Steele Family/Medium/Death

From BattleMaster Wiki

As Baron of Kording in Heen, Medium has always had only one Knight. Several have come and gone, Medium has often had to find a new knight. One of them is Thyk. When Thyk once commented to Medium the fact that the High Marshal of Heen always leads the realms forces to a slaughter, Medium replied him his own interpretation of death, as a Celt.

Concerning the slaughters... You should realise that we are fighting an overwhelming enemy with massive legions coming from nowhere. Easy victories will never happen. There will always be the risk that we lose, and if we lose, we get slaughtered. It's in the nature of the daimons. Do you remember Erin's fall? In Naraka? There were many battles fought against the daimons from Vlaanderen, eventually we turned out to be the strongest and won the battles. We lost many men, but we brought big losses to Vlaanderen as well. Now we are focussing on fighting the daimons in Mesh. I can only recall one battle that the General lead us into knowing that we would certainly lose, that was in Mokut, I believe. He knew that we would lose, but he also knew that we had a chance to block off the takeover of the Daimons in Mokut and to weaken them at the same time for the next charge to kill them. If we had waited longer for more forces and a certain victory, the daimons would have gotten yet another region, very hard to reclaim. So the General ordered the attack. The battle was lost, but the takeover was stopped as well. In the other battles, there was always a chance of victory. But also always the chance of defeat. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. If we lose, we get slaughtered. That is what our enemy is like. But battle by battle we weaken the daimons. If it wasn't for us, Mesh would be broken and shattered by now. We send our forces battle after battle and give all we can muster to defend our fellow humans, despite our past with them. By doing so, we show the world out there that we have lots of humanity, that we care for humanity, we should the Heenite valours that other realms envy us for, we show courage above all. Heenite courage. Celtic courage. We do what we must do, we defend our neighbours, at the risk of death. Do you fear death? It's allowed, it's perfectly natural. But fear of death should not prevent you from charging in on your enemies. Fear of death should not bring cowardice to you, because it will get you with your backs against the wall and eventually bring you the very death you feared and tried to avoid by running. Fear of death should increase your skills on the battlefield, making you fight just that bit better because you know it's what's needed to not die. Fear of death is what makes the difference on the battlefield between the true warriors and the others. It's what marks a good soldier. Eventually, you get used to the fear, and you get over it. You get used to your life being in danger constantly, and you forget the fear, without forgetting to fight as fierce as you can, always. Then you are a Celt. Thrydwulf is a Celt. He ignores the threat of death, because he knows that death will come eventually, and facing it makes one fight fiercer. He faces death, rather than running from it, because he knows the treath will remain anyway, and running will not bring him anything. Instead of avoiding death to risk it later, he risks death now to avoid it later. It's what true warriors do. That is something to admire, or at least that is my opinion. It takes courage to withstand this sentiment of course, it's not easy to be a Heenite, but you get used to it. That shapes you as a master warrior.