Pizarro Family

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The Pizarro family

The Pizarro family hails from Northern Atamara, and despite the titles held by many them, none of them are of noble blood. The family has a long history of military service, and as such, were granted aristocracy by rulers of old. The current patriarch of the family is Gonzalo Pizarro senior. He conceived two sons, Francisco and Gonzalo junior, with an unknown woman. Later on, he had a third son, named Hernando, with his wife. After their military training, Francisco joined the ranks of the Royal Estonite Army, Hernando enlisted in the mercenary army of Darka, and Gonzalo travelled to Ikalak on the South-East Island to fulfill his dreams of conquering an entire continent.

Francisco Pizarro

Illegitimate son of Gonzalo Pizarro sr. Brother of Gonzalo jr. Half-brother of Hernando Pizarro. At the age of 20, Francisco became a captain of a 20-man strong infantry batallion in the Royal Estonite Armed Forces. Since Eston had no enemies at the time, Francisco's first noteable accomplishment was his good run in the tournament in Cagil, losing only to veteran troop leaders. His efforts earned him some prestige within his realm. He has had only one chance to show his worth leading troops on the battlefield, in a small skirmish in Amdor. His hopes of glorious victories were soon shattered, as the Ithilians relinquished their regions without a fight. He spent most of his time fighting boredom, attending tournaments and training his troops, until the drums of war sounded in Eston again. Currently he is leading his Legionary First Cohort, a unit modelled after the Roman legions of old, in a campaign against Falasan.

Francisco is a bold man, who can be ruthless and deadly at times. He killed one of his soldiers over a priceless sword, claiming it was more than a weapon, and thus a simple footman should not carry it.

Hernando Pizarro

Son of Gonzalo sr. Half-brother of Francisco and Gonzalo jr. Joined the Darkan mercenary army at the age of 17. His unit has not been contracted so far, but now that trouble is brewing in the east, and a Duke of the Northern Federation has travelled to Darka with an enquiry, the Darkans are preparing to march out of Azzal under the watchful eye of the Volcano Gods.

Hernando is every bit has fearsome as his half-brother Francisco, but he is far more shrewd and cunning. He resorts to more unconventional ways of gaining wealth and power, and the introduction of Darkanism was a golden opportunity for him to become a revered individual. Hernando himself claims he has found truth in the word of Sigrid, but Francisco remains unconvinced. As far as he is concerned, Hernando is merely trying to gain fame and power for himself, through the indoctrination of gullible peasantry.

But Hernando soon got bored of preaching to "dumb peasants" the entire day, and he sought for a way to bring his love for Sigrid in practice. And since Sigrid is a warrior-goddess, Hernando picked up his sword again as the Darkan mercenaries prepared to strike RedSpan. Hernando is currently in RedSpan territory, killing peasants and burning homes in the name of Sigrid.

Gonzalo Pizarro jr.

Illegitimate son of Gonzalo sr. Brother of Francisco. Half-brother of Hernando. He travelled to the war-torn South-East Island and joined the Ikalak Republican Forces. Since he was only 16 at the time, he forged papers to be enlisted. But he soon found that for a war-torn continent, the South-East Island saw too little combat for his liking, and he set sail for Beluaterra, where he joined the Democracy of Enweil.

At the time, Enweil fought their hated enemies Plergoth and Sint, but through skilful diplomacy, the war was ended and the Enweilians turned their attention to the south, where their ally Luz de Bia has come under attack from several nations. Gonzalo led his infantry regiment against the combined forces of Riombara, Fronen, Thalmarkin and the Kingdom of Alluran, but his career met an untimely, tragic and bloody end. During a tavern visit in Enweilieos, Gonzalo left his table for a visit to the restroom. The next time he was seen, he was crucified to the restroom wall, disemboweled. His ears and nose were cut off, and his left eye was removed an replaced with a mysterious note from his killer.

"Ismail Pizarro"

(more to come!)

The Pizarro Family


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Prestige: 10
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Prestige: 20



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Exceptional Skill


Total: 4 points