Tian Family/Karana
Karana Tian is the youngest member of the Tian Family, currently disowned by the family proper but still in full possession of her noble rights. Presently she serves a Senator in Barca.
Continent: Dwilight
Realm: Barca
Age: 31
Height: 5'5.5" (166 cm)
Weight: Slender
Build: Fit
Hair: Brunette
+ Length: Bottom of Shoulder Blades
Eyes: Very Light Blue
Personality: Tactfully Outspoken
Karana Tian, the youngest of the family and possibly the best off at the moment. She is the only child of Zanaras Tian and Ilus Regala, the previous is presumed dead and the latter died giving birth to Karana. Coming to adulthood she headed to Dwilight in order to get to know her only remaining parent, Zanaras. Shortly after her arrival Zanaras was cast out from his realm and is believed to have been executed for treason. The family has yet to recover anything of his or his body. Shortly before her father was presumed killed, Karana's care was secured under Duke Hexic of Paisly.
Escaping from Ordenstaat with only her personal guard, she arrived in Paisly and lived for a couple months under the D'Haran banner, as a Knight of Raviel, until Duke Hexic was slain in battle. That event, coupled with a poor tax income, lead to Karana becoming fed up with the realm and left for their enemy, Caerwyn. Under a month later, Karana Tian was proclaimed Ambassador of Caerwyn by the Third Archon of Caerwyn, Khephera Stormwind. Seven months later she became Viscountess Dunnbrook and helped bring several new guilds to Caerwyn.
Precisely 11 months after joining Caerwyn, she joined the Republic of Barca. It was here, it could be said, that her career truly began. She has served as Senator of Nark, Grand Rab, and Lady Justice. Other titles include Elder of the Moot. The "Moot", or the Veinsormoot, is the Federation that D'Hara, Terran, and Barca are all in, and the Federation that helped create and secure Barca in it's early days.
In Barca, Karana has become one of the most outspoken proponents of the rights of a noble and the rights of the Barcan Senate, most notably after she took on the role of Lady Justice. She didn't hesitate whatsoever to call out Suffete Julius on his attempts to stonewall the Senate and even his attempts to straight out ignore the Senate's wishes. During the next annual election she lost by 12 votes to Flavia Constantina for the position of Suffete, coming in with 30. The final tally had Flavia at 41, Karana at 30, and the previous Suffete Julius at 11. Running only for this single position, she lost her duties as Lady Justice, and was once again just Senator Nark.
This lull in requirements has allowed her to pursue a couple other passions. One a certain noble, and the other a guild she's been wanting to create.
Treaties... - Those that can be read publicly, including the parties involved, and the date they were signed (or failing that, penned).