First he abandons you telling you that he will never reciprocate your feelings and you come running to me for support I gave it to you. I cared for you, gave you adventure when you needed it, space when you wanted it. I would have given anything for you! Then he comes back seemingly out of nowhere and you go crawling right back to him?!" Mathias then in a fit of rage stood up and flipped his desk over then grabbing his chair threw it out the near by window.
"Too much...this is too much. Never speak to me in such a fashion again as we have done in the past. I no longer have any feelings for you like I did in the past..." Heavily breathing Mathias then begins to pace the room staring at Sorsha with a near murderous intent look upon his face.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha shrunk back at his screaming and then stepped back as the desk flew at her, trying to avoid being hit. Then his chair came fast and she visibly bristled at his anger and the shattering of the glass of the window. She had tried to do this calmly but he was leaving her no choice. “This!” she screamed with fury, “this demented raging you seem to possess continuously drives me away. Well then I shall look no further <i> MY LORD! </i> she sneered and screamed his title at him. “I came here to make peace with you, but obviously you cannot even fathom the though.”
He approached her, and she took a step back. She was visibly angry and her fists tightened, ready to defend herself if he raised a hand on her. She really couldn’t care less for the fact that he was her Duke and would do what she had to do. Only deep down she was extremely terrified of the murderous look he gave her and had no idea what to expect next.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Mathias began to laugh hysterically, "HA! It is too bad this will never work we are so much alike," he said pointing to Sorsha' fist making sure she saw what he was looking at.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
At his laughter, Sorsha bristled and gave a short mirthless laugh, but almost immediately after her fist flew and she struck him across the face. As his head snapped back, he staggered and stopped laughing.
She brought her hand up to her mouth with shock at what she had done out of anger. She had recoiled so tightly, she just sprung. That was the last thing she would have normally done, but he drove her to the edge, he just had a way of pushing her buttons. Maybe he was right, they were too much alike.
“That’s for scaring the bloody hell out of me!” she snapped heatedly her face furious with anger. 
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Slowly regaining his composure and bringing his hand to check is lip. Only to see blood on his hand...he had to admit she gave a good blow. "Even my father never hit me," he said under his breath. Then giving a quick back hand to Sorsha with such force that it knocked her back onto the floor. "No one strikes me...No One!" then reaching his hand out to help the lady up he said, "you are now but my knight and I shall treat you as such. Do you understand me?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha's head rang for a moment and the room tilted. She wasn’t delicate by any means, but she wasn’t large either. With shock, she raised her hand to stop the stinging on her cheek and hissed. The stinging crept to the corner of her mouth and to her bottom lip. Licking it, she closed her eyes with pain, her mouth filled with the acrid taste of blood.
He hit her… but she had hit him first. But still… How quickly she had fallen from his grace. From promised words that he would do anything for her…to what? To becoming nothing to him.
He extended his hand to help her up but she ignored him, pushing herself off the ground with wobbly legs. For once she was glad for her dress, because she would never forgive herself if he were to see how near she was to collapsing from the trembling inside.
With the slap and the cold words that followed she felt as if she had been stabbed in the heart. “Yes Duke Mathias,” she said weakly, unable to stop the tears from her eyes and turned around, running, filled with shame and heartache. She had gone there to speak with him, to at least keep him in her life, but he had made it clear she was either everything or nothing to him.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
As Sorsha ran out the room, Mathias' servant Duad came walking in. "My Lord, is there anything I can do for you?" To which he replied "Yes, I am not to be disturbed by anyone, by any means. I shall be here in my office for a while." then fixing his desk back into position he asked, "Oh and please bring me a new chair."
After Duad left Mathias walked over to the broken window to see the damage done. Only to see the Lady Sorsha running away from the palace, probably into Conrac's arms for all he knew.
Duad then re-entered the room with a new chair for his lord, "Here you go a new chair my lord." then setting it down next to his desk, Duad quietly left the room.
Mathias then took a seat put his face in his hands and wept.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha left the Ducal Palace, running blindly. It was a while later she managed to make it to her estate. When she did, she tried to compose herself before Lorlan saw the state she was in. When she entered he was nowhere in sight. Glad for her odd luck, she quietly made her way to her bedchamber.
She walked to the corner of her room, where stood a long mirror and a basin filled with water. Looking into the mirror she could now see the damage done. Her lower lip was split all the way to the corner of her mouth, it was swollen. Her cheek was an angry red and would possibly bruise. She licked her lip and then took a small piece of cloth with a trembling hand, wet it, and tried to wash away the damage. As she held her hand up, she lowered it as if all strength left her and closed her eyes. Battles, fighting she could handle those types of scars, but this… cut into her so deeply. It wasn't the slap that broke her.. it was what caused it.
She didn’t know what she had expected to take place, but this sure wasn’t the way she had envisioned it. How thin the line between love and hate was drawn.
Mathias was now truly gone from her life. She had felt this suffocating sensation before, but this was different, worse, and final.
She wished Conrac were there to comfort her, but then maybe he too would think she was a monster after what had taken place, especially for another man. She was a truly delusional creature.
Dropping the cloth in the basin, she walked to her bed and dragged herself into it. Then she allowed herself to cry uncontrollably where no one would see her.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Light filtered through the crack of the heavy blue curtains of her room, creeping across the carpeted floor to reach her face. She groggily opened her eyes and winced, immediately turning away. The motion made her realize she was still fully dressed but she ignored it. She could hear the faint sounds of her household to indicate the day had begun but she didn’t care.
There was a light knocking at her door and she took one of her large pillows and covered her head with it. She took a small shaky breath and buried her head into her pillows with a breathless whimper. She didn’t even have the energy to crawl out of her bed, or the will to even want to. Whoever it was would just have to keep knocking.
It was a few minutes and the knocking finally stopped. Sorsha counted the seconds until they left, but they didn’t. The door opened and she sighed. Next she heard the curtains being drawn back and soon a light touch on her shoulder. “My lady,” a timid voice said.
Recognizing who it was, she waved her off without removing the pillows. “Please not now Elizabeth.”
“My lady,” she insisted, “Lorlan sent me to see if you were alright, he is terribly worried about you” her voice was pleading. “And so am I,” she admitted and sat beside her. “We have not seen you since before yesterday. You need to eat something. There are letters for you.”
“I don’t care,” she mumbled and Elizabeth reached for the pillow. “At least come out of bed,” she coaxed and removed the pillow completely. When she saw Sorsha’s face, her hand froze and she blinked. “Oh dear spirits,” she said softly and lowered her hand.
Sorsha’s hand covered her face and she turned away. At the reminder of what had happened, her eyes filled with tears again. “Just go away,” she begged Elizabeth and cried.
“What happened?” she asked numbly and her hand reached up to touch Sorsha’s back in a soothing manner. “It’s nothing, just please… go away,” she whispered.
The warm hand continued a circling motion on her back and she closed her eyes,.
“I think you need someone to talk to,” Elizabeth offered and Sorsha just shook her head. “I have nothing else to say… no matter what I say I just hurt the people around me. Just go away before I hurt you too, I am nothing but poison.”
Elizabeth continued with, “don’t say that… just,” before she could say anything else Sorsha screamed at her, “GO AWAY!”
The young woman took her hand and backed up. She didn’t say anything else and escaped the room.
Sorsha rose out of bed and briskly shut the curtains blocking the beautiful sunshine and the view of the outside. Returning to her bed, she lifted the blankets over her head to try and block out the world around her. She just wanted to be in a small cocoon of her despair.

Latest revision as of 14:08, 17 December 2012

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