Serpentis Family/Durion/A Bounty
The young Black Dragon walked on the streets of Ashforth after his arrival with The Dark Ones. He had given some gold to the troops. They tried to find some fun in the besieged city that soon would return to Sirion as part of peace agreements. Dürion covered his elven armor with a heavy black cloak. However, he was not wearing a hood. He let the people admire the beauty in his white skin, gray hair and jet eyes like a deep abyss. Dürion was a pale shadow of his father. In Ashforth, he noticed the city in good conditions and wondered if someone in Sirion had the brilliant idea of establishing that the city should be returned intact. Without that security, in place of the Duke he would have closed each recruitment center before giving the city to a new realm founded in a Fontanese disgrace.
The young elf didn’t call so much attention like his father. He never had the same power in his words or knows how to enchant the people. Erik could cause extreme reactions of admiration and hatred. Or he was just recognized by his long time working as Judge of Sirion. This didn’t happen with Dürion. He was quiet and edgy. Nevertheless, he was a shadow growing and always hungry for more, even in his sepulchral silence. He felt the funny hypocrisy of Sirion, where the most powerful always fought with tooth and nail to defend their claims and witnessed the apathy of a House of Lords useless to take any decision even with the majority of numbers. Silent as a dead height without a place to lie down. He tried to forget when these same Lords stay quiet while at the first sign of rebellion Negev was taken by a cookie’s seller. But he flattered himself with his trickery to buy and destroy Negev, burning the temples of political and military machinations. Nailing a dagger that determined the end of a great war. More quickly and efficiently.
Dürion Eyolf Serpentis had already begun to write his story. He was the youngest Margrave of Sirion in the recent history. And taking an enemy region. He hold Sermbar until he was arrested in battle, returning the region to the former Lord captured in the same situation. With surprise the saw the old board on the tavern’s wall in an old district of Ashforth. The most wanted of East Continent:
The Black Dragon smiled. He really didn’t know he was so well known and hated. He wondered who had placed such a high price on his head. Maybe someone from Fontan? Maybe someone in Sirion!? Hard to know. It was just for Negev and the temples were closed or something more? Who cares!? He entered the tavern to drink a little. Happy to know that at least his prize is high than the prize of an old Westmoorian certainly not worth of effort.