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Revision as of 15:47, 28 November 2010


Roleplay from Eagles Reach Rebirth Ran'ryni   (5 days, 17 hours ago)
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Eagles Reach, Priest of Sanctus Acies. He had been slightly down hearted of late, the Preaching in Isadril had not been going well, just as a break through seemed possible it was denied. The follower of the faith moved to other regions for a fresh start.

When he fell on times like these he turned to meditation. He sought out the Yellow the colour of flight, releasing his soul he flew over the lands of Caligus heading North into Perdan, looking to see how Brother Demarden was doing, but some thing was wrong he diverted his flight to Domus, something was wrong, he could not shake this felling.

The Colours came easy to him even as a small boy, into Domus he flew, searching, seeking something ... the, there it was, weel not an it but a person, King Dobromir to be exact.

He looked at the soul, the Kings soul burned not with the red of anger or rage but with the colour of scarlet. Eagles probe the Kings body finding the infected parts but it was to late he could do nothing. It was in the hands of whatever gods were there.

The Priest did not travel on to Perdan but back to his body...

The King had fell to the Plague...

A letter was needed the King needed to be kept in his chambers, bathed in ice cold water three times a day and the prayers of a realm, a nation was needed.

"Simon" he called, the young accolyte entered the room.

"Yes master" he replied.

"I want you to take this, Personally to Duke Cuthbert, you put this scroll into his hands and his hands only, now go quickly use the fast horses of the faith.

Without another word, Simon took the scroll and departed. A few moments later the sound of horses hooves clattered in the courtyard, Simon was on his way, there was nothing left ofr the Priest to do but Pray...

Eagles Reach Rebirth Ran'ryni
Count of Nascot



Roleplay from Cuthbert Von Ulthuan   (5 days, 15 hours ago)
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The Duke's loins ached from riding his horse up and down the training grounds, his skills had diminished in his old age, but he was still a formidable rider. Perdan city had been most welcoming, the taps in the bar flowed with a seemingly endless supply of some of the best ale and beer in the world. The knights of Caligus, while not as reserved as most were not creating a scene and a few of the older Caligans were sitting at a table with Cuthbert, watching the next generation of the realm trying with little success to seduce the local femme fatales.

The duke, deep in conversation with Eleran, felt an elbow in his ribs on his right and turned to see Zel, eyes fixed on the pub's door. A man in a brown robe and wearing a distinctive clasp, the same clasp that the duke himself though, less ornate.

'Isn't that Eagles' dogsbody Simon?' Zel said turning to the duke.

'I believe it is', said Cuthbert waving the young man over. 'Ah Simon, please join us, ale?'

'Perhaps later my lord, I was told to deliver this.'

The duke unfurled the scroll and the colour rushed from his face as he read. 'I think I'll call it a night he said to the table at large, the King is ill, tell the knights to meet at my tent in the morning, do not tell them why. Simon you have done well to make such good time.' He summoned the bar wench and ordered the young accolyte a beer.

Upon returning to his tent he wrote a hasty letter, sealed it in wax, stamping it with the seal of Hamadan, which he wore on his right middle finger, and sent his squire Bruno into the night to deliver the message back to Eagles Reach, he decided he would not be leaving the tournament so as not to draw attention to recent events.

(ooc the last 2 paragraphs are hastily written, I'm late for a party, damn you Alan for involving me in an RP this late :p)

Cuthbert Von Ulthuan
Duke of Hamadan


Roleplay from Dobromir Menethil   (2 days, 15 hours ago)
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Dobromir stirs from his state of unconciousness. Looking up he sees the healers tending to him. Immediately he stands up reading report after report then tries to get out of bed.

The healers immediately point out that he needs to take it easy for a while and that the disease may come up yet again

Dobromir Menethil
King of Caligus




Roleplay from Eagles Reach Rebirth Ran'ryni   (1 day, 14 hours ago)
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It was a bitterly cold night in Leibo, the pond in the Temple garden had frozen over, but Eagles Reach did not feel it. Sitting down he looked long and hard at the pond, the fish still did swim although slower than usual. How is it they can survive with ice covering the surface? he thought.

With the thought of the fish still in his mind he thought of the King, curious, he said to himself, have I just compared the King to a fish!

He sought the Yellow of flight, it came easily now, he push to Domus there all dress the same were the other Priests dressed in the white battle armour of the spirit and two short blades.

"It seems we all had the same idea to check on the King this night" he pulsed, the other smiled. The King himself was sitting at a desk looking over papers, the scarlet still burned him, but the faintest of green was appearing in his spirit a good sign, a sign of healing. It still did not mean he was in the clear but if all went well, the battle King would once again enter the fray to which he was born.

"Brothers, I move to the Mines, we will commune later" without anything more he was gone, the others still held watch over the King.

Eagles Reach Rebirth Ran'ryni
Count of Nascot


Roleplay from Dobromir Menethil   (1 day ago)
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Dobromir scrambles out from his tent. The healers try insisting he stays there a while longer.

"M'Lord, you have been very ill take rest for a few more days to be sure the plague wont come back again"

"No, step down Caligus is in need of a ruler not an old man who lays in bed all day. Once that happens I deem myself no longer fit to be king"

He then pushes two healers knocking them both over and immediately orders his men onwards to Mulhouse

Dobromir Menethil
King of Caligus