
From BattleMaster Wiki

The contents on this page discuss a possible or hypothetical topic. It could be a guild, religion or even realm that is being planned to be set up in the future, or some speculations about past (unrecorded) history.
In short, this page does not outline something that you can currently find in the game.

The contents of this page are not readily available to everyone, either because it is sensitive or because it is rare or otherwise little known knowledge. It is here for the purpose of archiving or making it more accessible to a certain audience, and this should be kept in mind while reading the contents of this page and all it's subpages.
In short, the contents of this page are to be considered OOC knowledge, except for characters who are part of the Teroist sect of the Blood Cult or otherwise related to its planning.

Also keep in mind this concept realm was drafted a while ago, it's being updated to better reflect that it is no longer a mere colony sponsored by Enweil, but an Enweilian colony.

The Altepetl of Xerolco
Coram Deo ulciscor
Xerolco Map.jpg
Continent / Island Beluaterra
Government System
  • Tlatoani Xerotl
  • High Marshal
  • High Inquisitor
  • High Administrator


Capital Rines
State Religion The Blood Cult

Xerolco, the land of the Dark Lord Xerotl, was created by Enweilian colonists and and led by the exiled monarchs of Fwuvoghor. Xerolco is an oligarchic constitutional theocracy where religious tenants is law, and one would do best to familiarize himself with these laws or risk full penalty of law. Xerolco is a realm of warriors, priests, and infiltrators, each of them being highly valued by society and having their own special avenue, working hard to promote their realm and god. It is born from those who held "Honour, Courage, and Strength" as motto, and its system greatly reflects this in many aspects, where weakness is not only measured in body but in mind and soul.

Past History

(see Kingdom of Fwuvoghor)



It was the Regicide Wars which allowed Xerolco to become reality, after much planning and conflict. As the Enweilian armies marched upon the usurpers to regain the holy city of Fwuvoghor, Riombara declared war on Enweil to attempt to stop them. However, the Riombaran offensive failed and republican forces quickly fell in battle. Fwuvoghor, which had been seceded by the traitor Dirrik Hobbs, was finally retaken by Enweil. Following Avalonian invasions, Mordred's Republic of Fwuvoghor soon ceased to be.

Following this came the southern campaigns, and after much fighting Riombara was reduced to a few unstable regions as well as their fortified city of Grehk and rich city of Rines. Knowing the only way to defeat them for good would be to take at least one of these away from them, the colonization effort for Xerolco was put up, and many Enweilians, led by Nicolas Chénier, came by force to install themselves.


The Atlepetl of Xerolco is inspired off the ancient traditions of the mythical Tlahtocayotl of the lost age. It has as religious institutions but only the Blood Cult, and the sole god which is allowed to be worshipped is Xerotl, the Dark Lord. Piety is strictly enforced, and all nobles are expected to worship and please this patron, no other faith is permitted.

Official Documents


  • Armies of Xerolco
    • Tlatoani Xerotl's Imperial Guard
    • Fwuvoghor's Crusaders


  • War
  • Governing
  • Poisons
  • Architecture
  • Metal working
  • Ball game


  • The Inquisition - Judicial Institution of Xerolco.
  • The Obsidian Consortium - Legislative and Executive Institution of Xerolco.
  • Flame of Xerotl - Newspaper of Xerolco.
  • Eastern Seminar - Cultural exchange organization.
  • Pit of Glory - Patrimonial Memorial and combat Colosseum.




  • Line of Rulers
  • Line of Generals
  • Line of Judges
  • Line of Bankers
  • History of the regions
DragonIconLeft.png _______________The Altepetl of Xerolco_______________ DragonIcon.png
Duchy of Fwuvoghor

Fwuvoghor | Villriil | Melegra | Darhauyo | Wilwau | Orombo | Ajitmon | Cjelegy | Rines | Athol Margos | Avengmil