Vix Tiramora/Forbiddance of Foreign Mercenaries Act

From BattleMaster Wiki

Vix Tiramoran Immigration Act

I. No non-citizen may hold an estate. Any noble in the employ of a foreign entity will be asked to leave formally by the Executor, giving them 7 days to find their way to their employer's lands or be banished as a foreign agent.

II. Non-Citizens (Including temporary citizens) must take a vow to not vote or run for any referendums or elections.

III. Non-Citizen may apply for temporary citizenship, to be granted/approved by any Head of House, Lord Vixir or Executor. This person is responsible for the temporary citizen for the duration of their stay.

    a. Temporary citizen may hold an estate in the region of their guarantor, but may not hold any titles beyond Knight.

IV. During times of crisis, the Lord Vixir may temporary suspend this legislation to provide refuge for nobles in exile, these nobles are classified as temporary citizens.