Talk:Far East Chronicle

From BattleMaster Wiki

The Far East is the continent where roleplaying is most strictly enforced and enjoyed, so it came as shock to realise that we didn't have an island-wide newspaper reporting on what was going on. So - here it is. The Chronicle is still in it's early stages, and as I suck at things like formatting, if you feel like you can help out, then by all means please do so. Also, if you can supply us with any information/articles/news/ideas/opinions/quotes, then fire them all to the Chronicle's discussion page. --Roy 7 January 2006 22:14 (CET)

  • Ahh, it's good to see the influence of the GGG has spread so far hehe - In any case, a most enjoyable Paper you have here! :-) - Revan
Any idea why the archive box centres on your page in the GGG, but not on this one? I can't see any difference in the syntax... --Roy 8 January 2006 02:11 (CET)
I think it's just the fact that you don't have all the boxes filled up yet :| Give it a year to get some more articles in and I'm sure it'll work heh - Revan January 21, 2006 10:44 (CET)
It turns out that my syntax was flawed in the first place, and that it was only because I had filled up the table so much that it had gone almost across the whole page. Anyway, all fixed now :-) - Revan March 21, 2006 22:30 (CET)