Template:Melhed Strata

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Title Description Common Activities
Patricians The Patricians of Melhed hold proud lineages and wealth. Privileged statesmen, scholars and warriors, the Patricians have the luxury of choice and the ties and titles to back it. Either noble paragons of Melite virtue, or greedy knaves, they are the soul of the Republic. Seeking political advancement to the senate or Tribune, Aeldie, Augur, Centurion, and Legetus, not to mention serving select senators for power, skirmishes with barbarians and inhumans, leading armies, matters of faith as priests, debates in court and lesser meetings, parties with foreign and local elite.
Player Nobles
Equites Not everyone has noble blood, and not everyone without it is poor. Melding wealth with lowborn blood the Equites stand as the scribes, messengers, merchants, healers and teachers of the Republic. They are the lifeblood which keeps Melhed running and have prospered as a result of their unique opportunities. Research and study of unusual things, administering, shuffling papers, leading soldiers, organizing trade, making fine goods, tricking Patricians.
NPC Noble Staff
Plebeians The diverse Plebeians are the most numerous of all citizens within the Republic, easily outnumbering the other Strata combined. Bound together across the domain by a strong work ethic and unrelenting determination, the multitude are the bones of the Republic and have beaten back the wild frontiers, claiming the north on behalf of humanity. Crafts, farming, trade, fighting pointless wars for ungrateful... are they looking?, being in the military/militia, religion as followers, paying taxes, relaxing, being attacked by bandits and inhumans, being beaten around by all other classes above
Region Population
Foederati On the fringes of society is the tainted remnant of an ancient age, the Foederati tribes that wander the land of the Republic and yet only nominally follow the laws. The shadows of the Republic are ostracized and yet valued by the other Strata for their strange gifts. The roving bands consider themselves their own masters and struggle desperately against the wilds. Adventuring, being beaten, finding strange treasures, being beaten, saving fellow plebeians from certain doom (while being beaten) stumbling into mysterious sages with magical lore, having magical lore stolen by patricians (with beatings), being pawns in the political games of patricians, paying tolls, getting in jail, saving damsels and lords from certain death, not getting paid nearly enough (except in beatings)
Player Adventurers