Muninn Newsrag/Adventures of one Drunk and her Rabbit/RP9Ch8

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Roleplay from Davendrall

As Elonias made his way over to the wheat bundles Davendrall whispered to him "Think of it like pole-dancing...just with a bundle of wheat instead. And make it good...remember...I have pictures of you now." Davendrall waved her sketchpad, before taking her place at the front of the audience

Roleplay from Elonias

'Eh, pole dancing huh? afraid to say I've no idea what it is about.' he thought as he walked up to it, and stared, before he started reenacting what the other competitors had given the most 'oohs' and 'aahs'.

'Wait, now I remember, some of the men in my unit once wanted to visit a brothel or something, and they did something akin to this there.' he thought as he switched the tempo of his dancing, skillfully gliding across the stage.

'Dear father in heaven. Please end my life that you gave to me now, I don't want it anymore.' he thought as he saw the looks on the faces of the audience.

Roleplay from Davendrall

After a while of the competitors all dancing, the man in shinny suit came onto stage

"A special announcement! The pornographic scarecrow has been disqualified for not dancing! As for the other four, the Judges have decided which two they prefer and who the audience will decide between for the winner of Miss Wheat grower of the year! Those two are..."

There was a drum role. It rolled right across the stage and into the crowd. There was a loud scream as people dodged out the way...then things went quiet for the results

"Eustacia!...and Elonia! Please step forward. Now...everyone who things Eustacia is the deserving winning, move to the right...everyone who thinks Elonia should win, move to the left"

A few people moved the right...though the majority moved to the left. They crowd began to clap and chant 'Elonia'

"The clear winner, ladies and Elonia!"

A muscular man stepped onto the stage and handed Elonias a bag of gold, some flowers and a trophy and the crowd clapped more

Roleplay from Elonias

'Excuse me, I think I'm gonna go hurl.' Is what Elonias wanted to say in this situation. yet he could not. he simply took the bag, the flowers, the statue, and started crying out as he said "This is the happiest moment in my life!" and then he slowly backed towards the exit.

Roleplay from Anneliese

"Congratulations!" Laurel said after Elonias had received his trophy. Eustacia glared and shouted some insults, then ran off to sulk.

Laurel walked up to him, and pulled him away from the crowd and the exit, "So, what are you going to do now? Going to end up married to one of the guys in the audience? I hope not." Before he could reply, she gulped and said, "I've never seen a woman so pretty as you are before - well, except Eustacia, but she's mean. I thought... uhm.... maybe we could... run off together?" She looked at him expectantly, obviously hoping she wouldn't be rejected.

Roleplay from Elonias

"We could... what?" He asked the woman in front of him, 'Has she realizes my unwilling secret?' he asked himself before he coughed again and looked at her "You, ehm, know I'm a w...woman, right?" he asked awkwardly hating that he had to say those words, but he had to be sure about the situation.

"And ehm... women usually don't... run off together." he said again, smiling a bit before he looked at Davendrall "Unless they are Norlanders..."

Roleplay from Anneliese

"Yes, I know you're a woman! And I know you don't want to get married, either. That's why I don't want to see you go... you'll have to get married, then have a bunch of kids and be... sad and bitter and worn out like my mom and older sis!" She clutched his dress, "I can't let that happen to you, and I certainly don't want that happening to me. Mom's eventually gonna make me marry some man if I don't find one soon, but if we run off together, well..." She gave a little smile, "...she won't be able to. Neither of us will have to!"

Roleplay from Elonias

"I ehm, uh... Don't know, let me think for a bit..." he said before he looked in Anneleise's general direction, looking for even a tiny bit of support, not that he actually was expecting any.

Roleplay from Davendrall

As Laurel was trying to convince Elonias to run away with him a young farmer also got onto the stage

"Ya don't wanna be with a women lass, a women can't give you want I can" He winked and began to move towards Elonias.

As he did, several other men got onto the stage in front of him "Oh yeah? What can you give her? Gonorrhea?"

The farmer then threw a punch at him, and several other fights broke out over Elonias, and Eustacia came back and began to argue with Laurel.

In the confusion, Davendrall grabbed Anneliese's hand, got onto the stage, and grabbed Elonias with her other hand, and began to drag them away

"Hey! You owe me half an hour with 'er!" Shouted the man from the desk, who also got onto the stage, adding to the argument and fighting

"Oi! That womans trying to take Elonia away from us!"

"RUN!" Davendrall shouted, dragging the pair with her as she legged it for the exit

Roleplay from Anneliese

"Oi! That womans trying to take Elonia away from us!"

Anneliese turned, and ran toward another direction. "I know a short cut!" She dragged them down a street, then blinked at its ending, realizing she wasn't where she thought she'd be. "Uhm... actually, I don't know where we are. Where's that carriage service when you need it?"

Behind them, the shouts of men and their footsteps could be heard.

"They went this way!"

"No, this way!"

"Yeah, wel I say they went this way, and I'm gettin' to her first!" Some of the footsteps sounded as if they went in different directions, while others - a large group of them, from the sound of it - were moving closer.

Roleplay from Elonias

"Aah jeez, look what kind of mess you two have gotten us into!" Elonias said as he leaned against a wall, sighing as he placed his hands on it

"Well I don't know about you two, but I'd rather die from falling than from being abused." he said as he jumped up and started scaling the walls, before he hid on top of a house.

Roleplay from Davendrall


Davendrall heard a voice she recognized in the crowd.

"Buy yer riot supplies 'ere! Get ya rocks an pitch forks! Im selling 'em cheep for today only! Don't miss your chance to mob those women stealing that pretty girl of yours."

"Thats Mick!" Davendrall shouted, dragging Elonias back down and running towards the road where his Taxi was parked.

Roleplay from Elonias

"Lady Davendrall, I have to say I was perfectly comfortable on that roof." he said as he went up on the carriage "I was also perfectly comfortable in men's clothing for that matter."

Roleplay from Anneliese

"Why are we going in the direction of that voice?!" Anneliese said, somewhat alarmed as she followed them. Then, she saw the carriage. "Oh!" They skidded to a stop. "I hope you know how to drive this thing, Davendrall, because I don't." She opened the door of the carriage to allow Elonias to step inside.

Roleplay from Davendrall

" ways funnier...and me alive...and you innocent"

Davendrall got onto the front of the carriage as the other two got back in

"Ach no! There stealing me wagon!" Shouted Mick

"Okay...lets get out of here. Im sure I can learn how to drive a carriage on the way...Oi horses move!" She shouted and urged them on with the reins. Sensing the urgency and chaos all around them, then started off at a fast, frantic pace.

Davendrall didn't do much driving...the horses just ran. They skidded past street after street before arriving at Davendralls camp. She just about got them to park...though quite a few yards further than she'd planned.

Davendrall jumped off and fixed her hair before opening the carriage door.

"You still got the prizes right?"

For the next part to the thrilling Adventures of One Drunk and her Rabbit read Chapter 9