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''''''Return to Ibladesh!'''
'''Letter from Lucas de Leon  (2 days, 1 hour ago)'''
'''Letter from Lucas de Leon  (2 days, 1 hour ago)'''
Message sent to: Evalyn Treaty, Sun Tzu Slaymaster
Message sent to: Evalyn Treaty, Sun Tzu Slaymaster
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One final warning. If our army captures you and you end up in our dungeons, I will show no mercy. So you better run.
One final warning. If our army captures you and you end up in our dungeons, I will show no mercy. So you better run.
Gaming Issues:
- The General is the one that devise the strategy but it is should primarily rest with the Marshals to devise tactics and issue orders, as nobles in the army are only ever accountable to their Marshal.  On the link above concerning Command Hierarchy, it specifically stated how an army should operate and also that when a General bypass the Marshal, he is pretty much gaming the system.  Unfortunately, after an argument on IRC, one of the guys there just deleted this bit below and said it is was out of date.
''If your general tries to "game the system" by issuing requests marked as orders to everyone in the realm, remember that they are, in fact, requests, no matter what he calls them. Only your feudal liege and your marshal have the right to issue orders to you.''
One person issuing orders is much more efficient than having to go through another layer.  Game mechanics wise, it is a better way to run the army and more efficient.  But the point of the command structure is that it is suppose to be fun preserving so that other people get to play the game as well.  In Ibladesh, the Marshal and Vice-Marshal of the GLS didn't get to much apart from copy and pasting since the General bypassed them and this went for a whole month until I pmed the General.
There might be a reason, say if the realm is small, for one person to do everything, but even then the General then should be appointed Marshal as well rather than issuing orders directly.
- Rally point should not be set at refit point for the simple reason to be able to tell who has refitted and who has not.  Once a troop leader has refitted, he should move out so it is possible to see when enough CS troops has gathered at the rally point to launch an attack.  The army should preferably rally right next to the region to attack or as close as safely possible.
- Army Funding is essential to the realm in order to have an effective military because the more troops a noble recruit, the less the CS of the troops.  So essentially, an optimum army would be to distribute gold relatively evenly amongst nobles to get the highest CS army the realm can support.
But to the individual noble, there is relatively difference to whether the noble have a bigger or smaller unit.  The noble will still get the same prestige and honour in battle.  There are some benefits like being less susceptible to assassination but on the whole, the point of army funding is that it benefit the realm from having a higher CS army rather than the noble.
Unless the noble is embezzling the money to be spent on something else then having no army funding is not much of a loss to the noble.

Latest revision as of 17:20, 7 September 2010

Letter from Lucas de Leon (2 days, 1 hour ago) Message sent to: Evalyn Treaty, Sun Tzu Slaymaster

Sir Sun Tzu-

You have left Ibladesh, in contravention of the orders for the Legion. If you fail to rejoin the main task force, I will assume that you no longer desire to be a part of the legion, will discontinue requesting funding on your behalf, and report your dereliction of duty to the realm council.

You are an able commander, but the legion needs troop commanders who will coordinate with the rest of the troop commanders. I cannot in good conscience reserve your place in this army if you continue to fail to follow orders.

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster (2 days, 1 hour ago) (Personal message to Lucas de Leon)

Marshal Lucas,

The order to refit was given half a day before tax date. It took me two and a half days to travel back to Ibladesh to refit. It is now four days since tax date.

I have already be twiddling my thumb doing nothing and I expect if I had not written my message the day before than I would probably still be twiddling my thumbs doing nothing. My men are maxed out in training and cannot train any more.

I got the feeling the orders to stay in Ibladesh was just giving out orders for given out orders sake. We shouldn't be hanging around so long for refitting. It is like one whole week wasted doing nothing when we could have been attacking Perdan.

Since I need the gold for tax date in three days times, I'll have to come back for tax day anyway so I am thinking of either doing an advance scout of if I have time to attack a region.

I have covered enough gold for my men now from taking gold out of the church and with Ar Mosul up and running, I should be self sustaining from next tax date.

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster (2 days, 1 hour ago) (Personal message to Lucas de Leon)

Marshal Lucas,

I have to say I have absolutely no confidence in the general and not particularly happy with the way our military is been run. Maybe that is why I have been speaking up so much due to my lack of confidence in our leadership.

I think I have said it enough times that military expedition should have been based around tax dates but it seems our refitting is still badly cordinated and inefficient and why I am taking matters in my own hands.

I think you recall some time ago when Marquess Clarence was Marshal and when his orders were inadequately given out, I had also suggested to you at the time to take matters in own hands instead of waiting for non existent orders. Let's be frank this latest order were given because of my message or otherwise, there would still have been no orders now.

This refitting has just been way too long. We should have planned it so we hit refit right on the dot of tax date to move out straight away again. In fact, I would say in general all the previous refitting has been too long and we seem to hang around with no orders for a long time.

I wish to see speedier movements within the army. Really we can do so much better than now as my men and I would like to see more action than the tepid and sluggish movements of our army.

Orders from Evalyn Treaty (1 day, 6 hours ago) Message sent to: Lucas de Leon, Sun Tzu Slaymaster

Sun Tzu turn around and return to Ibladesh at this moment. You are disobeying direct orders.

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster (1 day, 4 hours ago) (Personal message to Evalyn Treaty)

Early taxes has been called. We should be moving out soon. Why don't you prepare to march out instead of calling me back to Ibladesh?

Fine issued (1 day ago) Theuderik Cuvelier, Patriarch of Ibladesh, Viscount of Noritor has put a penalty of 150 gold on Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Knight of Ar Mosul) for this reason:

You knew you had this coming. More explanation in the message that follows.

Sir Sun Tzu,

It has come to my attention via our Judge that you are being undisciplined in our army and has caused trouble within the realm. Rather than outright ban you we have come to the conclusion you will pay a fine and work for the Emissaries until you control your tongue.

Beware, if you continue on this path, you will most likely be cast out of Ibladesh.

Report from Theuderik Cuvelier (1 day ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

To Sun Tzu, and to all, as witnesses; Behold the full reading of Sun Tzu's reprimand, as issued by myself;

You can talk and mingle with others whatever you want, but encouraging nobles several times to be disobedient towards the military cannot be accepted. You have denounced the leadership of this realm and insulted our army. Besides that you have insulted your Lord and put shame on your region through your behaviour.

Try this one more time and I'll have you stripped of funding rights. Try it three times and I will write the papers that ban you from our Empire. I hope I am very, very clear on this. I tolerate no disobedience from you any more whatsoever. If you have problems, or you disagree with the way things work, there is a more constructive way than to speak behind everyone's back and endanger the entire military and future of this realm by your foolish acts.

Now you better apologise to your Lord, and thank her for the good word she put in to make my punishment mild. Get back to where you are supposed to be and follow your army. Show some pride.

If you seek religious guidance - and I believe I should strongly advise you to seek it - you can always speak to all of our priests; perhaps the Gods will show you the true path.

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster (23 hours, 58 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

Um.. don't quite get the fine. If you fine me 150 gold, you know I'll lose 800 gold worth of men right? Why don't you just ban me right out instead?

Our military is one of worse run military on the continent. No standing orders, no formations and disorganisation in refitting. And you have the General issuing orders on the public domain as if he was the Marshal. His idea of running the military is moving troops like chess pieces and think that is the whole job of being a general. And the Marshal seems to think his only job is to repeat the orders of the General like a puppet when he should be the one implementing the strategy not the General. I mean does anybody actually know what they are doing?


We have been refitting for five days now. How long did you expect refit to be? Then when early taxes were called, I had both the Marshal and the Vice Marshal calling me back to Ibladesh knowing full well we will be moving out.

I asked the Marshal why he is calling me back when there were no real answer for it. He never replied. Maybe you can tell me the reason why I am suppose to stay in Ibladesh?

See there wasn't any reason at all apart from going on a power trip 'cos he didn't like me constantly criticising how the military is working. Maybe if he call for rally for another two weeks, I should stay in Ibladesh as well? Or give me some other order and expect me to follow them. Don't think so.

I don't think the leadership in this realm understand the workings of the army at all. The army is comprise of independent nobles who provide army for the good of the realm and not as if we were to be ordered about like common soldiers. If you think my whole existence is to ordered around like a puppet why would I want to stay in this realm? In fact, it has pretty annoyed me that nobles in this realms are pretty much treated like commoners and ordered around like peasants.


Oh and yeah. Just want to say as well. When you pick a rally point, you pick a point that is right next to the region you want to attack rather than in Ibladesh. What is the point of rally in Ibladesh when it is no where near to attack a region? Clueless.

Noble Disagrees (23 hours, 49 minutes ago)

Sun Tzu has expressed his disagreement with the Judge's recent actions. He is giving this reason: Fining me 150 gold for moving ahead of the army? You joking right? Stop going on power trips and stop treating nobles like as if we are your lackeys.

Letter from Richard Telrunya (22 hours, 14 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

You should realize you are but a simple Knight from an unknown family. You have yet to prove yourself yet you act like you are above many prominent members in our Realm. You need to show you know your place, Knight, yet you miserably fail at that no matter how many chances you are given. Your words merely show that you do not see what is going on. You complain about the strongest military on the East Continent, the one that has destroyed Itorunt and has made successes against Perdan many wish they could claim as their own.

Your grievances begin to annoy me, Knight. We have no need for Nobles that wish to complain for the sake of complaining. You disgrace your Lord. Learn your place and learn some respect for those higher in the hierarchy. Perhaps then Nobles will listen to you, when you also show some knowledge of what is actually going. Otherwise leave this Realm. I suggest Fontan myself.

Letter from Christoff Stormbringer (21 hours, 45 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

Now, I feel insulted.

Sir Sun Tzu, I've been in this realm for years now, being an active part of the military chain of command you now try to discredit. If we have a chain of command is precisely to don't have every single noble ordering people around, or doing whatever they think is the best for his/the realm interest. Any attack against the hierarchy is then, an attack to my own person. I hope you'll learn your place and apologize for your words.

Anyway your words fell apart by themselves. If we were the worst military in the continent we wouldn't have defeated Itorunt, neither inflict any damage to Perdan. You are a promissing noble, but your anxiousness and your big mouth tends to lose yourself.

And about the fine, I think is clearly specified in the judge bulletin the magnitud of ignoring directs orders. If you dislike your commanders you can always ask your liege to send you to another army if that is your wish, I'm sure that if you make a polite demand He will gladly listen to you. But ordering people around, showing but disrespect for everyone above you in the hierarchy... that's only the quickest way to autodestruction.

I can tell you, and all the other nobles here, we don't want to have mindless people leading our armies. To do so we'll only have a couple of golems or undeads and they would undoubtly do it perfectly. No, we want our troop leaders to think, to express their opinions, but one thing is to express an opinion an another completly opposite is to systematicly question every single order from the military council, publicly, and asking the others to don't obey. Talking about your marshals as puppets repeating only what Paladin Primus says is not only speaking lies but also show a complete unknowledge of the military structure of our realm.

I hope you all will understand why I am irritated and that you'll see why we do the things the way we do and no other. Anyway if you ask politely I'm sure I, or another one, will gladly answer all your questions.

Letter from Evalyn Treaty (17 hours, 25 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

One more thing to add before we move on from this event is that Sun Tzu their is a lot that goes on behind closed doors that many people like yourself are not privy to. Saying that means how do you even know what the (Vice)Marshall's do or don't do. We do follow the orders from our General but that doesn't mean we follow them blindly with out discussion.

That is all I have to say.

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster (11 hours, 56 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

Say what you like. I am not stupid.


1. Why was I ordered to go back to Ibladesh when early taxes have been called? 2. Why has the general been giving orders in the public domain?

Fact of the matter is the people don't know what they are doing and you can come out with flowery words to back each other up all you like but I don't buy it.

You can talk about the past as much as you want. I see with my own eyes and I know the militaries from other realms. Ibladesh military is one of the worse run in the realm.

Why are there no formation issued and standing orders not issued? I don't need to prove myself to know that is bad nor does my age make a differece. Maybe for people that have only had been in Ibladesh to not know the difference. I can talk because I have seen the different militaries around the continent.

Read my questions again if you think I am complaining for the sake of complaining. Why has the general been issuing 'orders' in the public domain? Why are no formation issued or standing orders issued? Why do you rally in Ibladesh instead of a place to launch an attack?

I don't want to constantly complain. Hell, I wish the people can do their own roles but when I see mistakes after mistakes I can't but speak up. Maybe if people are put in position that they actually know what the role is about then I wouldn't have to do any complaining.

People in this realm in general are place in position because of how compliance they are rather than ability. How good they are at sucking up and brown nosing their way to a position.

And I am not sure about other armies. But in the GLS for the past weeks, the only orders issued by the Marshal and Vice Marshal are a copy General's 'orders'. FACT.

You can keep hiding behind your history. I was not here to know what happen. What I do know is right now our military is run badly. Instead of hiding behind your history, how about coming up with some explaination to my above points?

My biggest problem is just the way nobles are treated as if we are conscribed soldiers. We are not here.. or at least I am not here to be a mindless zombie to follow orders issued like I am a slave. If I wanted that, I'll spend more time with my mum and my wife. If I wanted to be talked down to like a peasant than I disown my nobility and become an adventurer.

My distain for the leadership comes from they way members of the leadership have been treating nobles as if we are nobodies. If you can give it, you can certainly take it.

Letter from Theuderik Cuvelier (11 hours, 44 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

I have good news for you, Sun Tzu. You are, through disciplinary punishment of the military, being transferred to the Emissaries where you will enjoy the freedom marshal Aeolus has to maintain the regions in our realm.

I'm sure you're gonna love the independent spirit that comes with it!

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster (11 hours, 38 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

For what? When I'll have no army to command? Fight with my barefist? Or do you expect me raise as big as army as I can afford so you can take it away again?

The only positive is that my troops were all funded from army coffers at least.

Letter from Sinted Dacara (11 hours, 35 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

For crying out loud, you are 18 years old. Your family has sent you here to begin your military career. According to my information, that is. So it must be impossible that you've seen other armies running around the world, as you were not a member of any other army at any point. If you were, then you are hiding information from the government, which I highly doubt is legal.

Also, many positions are elected ones. Our nobles are free to vote for whomever they like. The outcome lays in your hands, not the government or anything.

Oh yes, by the way, I doubt you will find yourself a realm where you can wander off to enemy lands on your own (or inspire others to do the same for that sake), and loot a bit here, destroy a bit there when the military chain actually has a PLAN that needs to be worked out. If your Marshal orders you to stay at some place for 2 weeks for instance, he or she will have a pretty damn good reason for that. If you can not train your men any further, then do some civil work or police work while you're at it. That is called 'helping' the realm. What you are about to do, and already done, is hurting the realm. And that is exactly why you are being punished.

Your career started well, Sir Sun Tzu, but your constant critisicm on everything and everyone is turning against you. I am 3 times your age and have been here for almost whole my life. I know when the military runs good or when it runs bad. Many others are in the same position. So unless you are willing to follow the rules any realm will ask you to, I think it is indeed best to give up noblehood and descend to the life of a commoner.

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster (9 hours, 48 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

I said when I first arrived I studied at the Sirion Military academy and I have seen the military operations of other armies and have travelled far and wide. Eighteen years is not young. I left home on my travels when I was twelve and was married by the time I was fifteen. About the same age as my father and brothers and the people of my homeland.

Actually, looting enemy land is perfectly legal in Sirion, it is just a waste of time to need to ask permission to loot enemy region. People tend to know if regions were considered to be TOed that they do not loot and Marshals will issue orders not to do so either.

I wouldn't have to go off on my own if I weren't ordered to rally in Ibladesh for god knows how many days when I had nothing else to do. My crime of 150g was that I cleared Woolton so the army can travel though it without stopping and did advance scouting. I could have gone back to Ibladesh and come back out again totally wasting my time just so my Marshal or whoever else can get a power trip.

The plan of calling an early tax and then calling me back to Ibladesh was stupid. An order for order sake. I would have been following orders if I had Marshal or the General that actually knows what they are doing. Maybe you can tell me to the reasons of why I should have travelled back to Ibladesh and travel back out again?

Yes, I am sure a good military is running well when formations don't get issued and standing orders don't get issued and attacks on regions greater than eight hours does not get orders for full day moves, rallying point at refit point, ... and on and on because your age is old. Or is it because of your history?

Letter from Theuderik Cuvelier (11 hours, 31 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

Sun Tzu, you already lost your funding rights - congratulations, you are the first - and thus you'll have to fund your own unit from now on. So, instead of being nice and following your marshal's orders, you had to speak up and step out of line. I hope you have good memories about the large units you could recruit, because if you're going to have to fund it with your own tax money I guess 20 men will be your maximum.

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster (9 hours, 35 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

You don't seem to realise that a smaller army for me matters for the realm rather than for me. Whatever size army I get I would still get honour and prestige in battles. I raised a large army so to defeat Perdan easier. But really I could have just raised a token army and send the rest of my gold to my family.

That is what I don't get about fining in the first place. Especially when I raised a large enough army with upkeep just equal to my income. If you fine me, I don't lose anything by having a smaller army. The realm does. All that gold waste on supplying my troops.

Letter from Sinted Dacara (9 hours, 30 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

Every realm has its own way of doing things. I am more than sure Sirion handles things differently than we do. I will inform myself whether it is legal in Sirion for nobles to go on their own against orders and loot enemy lands. But the point remains that you are in Ibladesh now, not Sirion. So your whole arguement based on things they do in Sirion ain't really valid in this realm. Different realm, different rules.

I think you better stop insulting your Marshal (ex Marshal right now) and our Paladin Primus, or your punishment will be much worse. You should concentrate on rebuilding our own regions right now, as that is the duty of your new army. And you can move wherever you want and maintain regions, as long as you stay within boundaries.

I brought up my age because that showed that I have lived to see things, managed things, experienced more things than you have. My history does not make me immortal or free from any errors. But it does made me Pontifex again.

I suggest that if you have any military advice, opinions or suggestions, you state them in a decent and constructive way rather than insulting the whole military chain.

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster (7 hours, 53 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

Go against orders? Why I was ordered to go back to Ibladesh? Any reason at all? You get the idea that if an Marshal orders me to jump, I would be replying how high. It doesn't work like that. If a Marshal orders me to rally in Ibladesh for the next two weeks or if he orders me to travel to Perdan to attack by myself, I still won't be listening to his orders.

Not that I didn't try either. I had messaged him about it and he didn't reply to me. What can I do? I asked him why and he said nothing 'cos he had no answer for his stupid order.

I have fun making decisions myself rather than ordered about by people who don't know what they are doing. I am not being insulting. It is a fact. If you can tell me a good reason why I was ordered to go back to Ibladesh, I would like to know.

Why not address any, just one of the points will do, I have made? They are done wrong whether it would be in Sirion or in Ibladesh and yet you are defending them with some general comment about we have our way and they have their way. Why in Sartan's name would you want to rally at the refit point rather than near a region you want to attack? Why are formations not issued since Aix II and standing orders not updated? Either in Sirion or Ibladesh, when formations and standing orders don't get updated, it is the wrong way. It is not as if the Marshal has sooo much to do.

Anyway, don't think you are writing due to sense but just to defend the military at all cost. Have no leg to stand on really when you get down to it.

And, yes I have tried to raise a number of military issues in private letters to the Marshal and to the General. They didn't like me pointing out the facts and was hatin' me 'cos I knew more than them. And guess why I got the stupid order to try to put me in my place. Well, I ain't having it.

Letter from Theuderik Cuvelier (8 hours, 56 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

Sun Tzu,

Actually, the 150 gold I fined you will come into my pocket and will thus be used again for the army; I regularly fund my knights so they can recruit. Thus, it's not a waste of money.

I look at it as a positive investment; we take money out of the hands of a dissident and put them into the hands of those who actually value this realm.

This being said, if you mock this realm, the army or any leader once more you're out for good. I am a patient man but you are just trouble for everyone.

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster (7 hours, 48 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

The waste of money is the 800 gold worth of troops I am going to lose. It doesn't matter whether it is 50 gold or 150 gold. I am maxed out in upkeep cost.

Well, you guys have loads of gold anyway. I guess it doesn't matter to lose 1000 CS worth of troops. Lost enough already in most battles.

Letter from Lucas de Leon (8 hours, 45 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

Sir Sun Tzu-

I am not angry at you for disparaging my name. I am not frustrated with you for failing to follow orders - the same orders that helped the Legion drive Brieve rogue while cutting off Perdan's retreat from Ejarr Puutl.

I am saddened for you. Sirion to the North has been locked in combat with three realms for many years. They, though they try valiantly, cannot make positive gains against Fontan, the Sultanate of Asena, or their allies. Ibladesh, on the other hand, recently destroyed Itorunt, is prepared to destroy Perdan, and is no worse for the wear.

Maybe you will continue your lengthy diatribes, maybe you will learn from the experience and wisdom of your elders. It does not matter to me, as you have been transferred from my army. My only request is that you allow your slander conformity. You cannot say that the orders you have received have been precisely the same as the Paladin Primus' direction and also say that you have been told to rally in Ibladesh for two weeks. The Paladin Primus has directed the Legion to participate in the sacking of Perdan and to cut off Perdan's raiding party. You indicate that the orders I have issued are exactly the same as our General's. However, you also complain that you have been ordered to rally in Ibladesh for two weeks. These accusations are inconsistent with each other.

Regardless of which erroneous belief you ascribe to, I must ask you remain consistent in your slander. This is why I am sad - your anger has clouded your judgment.

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster (7 hours, 39 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

Marshal Lucas,

Which other orders have I failed to follow? I have only failed to follow one order to go back to Ibladesh with no consequent to the realm and I have been fined 150g. Is this justice? Totally outrageous.

I don't quite understand the point of Sirion. They were in war with five realms at one point too. Yes, if you are outnumbered it would be pretty hard to make gains.

No, I never said you issued orders to rally in Ibladesh for two weeks. I used it as an example. Read back at my letters. And yes, I do say the orders in GLS was copied exactly as the Generals and in fact at one point, there were no orders given I guess because you were so used to the General giving out orders that you didn't bother just copying them out in GLS.

Letter from Richard Telrunya (7 hours, 37 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

May the Patriarch keep up his word and banish you. I have heard enough from you and you still haven't learned. Efforts on you are wasted. I suggest you start looking for a new home. Very soon,

Letter from Evalyn Treaty (7 hours, 12 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

The very base of your argument is flawed and you still don't know what your talking about. The rally point was set for our capital because the people that actually went out into the field to battle Perdan had a long trip home and needed sometime in the capital to refit. There is no sense is setting a rally point else where because it would take even longer for the army to get together and it would create a lot of disorganization and confusion. Also you say that your helping the realm with your actions but your hurting it by your selfishness and the belief you know better than everyone.

All I can say is learn quickly your you wont find a home anywhere.

Letter from Harek Murchad (7 hours, 10 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

Sir Sun Tzu, I once again find myself in agreement with Duke Richard. You claim to possess wisdom beyond your years, but your actions lately have displayed nothing but the attitude of an impetuous child. If you revere the elves of Sirion so much, perhaps our Patriarch can give you a push in the right direction...

Letter from Abraxas Arrakis (7 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

I shall try to answer some of these military questions Sir Sun Tzu asks although it is not my place to do so since I have no knowledge at all of our military plans. Still, I believe that guidance, and in some situations probably explanation, is the best way to approach restless nobles rather than shooting them down and chasing them out of the realm. Granted, there are nicer ways to criticize than Sir Sun Tzu has done, but obviously he is dominated by Sartan and his wrath. It makes his social behavior unacceptable but still hones his battle skills. Both of those are needed.

It is a fact. If you can tell me a good reason why I was ordered to go back to Ibladesh, I would like to know. I believe that the general idea to spend a bit more time in the capital was so that the armies can fully prepare for future campaigns and to collect the early taxes in order to supply our bags of gold for our future endeavors ('tis always good to let the nobility know when the taxes are called, though). For example, not all nobles received their taxes in cash, but rather in bonds, and hence the need to be close to a bank grew tall. Nobles of the Duchy of Ibladesh got their taxes in cash, but nobles from other Duchies did not, and hence the Paladin Primus probably didn't want to separate our armies, and rather move them in unison. Or perhaps the order to halt is a part of a large scale strategy which not all of us are privy to. Just to give an example: rallying right next to the region you want to attack may not be such a great idea 'cause our plans would then be obvious to our enemies. Hiding deep in our own territory keeps our plans concealed to them.

Why are formations not issued since Aix II and standing orders not updated? I must say that I have not noticed this in my army, however, Marshals usually tend to take control of the battlefield and hence override individual battle instructions and that in its basis minimizes the need to constantly issue new battle instructions. (OOC: and the fact that BM battle code is way way too limited so the majority of battles are done with almost same marshal settings....)

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster (6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

Sir Abraxas,

Much appreciate your letter. I have missed out some of the details from what had happened.

The call for refit was a half day before the last tax date. I was one of the troop leaders furthest out from Ibladesh and it took me two and a half days to get back. Then four days after the call for refit when I have been in Ibladesh for two days and completely refitted, there were still no orders.

That was when I suggested to move out for a quick expedition and come back before the next tax date since it was three days till next tax date and looks likely we won't be moving until the new tax date.

Then right after I sent my letter the Marshal still suggest we continue to 'refit' or train my men. My men was trained up to the maximum. I had nothing to do. My large unit cost a lot of gold and for them to be standing around and paying them for doing nothing bugs me a lot. Just wasted hours and wasted a whole week.

If I had not made any comment about going off, there would probably have still been no orders. I waited for one more day of doing nothing then moved off to Woolton to do either advance scouting or to attack a region if I had time.

Then the tax date was called early and I got an order to move back to Ibladesh with the Marshal knowing full well my troops are completely trained up and the army will be heading out soon. I wrote him and asked him why is he calling me back to Ibladesh and no reply. Not even stay where you were in Al Aquabah but go back to Ibladesh.

All this I had wrote to both the Marshal and the Judge and in between the letters, they just stopped responding to me.

Really, it was five days since the call for refitting. How long does refit take? I had also written to him before about how expeditions should be planned around tax dates so we refit straight away from tax date and move out again instead of standing around for 3 days, 6 half days of doing nothing.

As to formations, the Marshal and Vice Marshal for GLS were not even there to make Marshal formations. When we defended against Perdan, Sir Christoff was there but most of us were in different armies and so most of us were completely disorganised for the battle.

I do not like having split armies in the first place but to have four armies and yet can't assigned an army to defend against Perdan so that everybody can be in Marshal formation.. what can I say.

Letter from Hagarious Aljfoi Suaht (6 hours, 28 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

Sun Tzu,

If you know so much about military strategy please tell us why we would send someone with such a large well-funded unit to the front for advanced scouting? I must not have graduated from the same military academy as you. There are plenty of benefits in 'rallying' in the capital. When taxes come in, you can cash whatever bonds you may receive into gold. I would think that would be quite useful to someone like yourself with such a large unit. Also, if our forces were not quite large enough we can transfer gold around to the appropriate reliable nobles to acquire larger units before moving out. Once the refit is finished then we can set the rally point which can be determined by a number of circumstances and plans that you as a knight need not be privy to. Yes, it's wise to have an advanced scout out there, but it certainly would not be you due to the size of your unit.

Now, there are a lot of options you could have pursued if you were in disagreement with your marshal. You could follow his orders. You could talk with him about it, but meanwhile continue following orders. If talking with him failed you could contact your liege and have him reassign you to another army. If your liege does not wish to do so, you could seek another liege who would be willing to transfer you to a different army. These are all acceptable options.

What you chose to do was assume that in your 18 years, which you appear to think is a long time, has provided you with the experience necessary to make your own decisions and move wherever you please if you dislike an order. I've got unfortunate news for you. I was fighting wars when you were still sucking your thumb and I suppose I still am, but I'll tell you right now any military structure worth it's grain of salt won't allow a knight to make his own decisions that could jeopardize the war effort in any way. When a thought pops into your little brain to do something or move somewhere, ask your marshal for permission. If it fits with the war plan he will then grant you permission. If he's incompetent, which is more than likely just something you make up in your diluted mind, then I suggest you consider the long list of acceptable options I explained to you above.

You can take my advice or not, but just be thankful I'm not the Patriarch because in my mind you have already worn out your welcome here.

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster (5 hours, 42 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

Sir Hagarious,

Woolton should have been TOed ages ago because it is pretty much the region we often travel through to get to Perdan. Instead the General wrote something about how it has no strategical value. I mean it borders seven regions and it is a region we travel through. How much more strategic does a location have to be?

So why the need a big unit to go scouting ahead.. Because by the time I travelling to Woolton there were 2000 CS of monsters standing there. That is what happens with rogue regions with nobody to clear them. Some of the monsters moved off and I cleared the rest. Now that Woolton is cleared it means the army can travel through Woolton without needing to stop. At the same time I got to be in a fight where I got both honour and prestige.

But the main thing was though, there were absolutely no sense for me to travel back to Ibladesh. I could have waited in Al Aquabah if the idea was for me to join up with the army. But the order to go back to Ibladesh?? What was that about?

Letter from Elishev Nehcreti (6 hours, 8 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

Sun Tzu

I had hoped not to disgrace myself by participating in this ridiculous debacle of yours, but your insistence on your being right when there is literally noone else who share your pathetic opinion, and the fact that you continuously insult not only your Marshal, but the Paladin Primus, has put me on the edge.

I believe most of your questions have been answered by other nobles, and adequately so. There is a reason why the rally point is set to Ibladesh city, and if you can't see that for yourself, even after the explanations from Dame Evalyn, Sir Abraxas and Sir Hagarious, then I think you should head home and brush up on your linguistic skills. You might have not spent enough time learning basic analytical and linguistic skills since you left home at the age of 12.

And please, stop boasting about how you spent your time in Sirion military academy and whatnots. You are in Ibladesh now, and every realm has different rules. If you like the Sirion military so much, then please, go ahead and join that realm. I am sure most of the nobles in Ibladesh would be ecstatic to witness your departure.

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster (5 hours, 34 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

Countess Elishev,

You are wrong. Only Sir Abraxas and Sir Hagarious had address the points I have raised. The rest were 'I am right and you are wrong' completely avoiding the points I have raised and I don't want to keep repeating them again and again. Read up.

And really you transparently brown nose letter is pretty apparent. Hopefully, you'll get a promotion eh?

Stop wasting my time if you have nothing to say.

Banned from realm! (5 hours, 23 minutes ago) Theuderik Cuvelier, Patriarch of Ibladesh, Viscount of Noritor has denounced you as a traitor and enemy of the realm and is currently preparing your ban from the realm. Your bonds (worth 3 gold) have been renounced.

It will take a full day (3 turns) until the ban will take effect. You are, however, marked a traitor already and many actions are no longer available. (you can look at the wiki page for some advise and support)

In case you care, the reason given by Theuderik was: You should learn some manners. I've warned you, I've given you enough chances to redeem yourself but you just had to keep ignoring my warnings. Now you're out, for good. You think you are wiser than you actually are. If you have anything to say, you can send him a note.

Removed from order (5 hours, 19 minutes ago) Guild Leader Sinted has thrown you out of the order "Church of Ibladesh".

Letter from Theuderik Cuvelier (5 hours, 13 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (77 recipients)

Sun Tzu,

One final warning. If our army captures you and you end up in our dungeons, I will show no mercy. So you better run.


Gaming Issues:

- The General is the one that devise the strategy but it is should primarily rest with the Marshals to devise tactics and issue orders, as nobles in the army are only ever accountable to their Marshal. On the link above concerning Command Hierarchy, it specifically stated how an army should operate and also that when a General bypass the Marshal, he is pretty much gaming the system. Unfortunately, after an argument on IRC, one of the guys there just deleted this bit below and said it is was out of date.

If your general tries to "game the system" by issuing requests marked as orders to everyone in the realm, remember that they are, in fact, requests, no matter what he calls them. Only your feudal liege and your marshal have the right to issue orders to you.

One person issuing orders is much more efficient than having to go through another layer. Game mechanics wise, it is a better way to run the army and more efficient. But the point of the command structure is that it is suppose to be fun preserving so that other people get to play the game as well. In Ibladesh, the Marshal and Vice-Marshal of the GLS didn't get to much apart from copy and pasting since the General bypassed them and this went for a whole month until I pmed the General.

There might be a reason, say if the realm is small, for one person to do everything, but even then the General then should be appointed Marshal as well rather than issuing orders directly.

- Rally point should not be set at refit point for the simple reason to be able to tell who has refitted and who has not. Once a troop leader has refitted, he should move out so it is possible to see when enough CS troops has gathered at the rally point to launch an attack. The army should preferably rally right next to the region to attack or as close as safely possible.

- Army Funding is essential to the realm in order to have an effective military because the more troops a noble recruit, the less the CS of the troops. So essentially, an optimum army would be to distribute gold relatively evenly amongst nobles to get the highest CS army the realm can support.

But to the individual noble, there is relatively difference to whether the noble have a bigger or smaller unit. The noble will still get the same prestige and honour in battle. There are some benefits like being less susceptible to assassination but on the whole, the point of army funding is that it benefit the realm from having a higher CS army rather than the noble.

Unless the noble is embezzling the money to be spent on something else then having no army funding is not much of a loss to the noble.