Talk:The Blackest Word/Volume Three

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You paint yourselves as artists, forward thinkers, and great innovators. Dafayo, you are an artist, and a good one, I will give you that. Yet you are not forward thinkers, you are backward thinkers. You revert to the times before man had customs, before man had laws of behavior, before man had ethics. You see, relativism is not forward thinking, but savagery, barbarism, and lack of all code. I feel that I must speak to you as I speak to a little child. If you say there is not good or bad then that means its okay for someone to torture you and cut your fingers off because, hey, there isnt any good or bad! Dafayo, how could you paint without fingers? But if you say personal pleasure, selfish fain, is all that matters, that doesnt work either. If we all just work for selfish gain, you couldnt live either. See, if peasents just worked for themselves, the whole economy would break down! You couldnt get food! If everybody does what they want then nobody will ever work together and big things will never happen. Or you might say the BC advocates doing whatever you want and maybe that involves working together in harmony. Well, thats no goof either because that contradicts the idea you said before that each should function selfishly because working together. Because effective working together requires sacrifices, and sacriices dont work. Vellos 03:45, 5 October 2006 (CEST)

For all to see and do the math.

This lost sheep of the world, this foolish fool with no light to guide her eyes, is one who is attempting to write a book on truth and ethics here in Atamara. She fancy's herself a professor, she fancys herself wise.

But she assumes I am Dafayo Vashmere, a fat man who simply has no drive to bring the world destruction. Dafayo is a creator, a birth mother, a maker and a coward. I also have been writing to you much longer then Dafayo has ever been within Atamara.

So..allow this to sink in. Another fool has tried to peg down a tendril of the machine that we are becoming, has gone so far as to post it as fact. It is not only impossible for me to be Dafayo, it is also impossible to know just who I am.

After I have Dafayo murdered, and I promise I shall, much like I had murdered another Vashmerien who got out of control, I shall then continue to march forward into darkness and continue to preach on my path. Then who will I be to this daft whore who speaks in spit and confusion? I must say, its easy to make sheep "bah".

Puppets dance and say what you wish them to say. I am glad the crime of being me is placed on Dafayo's head. I even hope you murder him one day for me, so i can further bring you to the truth.

Nothing matters in the realm of good and evil. There are no such two forces, and once you commit the murders and crimes we provoke you to perform, we will erase this falsehood of goodness from you and all who sway to our influnece.

You are trapped in a conspericey that was devised to draw you closer to chaos.

Thank you for playing. The Blackest Pen 22:44, 5 October 2006 (CEST)


Look at the retarded monkey tell me how the world of man would break down and die if what we wanted happend. Is this a joke or just a dented moron trying to reassure us of our goals?

We are the coming of the end of the world you adore and breed within. All things will be destroyed by chaos, and those of us who serve to see this happen are here.

Do not waste what little ideas you have trying to point out what our bible plainly says.

"We will bring the end of all order and law. We will bring the end of man. We will bring our own end. But between then and now, we will live lives of pure selfish chaos for our own desires"

You are simply a gnat. The Blackest Pen 22:44, 5 October 2006 (CEST)

You sound like the chaos requiem. --The1exile 22:46, 5 October 2006 (CEST)

Chaos Requiem We all ready do. And have attempted contact, but have failed. They are a respected force of our idealisms. And we hope to commune with them. The Blackest Pen 22:50, 5 October 2006 (CEST)

And again, I speak to you as a parent to a child. Perhaps you are not Dafayo, but it makes no difference. You yourself have claimed that those who espout your ideals are as good as one of you. Dafayo does espout your ideals, if you have ever bothered to listen to him. Killing him does not help you at all, it hurts you. And your selfishness says that hurting yourself, eliminating your personal pleasure, is not the best course of action. So its quite foolish to kill Dafayo, whether you are him or nay.
You say you are artists and forward thinkers, thus you would like Dafayo. In fact, your Blackest Word quotes him, and uses many similar phrases.
You say I have no light to guide my eyes, yet you are the Blackest Cult. Clearly you are not the source of light, if you are the blackest, the most lacking in light. You trap yourself in your own words. Every day, I hope you will come to see the truth, and cease to remain in your ways of childishness and pettiness.
I will not murder Dafayo, no, I will not murder any Cultist. I once believed your deaths may be the solution. Perhaps, if you were to raise an army and go forth in pitched battle, perhaps then your deaths would come to pass. But no, you are like children. You, the Blackest Cult, condone the killing of little children. I do not. I condone the teaching and mentoring of children.
Some of the things you are trying to provoke the forces of good, and me specifically, to do, we(I) will not do. Good is stronger than you believe. Other of the things you will provoke us to do, yes, we will do them. Because we have a difference from you: we believe in moderation. There are times that I will do a little evil to do a greater good. Not always, but sometimes. You in the Blackest Cult are like children, and believe that if someone does one evil thing, they are necessarily an evil person. You are so misguided, it rends my heart! I long to teach you, for you are little more than misguided creatures. Yet you are misguided in the worst possible way. Better that you should believe murder is good than that you believe there is no good or evil.
Please, stop using silly insults. Calling me a retarded monkey is clearly just slander, because, even if they are wrong, my arguements are well reasoned, and anyone can see I am not a monkey. You only continue to expose your petty childishness by brandishing small and weak insults as a weapon, and an inneffective one at that. You will not provoke me any more than my two sons could provoke me with their childish ravings when they were little boys.
I shall hope ever day you see the error of your ways. If ever you find yourself truly seeking to turn from your ways, and learn the ways of goodness, I am ready to teach you, my child. Vellos 02:37, 6 October 2006 (CEST)


You are the child. A woman with the mind of a 15 year old stool. Your lost nature brings you lcoser to our ways then you would ever know. Dafayo quotes us? We quote him? No you rancid bitch, YOU quote us. All man quotes us. For we are the nature of man, and when man is not lieing or hideing his ways he will natrually quote us.

Your Suma, a book of lies, is dedicated to us. You and your friends removed Dafayo from Eston (somthing we could not do ourselvs, thank you) and ruined his life. You personally called for his death. Imagin if you had a voice that any King or law would actually listen to...Imagin the fat man dead becuase you were wrong. Again.

You publically write here, to all the Blackest world, that I am Dafayo, you screamed that Dafayo was a cultist in Eston's center square and called for his have done so much to become the twisted wreck of guesses and assumptions that you are.

You are lost. You are a stammering and yammering ding-dong with your hit-or-miss attempts to damn and judge other human souls.

You are the one who admits to be wrong less then 10 hours after claimeing to be right. You are the one who follies in her words and retracks and retakes them.

We are the destruction of all.

And you stupid whore...mind you, we do not condone the killing of children. We condone that any human do as he/she pleases. If being a murderer of children is what one wants, so be it. If protecting a child is wanted, so be it.

You are so far from being a thinker of any magnitude. You simply are a daft duck swiming along side what we began and hoipeing to be part of it in some way. You are our fan, you are our zealot, you are our sheep.

Be gone, or go write you wish to be. The Blackest Pen 15:25, 6 October 2006 (CEST)

Blackest Pen, oh Blackest Pen, when will you grow up? Please, you only hurt your own cause by lambasting me with childish insults and with petty rage. You say I have the mind of a 15 year old stool. Firstly, if you mean a footstool, I fail to see how age matters. If you mean human fecal matter, well then, thats quite childish as well. Is calling me poop the worst insult you can think of? Clearly, I am not the one with poorly developed mental capacities, for it is you who speaks as a child does.
You say you are the nature of man when he is not hiding or lieing, yet, in your own writings, you advocate hiding and lieing. So you advocate a false nature of man, yet claim you are the true nature of man. This makes no sense. Again, your logic is like that of a small child, jumbled, poorly used, and clearly needing guidance. I can give this guidance, if you desire it.
You say the Summa is a book of lies. Yet how so? It claims only to be my opinions on proper behavior and conduct. How can this be a lie? How can an opinion be a lie? I understand the concept that an opinion may be incorrect, but not that it may be a lie. Such a concept is foolishness, and again shows your lack of ability to think cohesively. The Summa may be wrong in many places, but I have yet to see any constructive criticism of it, and no one has suggested any revisions, that I am aware of. The Summa is not dedicated to you, or, from a certain point of view, it may be in that it is dedicated to combatting you. Seeing the sort of reaction it provokes in you and in those who subscribe to your belief systems, it is doing its job most admirably.
Yes, we did remove Dafayo from Eston, and he fled to Minas Ithil. Is his life truly destroyed? No, not at all. Besides, you sought to kill him anyways. He will be safer in Minas Ithil, he has annoyed fewer people there. Also, I do not wish Dafayo dead. I wish to see him see the light of truth, instead of the darkness of relativism and the Blackest Cult. This is a war for the soul of man. Who shall own it? Darkness or light? The Blackest Cult or the Order of Right? For, whatever you may claim, the Blackest Cult seeks to force its beliefs on all people, and kill all those who oppose it. Chaos is your goal, and chaos has no boundaries on it. Perhaps goodness is oppressive, but chaos is even more oppressive. If I must choose between the two, I will take goodness.
I did not scream that Dafayo was a cultist. In fact, I spoke in a calm voice, and I have witnesses. Screaming would have been improper of me. Not only this, but I did not call for his death, as closely as I remember, perhaps my memory fails me, but I do not believe it does. Ironically, you call me stammering, yet also say I screamed boldly decrying Dafayo. Even you must see the contradiction there. How can I be both shy and rabid? It is impossible, you spread lies, there is no truth in you. Come and sit with me, and I will teach you the truth. Whenever you choose, I am ready to teach you.
I do not damn and judge human souls. I damn and judge human actions. I may hate murder, but I do not hate a murderer. I desire to see him truly repent of his ways and get a second chance. Not only this, but I have said many times that the Summa is not final. It remains in rough draft form, and will continue to remain so. I may revise it in the future. I cannot claim to be the ultimate source of knowledge, or to be omniscient or infallible. I make mistakes just like any human. But, you see, the BC does not believe people make mistakes. Whatever you choose to do, that is right, in the eyes of the BC. Such a concept is inherrently flawed.
You say you do not condone killing children. I say you do. You condone doing as you please, correct? Let us say killing children pleases me. Then you condone killing children. You condone ripping their ginitalia off and eating it. You condone every sort of vile, perverse, and wrong action... because you condone the "animal rights of man". I have news for you, oh Blackest Pen, man is not a mere animal. We have transcended mere animal behaviors, and so become moral and rational creatures. The BC is tossing aside that which has been achieved by man over thousands of years. That is utter foolishness, like a child refusing its mother's milk. In the same way, you will, inevitably, perish, for you will go without nourishment, and stagnate and fall.
I may not be a thinker of great magnitude. I do not want to be a thinker of great magnitude. If such is my future in life, so be it. I desire to live my life, in peace, living rightly, raising my children to live rightly, serving my realm so that in may flourish, and aiding in the progress of humanity. If this means I am not a great thinker, then so be it! I am not a great thinker! I have no need or desire to be a great and powerful figure, and so you demeaning me does not harm me at all, oh Blackest Pen.
If ever you should desire to learn of the truth, and have light in your world of darkness... I am here. Vellos 23:27, 6 October 2006 (CEST)

I am home.

It has taken me many moons to find you, but I am home. I search for understanding, I search for knowledge.

I awake covered in blood with the words "Dhall accepts your sacrifice" ringing in my ears. I tried to travel to a new world to escape, but it follows me, haunts me, loves me. I am learning that I am not truly good. I serve a realm, but only as a means to an end. The world I have arrived in is brutal to one like me. I spend so much time in darkness and shadows that the light almost seems offensive to me.

I rest easy knowing that I have found you, or did you find me? Servant of Dhall 10:45, 26 November 2006 (CET)

Welcome Home Whoever you are, wherever you are, know that you are heard and welcomed as family if you seek the Blackest way. We have only Black branches in our twisted faimly tree, rotting limbs that bear only toxic fruits. I am overjoyed you have found us. The Blackest Pen 19:31, 26 November 2006 (CET)

The blood that was on my blade has started to flake off, so I need a new sacrifice. Dhall will provide. Servant of Dhall 23:42, 26 November 2006 (CET)