Scourge of Atamara
The Third Tuchon Empire has risen from the ashes! They are common criminals, have committed vile crimes against humanity and have sent many faithful men into exile. I Raziel2 Himoura, will not rest until the rightful men are returned to power in Southasland. This is a time for all on Atamara to recongnize true evil and rally against it. Liberation for Southasland, this is the only acceptable path, those who support this new regime wether being apart of it or by having good relations with it bring dishonour to themselves. Therefore I am starting the Southasland Liberation Orginization (SLO) with myself at its head, those who wish to join sign below:
Leader: Raziel2 Himoura, Nights Blade, Wandering Bard
Followers: Nylen Estrall, Minas Ithil noble - Whoooppee! We did it! We defeated them... just the two of us... (but some 3000 soldiers helped as well) :P
Today I grab my sword and kiss the kids and wife,
I say goodbye and pray for my life,
Today I fight for liberation,
For the good of a whole nation,
I will bring these rebels to their grave,
Many men have died, strong and brave,
Let not be their sacrifices be in vain!
Today we fight! Today is the day for liberation! I am no killer, no maruader, no assasin, I am a soldier of Salvation! Today we fight! We sow the seeds of the future today! Even if I have to kill on the way!
Death is no stranger, here I come for you, There is only one thing we can do, remember a fallen friend and bury our dead, Edvard I will have your head! This false government will fall, I take arms today for the good of all, And may future generations sing songs of our fight!
Today we fight! Today is the day for liberation! I am no killer, no maruader, no assasin, I am a soldier of Salvation! Today we fight! We sow the seeds of the future today! Even if I have to kill on the way!
Darkness over Tucha, great city though it may be, It once was a splendid sight to see, Now death lingers here and memories of old, No tales great tales here are being told, Oppressed these people are the sight is sick, Onward today, for tommorow and to right the wrong! - Raziel2 Himoura, Night's Blade, Wandering Bard