Serpentis Family/Durion

From BattleMaster Wiki
Dürion Eyolf Serpentis

Name: Dürion Eyolf Serpentis

Age: 42 years

Continent: East Continent

Realm: Sirion

Main Class: Warrior

Sub Class: Warrior

Titles: Margrave of Trinbar

Old Titles: Knight of Parm, Margrave of Negev, Baron of Sermbar and Count of Dolmbar

Religion: Church of the Holy Sacred Grove [Path of Elune]

Religious Title: Keeper of the Grove

Honour: 99

Prestige: 37

Time of Service: 1169

Weapons: Elvish Sword & Daggers


Army: The Silver Legion

Old Army: The Red Dragons

Troops: The Dark Ones

Type: Infantry

Captain: Captain Valdric (+5)

Old Captain: Captain Aldebrand (+3), Captain Leopold (+6) and Captain Volkhard (+13)

Favorite Designation: Vanguard


In development...

Battle Prowess

Lord Durion Eyolf Serpentis, commanding "The Dark Ones", wounded Ceasar Magdalen (Knight of Gadlock, Sultanate of Asena) in Kazakh.

Lord Durion Eyolf Serpentis, commanding "The Dark Ones", captured Ceasar Ultra Kuuga (Noble of Sultanate of Asena) in Kazakh.

Lord Durion Eyolf Serpentis, commanding "The Dark Ones", wounded Karlaek von Murodore, Justiciar of the Castle of Fane, Knight of Oligarch, Marshal of White Armour.

Lord Durion Eyolf Serpentis, commanding "The Dark Ones", wounded Armstrong Ironsides, King, Merchant Chief of Fane, Royal of Fane, Duke of Oligarch, Margrave of Oligarch.

And a lot of nobles with no or little importance...


2010-09-23 * Durion Eyolf * Began his career in Sirion.

2011-06-18 * Durion Eyolf * Elected as Baron of Sermbar

2011-08-17 * Durion Eyolf * Elected as Count of Dolmbar

2011-09-09 * Durion Eyolf * Elected as Count of Dolmbar

2012-02-13 * Durion Eyolf * Elected as Marquis of Trinbar

Roleplay Archive

The Rise of the Bastard Son

The Secret Ritual - Elune Welcomes a Young Dragon

The Dark Elf

Lady Gabriella - Loving you was like loving the dead


A Bounty

Following Steps

Kazakh - Firestarter

Drinking with the man who doesn't know he will be punished for attacking Gregor

Panis et Circensis


The Darkling Margrave

Symphony of Destruction - Part I

Symphony of Destruction - Part II

Sad But True

The Last War

I want to be a billionare with Anne Bouvier Serpentis