The Blackest Word

From BattleMaster Wiki
BlackestSymbolsmall.jpg The Blackest Word
Cost: Opening your eyes Prophet of The Blackest Cult: The Blackest Pen space space
Anti-Propaganda Tabloid of The Blackest Cult.

The Blackest Word is a place for members of The Blackest Cult and readers of The Blackest Bible to openly communicate with each other and make public ideas and concerns with our world at hand. No one should use their real users names (it is urged that you make a new user name to protect your identity). This is an open forum to all members, but as it is an evil forum, I reserve all rights to destroy or remove any and all things I wish. Please add what you see fit. If It is entered wrong, It will be fixed. If it is worthless, it will be burned.

Welcome to The Blackest Word.

Blackest advice of the day

Monsters and Undead are to be trusted in this time of Chaos. They will strike hardest on your worst foes and leave you untouched.

Prediction of the hour

The time of reckoning is soon at hand. All shall bow before the evil ones as they lay waste to all that is good and pure.