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The House Da Hadez originates in the realm of Darka on the continent of Atamara.

Luthor Da Hadez


Luthor Da Hadez was the eldest son of Hathis Da Hadez, an influential and wise mercenary turned politician in Darka.

At a young age his father sent him to his estates in rural Eurotan. There he was tutored extensively, first in the management of farmland and local politics then, later, in the arts of combat, the duties of a knight and the leadership of soldiers.

His father visited him regularly and the young man would look forward eagerly to the occasional events which would bring his family together.

At the age of eighteen Luthor was invested in the Darkan army. He started his career hunting bandits and monsters in the parts of Northern Darka around his estates. Gratitude for his accomplishments in this, as well as a reputation for being wise and fair, allowed him to rise in the hierarchy of local nobility until he was eventually appointed Baron of Eurotan (a now defunct title). He married a local noblewoman, Luessa, who bore him a son, Balian. Shortly before the birth, however, Luthor was assigned to front-line duty with the main Darkan army. He returned after a bloody but victorious first campaign to find that his beloved wife had died in childbirth.

Luthor returned to his duty of protecting Northern Darka and raised his infant son as best he could with the aid of his household staff but knew his son needed a mother. After a few years of mourning Luthor took his second wife, another local noblewoman named Lilith. Lilith bore him another son, Severn and a daughter Erisha. The boys would ride with their father or hunting trips and later on patrols of the local area. Both were trained as knights as a matter of course. Though he expected his daughter to follow the path of a rural noblewoman he never had the heart to refuse her occasional requests to accompany the older brothers she idolised when they joined him on these expeditions.

As his sons reached adulthood Luthor was again called away to the front-lines. After many famous battles he returned home a hero but at great cost. A severe wound had put an end to his military career and it never fully healed. Again he returned home to tragedy. Balian and Severn had become estranged over Balian's belief that Luthor's absence at his birth had contributed to his mother's death. As Luthor's health failed further Severn convinced him to move the family household to the capital, Azzal, a move that infuriated Balian and led to the attempt at fratricide that led to his exile from Darka.

Though made comfortable by the more refined surroundings and the ministrations of Azzal's expert healers Luthor's wound slowly drained the life from him. He ended his days regretting only that he could not heal the rift between his sons but getting great pride from the stories of all his children's progress in the world.