Ni'Tessine Family/Torin

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Family Family
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Duchy [[]]

Torin is the son of Lucas' first wife, Allora. A bit of a sad tale, Allora is said to have left the straight-laced Lucas for a roguish merchant and confidence man. It was a wild life, just as Allora wanted. Torin was brought up in a life where their next pay day was always one scam away, and always on the move. However, in time the man tired of her, and he sought affections elsewhere. Allora was cast out, but too proud to go back to Lucas. A few years later Lucas got word that she died of some wasting disease she had picked up from a patron while she had been working in a brothel.

Torin mourned deeply, and always devoted to his mother (the one constant in his life) he blamed Lucas somehow for all of it. More recently, he is starting to realize that perhaps he was being a bit unfair. He did not shed a tear when he learned of Lucas' death but it did soften his harsh emotions towards him somewhat, and he's willing to start anew with Lucas' son, Corwyn.

Torin is now an adventurer by trade, and he started his career in Parm.


Original land: Parm

Osslamar also grants a bonus

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Unique Items Improved:

  • none