Muninn Newsrag/Adventures of one Drunk and her Rabbit/RP9Ch9

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Roleplay from Anneliese

Anneliese stepped out of the carriage, looking a little dizzy. "I don't know. Elonias had it, when I saw it." She carefully took a few steps, then leaned against a tree. "I think I got this though," She held up the sketchpad.

Roleplay from Elonias

Sluggishly walking out of the carriage, Elonias nodded as he said "yes, I have it right here." as he held up the gold bag, the trophy, and the flowers with his hands "Though, I have to say I have no idea why you're asking, lady Davendrall."

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Well...we did dress you up...and put the make up on...and enter you..." Davendrall hinted.

Roleplay from Anneliese

"You could say we made you into the perfect woman." She grinned, and flipped through the sketchbook, "Although to be fair, there wasn't much to change. All you needed was a dress."

She turned to a page upon which there was a picture of him walking on the stage, "See? Don't you look pretty?" She was holding it close enough that he could see it, but far enough that she could pull it away without having a chance of Elonias grabbing hold of it.

Roleplay from Elonias

Elonias sighed as he looked at the picture and the backed up a bit "Yeah, fine I get it." he looked away a bit and played with his hair "I am much prettier than you two are."

Roleplay from Anneliese

"Not quite." She said, closing the sketchbook, "Y'see, we could send one of these sketches to someone... your liege, perhaps. What would lady Athena think of you in a dress?"

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Or..." Davendrall started, joining in. "We could say...publish it in our newspaper...or release copies to the members of your army. It would definitely ruin your reputation" Davendrall grinned.

Roleplay from Elonias

"I am fairly sure my lady would not exactly put it against me if I were to wear a dress, and quite honestly I do not have a reputation to uphold. Meaning that you would only secure me one" Elonias pointed out to the two women, as he shrugged slightly.

Roleplay from Anneliese

"So you're saying you wouldn't be at all embarrassed if we posted these sketches for the whole realm to see? And that you wouldn't mind them knowing you were Miss Wheat-Grower?"

Roleplay from Elonias

"To be honest my lady, you have already embarrassed me to the point that I've wished for my death. A little more would not matter too me."

Roleplay from Anneliese

"So you wouldn't mind us revealing to your admirers at the contest just who you are... Wait!" She stopped, realizing something important, "Are you saying you're suicidal?" She turned to Davendrall, "I think we need to keep him here for a while, to make sure he doesn't kill himself from embarrassment."

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Aww" Davendrall patted him on the head "We should really stop driving people to suicide...or turning them into murderous cannibals..."

Roleplay from Anneliese

"Hey, I'm sure Charion was like that before we met him. He just didn't admit it."

Roleplay from Elonias

"Actually, I am not suicidal nor a cannibal. I've frankly just stopped caring for now, in order to preserve an illusion of dignity for myself." Elonas shrugged as he say down against a tree

"After all, you did just take all confidence I had as a man, and throw it into a stampede of rodents, and after that you drowned it just for the giggles."

Roleplay from Davendrall

"There there" Davendrall said, trying to sound sympathetic

"Would you like your clothes back? And a wet rag?"

Roleplay from Anneliese

"Hm. I'm getting bored of this," She whispered to Davendrall, "Since he's not going to kill himself, I say we let him go."

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Soon" Davendrall whispered back "I'd rather like that gold and trophy..."

Roleplay from Elonias

"You two certainly are odd." Elonias stated as he looked at the two women, before he stood up again and wiped tears from his eyes again "And yes, I would really like to have my clothes back, and preferebly act as if this never happened."

Roleplay from Anneliese

"Of course. Dave, you either get a wash cloth or get someone else to get one." She took his arm and led him into the tent, then stood just outside it. "Oh, and don't forgot your cloak."

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Im sure Mick has one in his Carriage" Davendrall went over to the carriage and looked in the boot

"What the hell?!" Davendrall exclaimed quietly, looking over to check Anneliese was still going in the other direction

"I knew he was stealing Anneliese's underwear...but this must be all she has. Damn you Mick! No one out does me!"

Davendrall quickly picked the whole lot up and hid it in her scribes tent

"Erm...why are you putting that in here...?"

"I'll explain later...oh...cloth"

Davendrall picked up a conveniently placed cloth on the way out and went back to her own tent where Elonias was to give him it

Roleplay from Elonias

Elonias peeked outwards and gently grabbed the cloth "thank you, lady Davendrall." and then he started washing his face using the used-to-be-boiling-water-now-quite-cold water that had been left there. "I would not forget the cloak if my life depended on it." he said to no one in particular to assure her that he hadn't forgotten it.

Roleplay from Anneliese

"Take it now?" Anneliese whispered to Davendrall.

Roleplay from Davendrall

While Elonias was busy, Davendrall sneakily took the gold, trophy and flowers that were the prizes for winning the beauty contest and sneaked back to Bubbles tent

"Im not even going to ask..." She said, looking at she trophy in the shape of a bundle of wheat

Davendrall quickly came back and stood innocently beside Anneliese

Roleplay from Anneliese

Anneliese grinned at Davendrall. "I do so love it when we work together. Perhaps I can... oh, by the way, did you get a healer like I told you to?"

Roleplay from Elonias

Elonias, yet again sighed as he walked out of the tent, his face, now without makeup, and wearing something that's not a dress had made him a bit happier and therefore less likely to cry all the time

"Well then my ladies. What now, if I dare ask?" he said as he stretched a bit, before he pulled out another bag of cookies from a pocket on his back "Jeez, I had forgotten about my spare..."

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall looked at the bag of cookies with hunger "...we eat cookies?"

Roleplay from Anneliese

"I noticed somebody ignored my question." She raised an eyebrow, but wasn't going to say anything else with Elonias here.

Anneliese looked at the bag and shrugged, "Personally, I'd prefer something more substantial than cookies. I'm not as fond of the things as she is."

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall turned to Anneliese in shock "How could you not like cookies?!"

Roleplay from Elonias

"Now then, Lady Davendrall." Elonias smiled a bit, but not his common smile, this one was wicked. "I remember telling somebody that I would never give said person cookies again." he put the cookies back into his pocket, and kept on the alert for any signs of attack or attempt to steal.

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall's mouth opened in shock "Ah...but..ow..but...I won't enter you in any more beauty contests if you share them"

Roleplay from Anneliese

"I don't particularly care for cookies, so I don't guarantee that I won't." She looked at Davendrall and stuck her tongue out. Nosily.

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Yeah well...I won't get a healer unless you help me!" Davendrall stuck her tongue back out.

Roleplay from Anneliese

"Ah ha! I knew it! You little liar, you promised!" She mock-frowned at her, "Don't you remember what I said I'd do to you if you didn't get a healer? Huh?"

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Hey! You never specified when I should get one. I'll get one tomorrow. Promise."

Roleplay from Anneliese

"I'll be back tomorrow, or the day after, and if I don't see one..." She grinned.

A pause, as she remember Elonias was still there. She turned to him. "Oh. And I suppose, I'll not enter you in anymore beauty contests again... regardless of what Davendrall does."

Roleplay from Elonias

Elonias smiled a bit and bowed slightly towards her "Please, don't." before he looked towards Davendrall and coughed before he said "And deal, no more beauty contests, and you can have your cookies."

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Yay!" Davendrall squealed, before running into her tent and eating her cookies

Roleplay from Anneliese

"Well, there goes that." Anne said after Davendrall ran into her tent, "She'll be in a cookie coma for the rest of the day, and anyway, I've got to see what Mick's done to my camp. Nice to... er, meet you lady- Sir Elonias." She grinned, and began to walk back to her camp.

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Hey don't forget to come see me tomorrow Anneliese!" Davendrall shouted, before going back to munching cookies

Roleplay from Elonias

Elonias sighed as he started to stalk away to his own encampment on the other side of Eston, this night he would put all his crew members to shame while they talked about their most dangerous, daring, or genuinely weird stories they claimed they had done.

Yet again reaching into his pocket, he fished up yet another bag of cookies "Well, at least I still got you, second reserve anti-norlander-and-rodent cookie bag, at least you still see me as a man."

The bag simply laid in his hand, and Elonias threw it backwards as he said "Who cares what you think!" before he started stalking off again.