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I have to admit, this article I did find humorous. A failed Ruler made marshal of a fighting force that has been beaten more times than the Bargain Bin in Fontan City's Brothel making an entertaining attempt to insult the Ruler of a foreign land, whilst her own Ruler, Chancellor Mikhail spits venom from one side of his mouth, whilst boasting of Fontan's greatness, achievements and world power to a council of rulers who already could care less about what lies Fontan chooses for this week.
I have to admit, this article I did find humorous. A failed Ruler made marshal of a fighting force <i>(Editted for Content at Request of Jeff Madsen. Remember Everyone, referencing Beating women in a Game in WRONG and you should be sure to include as much RL into your Game as possible.)</i>making an entertaining attempt to insult the Ruler of a foreign land, whilst her own Ruler, Chancellor Mikhail spits venom from one side of his mouth, whilst boasting of Fontan's greatness, achievements and world power to a council of rulers who already could care less about what lies Fontan chooses for this week.

Revision as of 02:17, 7 September 2008

Newspaper banner copy.jpg

The Westmoor Times, the voice of truth in all things newsworthy from Westmoor
Icon uceek.png   5th-Sep-2008   Icon uceek.png
Editorial: Fontan's Perspective
Recently an article of our friendly Neighbor to the East's paper came to my attention.

An Article Entitled "Queen Evangeline, Bold Faced Liar, Ignorant, or Crazy!"

By, Alise Athins.

I have to admit, this article I did find humorous. A failed Ruler made marshal of a fighting force (Editted for Content at Request of Jeff Madsen. Remember Everyone, referencing Beating women in a Game in WRONG and you should be sure to include as much RL into your Game as possible.)making an entertaining attempt to insult the Ruler of a foreign land, whilst her own Ruler, Chancellor Mikhail spits venom from one side of his mouth, whilst boasting of Fontan's greatness, achievements and world power to a council of rulers who already could care less about what lies Fontan chooses for this week.

But let us continue.

First off, Lady Alise, Marshal of Fontan's Fools, Former 2 time ruler of Fontan (I believe she might have been ruler for a total of 2 1/2 days... wonder why), questions Lady Evangeline in not responding to her.

Perhaps you should check your realms messages. Particularly the one where Mikhail expressed to the Realm that each member personally message Queen Evangeline with their opinions. I'm sorry Lady Alise, but you aren't important to anyone, particularly not to Westmoor. You are not nearly special enough in the correct sense to merit a response, (although given your beliefs and writing, you are certainly special.)

How absurd is this? Westmoor wanted peace with Fontan, but wait, the whole Perdanese war against us was so that Westmoor could be created. We were already at war with Westmoor when it was created. You would have to be delusional to see otherwise.

How stupid is THIS? Does Westmoor fly the Perdan Banner? Did Fontan have that agreement with Perdan to create a new realm in Westmoor? Doesn't Fontan already have enough enemies that it need not be picking fights with new realms offering Peace.

Yes Fontan may have veiwed Westmoor's creation as an act of war. Westmoor though, as a new start, offered peace.

Never forget Dear Lady Alise, YOUR chancellor declared war, Westmoor offered peace to the entire continent, and your realm declared the war. Make whatever justifications help you and your realm of deceitful fools sleep at night, but always recall, Fontan declared the war.

Unless I am dellusional in seeing Fontan declare the war?

This is so hilarious it brought me to tears. We didn't have to war Westmoor? Just like OR didn't have to war the SoA? You have to be joking.

Nope, you didn't. You had the option of accepting Perdan enforcing the agreement that the Great and FAIR democracy of Fontan conveniently forgot. You had the option of ending the entire war on your western front in order to concentrate to the North... Northwest.. South... You know.. the rest of the Continent warring you.

Your collective EGO perhaps forced your hand in declaring the war, but Westmoor herself did no such thing. One would be a fool to think otherwise, correct?

Well it would be one already, maybe you should ask OR and Sirion why it isn't. That is after all what started our war with them in the first place.

Yes, OR decided it signed no agreement to it. Does Fontan believe that voids the agreement between Perdan and Fontan? I wasn't aware that Old Rancagua was in charge of Fontan OR Perdan's diplomacy. Perhaps you should look into this? I fully expect it to be in your next "Editorial". Title of perhaps "Fontan: Liars, Insane, or Honorless Filth."

The realm of Westmoor has done nothing to you,

See above, above and above, above, above.

Above I see Perdan, Old Rancagua, Sirion, and Fontan... do tell what Westmoor has done to you? Other than being created in something you claim as yours? It must have been that damned peace Treaty, That is often a reason for war declarations is it not?

What? What reason do we have to not be warring Westmoor. It's people declared war on us long ago, when Perdan started the war to create it. That's right Perdan's sole reason for starting their war with Fontan was to create Westmoor, the other reasons they gave were just a ruse to make them look good. Don't believe me? Westmoor's paper clearly states it. I'll even give you a copy of the article:

Westmoors people never declared war upon you. Again, see your treaty screen? See "Fontan declares war on Westmoor"

But again, allow me to break it down some, I understand the Fontanese have some trouble reading, Yes King Nightmare wished to see Oligarch reborn. Yes, King Sangue led a campaign against Fontan. But, do put your reasoning into common English? I fail to see anywhere stated: "King Sangue led a successful Campaign against Fontan for the sole purpose of creating a new realm."

It merely states that King Sangue successfully captured a city, and chose to create a new realm there. There was none of this vast conspiring you have delluded yourself into believing that we warred Fontan in order to create a new realm.

Perdan wanted the realm, as agreed with Fontan. Perdan was brought into the war against Fontan. Perdan captured some land. Perdan thought this may be a good place for the agreed realm. Queen Evangeline was chosen for appointment, this is also true. But your timeline is rather interesting, considering nothing has ever said that Perdan's goal when attacking Fontan was to create a realm. And even more interesting is your decision that Evangeline was planned months in advance to lead this realm, and that you portray this illusion as fact.

The Reality though, is that the opportunity presented itself, shortly after the capture of Westmoor. And Queen Evangeline was THEN chosen to be Queen. Whatever thoughts your collective Assembly of Stupidity has placed into your twisted little mind, they are wrong.

So wait, your paper says that Westmoor had been planned for quite some time. And that for quite some time you were chosen to be it's leader. Yet you were against the war to create this realm that you were supposed to lead? How does that make any sense at all? The person who was to gain the most from the war, who had planned out a new realm to be created by the war, was against the war?

Again, wherever does it say Westmoor has been planned for months? An "Ideal" is not a "Devious plot". And again, no where does it state when Evangeline was chosen to lead. Again the Fontanese add in their own ideas as "fact". The worst part being that they truely believe what they spew forth.

The wishes of Perdan were to create a new realm out of Fontanese lands, I'd say that you secession is indee in line with their wishes.

The wishes of Perdan were also to destroy the Fontanese. And for Westmoor to continue the war upon them. I don't think offering a peace treaty is in line with that. Again, perhaps cultural differences between our people and yours?

Well way you say things that are as idiotic as you have said, your going to get called out on it.

So you agree with the entire Realm of Fontan sending their own personal messages to a ruler? You agree with Mikhail harassing Queen Evangeline in such a manner? You agree with such disrespect. That is a shame.

That is all for now, I shall personally be looking through the Pages of the Fontan "Democrat" to see what other tid-bits of "fact" have been skewed by your long exposure to Fontan Poisoning.

But for a closing thought...

The fact that you had 2 Dukes secede, As well as many nobles join the secessions; that you have 5 realms you are at war with, that not a single realm has said anything against all those realms attacking you; That the only friend and ally Fontan has left on the entire continent is its own colony; You would think that eventually it would sink in that Fontan is doing something wrong.

But obviously that is also Westmoor and the Mad Queen Evangeline's fault? Yes?

Until next time,

Hiddukel Kiri-Jolith

Icon uceek.png   1st-Sep-2008   Icon uceek.png
Westmoor secedes
The idea of Westmoor's creation has finally become a reality. The ideal began with King Nightmare of Perdan, who desired to see the rebirth of his long lost allies, Oligarch. His sucessor King Sangue reinforced the idea and brought Perdan a step closer by leading the realm in a successful campaign against Fontan, capturing the city of Westmoor. Lady Evangeline, former Queen and General of Perdan, was chosen for appointment to lead the ideal. However, since decades have come and gone since the falling of Oligarch the ideal became a new realm, with it own identity and the opportunity to create its own position within the continent. The ideal became Westmoor.

Icon uceek.png   1st-Sep-2008   Icon uceek.png
Fontan Declares War
Because Fontan did not believe that Westmoor was an independent nation, but rather a puppet of Perdan designed specifically to aid in the war against them, they have rejected Queen Evangeline's overtures of peace and declared that they will punish Westmoor for Perdan's past misdeeds. REF

Icon uceek.png   1st-Sep-2008   Icon uceek.png
The WTF Formed
Queen Evangeline Uceek has founded the first army in Westmoor, the Westmoor Tactical Force. For the time being, it is the realm's only army.

The News
Sep 5, 2008
Itorunt have declared war on Ibladesh!

Sep 5, 2008
Fontan has taken control of Fontan, a former region of the Confederacy of Fontan, destroying the realms existance. Fontan now controls 17 regions comprising of 6 duchies.

Sep 4, 2008
The realms of Westmoor and Old Rancagua have entered into an alliance.

Sep 3, 2008
The realms of Westmoor and Sirion have signed a peace treaty.

Sep 4, 2008
The realms of Westmoor and Tuchanon V have signed a peace treaty.

Sep 2, 2008
Corwin D'Saferate has been appointed Royal Treasurer of Westmoor

Sep 2, 2008
Lady Micna Kiri-Jolith has been appointed Arch Priestess of Westmoor

Sep 2, 2008
The realms of Westmoor and Caligus have joined into an alliance

Sep 1, 2008
Fontan declares War on Westmoor

Sep 1, 2008
The realms of Westmoor and Old Rangcagua have signed a peace treaty

Sep 1, 2008
The realms of Westmoor and Obsidian Islands have signed a peace treaty

Sep 1, 2008
Region Takeover:

Old Rancagua has taken control of Csopa , a former rogue region. Old Rancagua now controls 6 regions.

Sep 1, 2008
Battle in Westmoor

Perdan vs. Westmoor Estimated combat strengths: 4000 CS vs. 10000 CS Defender Victory!

Sep 1, 2008
The realms of Westmoor and Caligus have signed a peace treaty

Sep 1, 2008
The realms of Westmoor and Itorunt have signed a peace treaty

Sep 1, 2008
The realms of Westmoor and Ibladesh have signed a peace treaty

Sep 1, 2008
The first army of Westmoor sponsored by Queen Evangeline is formed under the name of the Westmoor Tactical Force.

Sep 1, 2008

Lady Evangeline Uceek, Duchess of Westmoor, seceded from Perdan to create her own realm named Westmoor.
