Muninn Newsrag/Adventures of one Drunk and her Rabbit/RP10Ch1

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Roleplay from Anneliese

"Dave! Dave! Davity Dave Dave!" Anneliese shouted as she entered Davendrall's camp. She couldn't see her anywhere, so she guessed that she must still be asleep. "DAAAAVE! Did you get a healer, or shall I have to give you your unspeakable punishment?" She grinned, and hit a stick she happened to be carrying in one hand, to the palm of another.

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall was having a nice little dream. There were cookies...and rabbits...and hamsters...and wine...and leprechauns...and Anneliese dressed as a rabbit. Wait...why is Anneliese in my dream? and why is she shouting at me?

At that moment dream and reality merged, and Davendrall began to wake up, hearing someone shouting at her. Must be Anneliese. She's the only person who is let into her camp without question. Davendrall groaned and rolled over...the wrong way and fell of the bed with a bang

"Ouch! Dammit! Its not even half 11! Too early. Davendrall want sleeps!"

Roleplay from Anneliese

"Ouch! Dammit! Its not even half 11! Too early. Davendrall want sleeps."

Anneliese followed the sound of Davendrall's voice, and found her on the floor inside a tent. "Nonesense! It's never too early!" Without letting go of the stick, she placed her arms Davendrall and pulled her up, "Besides, I was supposed to come over here yesterday to see if you had a healer, and I wasn't able to because someone took my tent and trampled my camp..."

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Well...thats very rude isn't it. Who was it? Oh and I got a healer! Just like you asked! See? Im a good girl" Davendrall nodded

"He's in the small tent with a plaster sign over the entrance. I even got another bed put up! Wanna see it?"

Roleplay from Anneliese

"Mick, I suspect. You did say he came from that direction the other day when we took a ride in that carriage. And I know it isn't you because you were there with me the entire day, and some of my soldiers reported seeing him. Smelling him, anyway."

Anneliese grinned, "A good girl? I'm not so sure about that... although I did see another tent out there. Let's go see this healer, shall we? I don't want you lying to me and dressing up a skunk or something and claiming it's a healer."

Roleplay from Davendrall

"I would do no such thing!" Davendrall exclaimed as they went over to the healers tent.

"I've named him Munch" she said as they walked into the tent

"There you go as good as new!" The healer said to a man he was currently treating

" sure...this still feels broken"

"Of course! Who's the healer here? Me! Who knows best? Me! Now get outta my tent!"

A soldier walked past them with a plaster on his arm

"Ah Lady Davendrall! And a friend! Healer Murry at your service, I have lots of plasters! Lots and lots of plasters! MASS AMOUNT OF PLASTERS! MASS AMOUNT OF UBER MEGA PLASTERS! how can I be of assistance?" The healer greeted and began to stroke a plaster he held in his hand

Roleplay from Anneliese

Anneliese stared at the healer, as if uncertain as to whether this man was a healer, or a charlatan trying to pass himself off as one.

"Well, Davendrall, you managed to choose the most-" Anneliese rose an eyebrow at the particular manner he was stroking the plaster, "-mentally unstable of healers I've ever seen. But I suppose it counts." Anneliese threw the stick out of the tent, looking a little disappointed. "A shame. I was rather hoping I'd get to use that today."

Roleplay from Davendrall

"You still can if you want. I only got the healer cause you told me to anyway." She said as she walked out of the tent

"Now I want breakfast. Oi! Servant! Get me some breakfast!" The servant ran over to her and handed her a pack of cookies

Roleplay from Anneliese

Anneliese followed Davendrall outside the tent. "I need someone to help me with my revenge on Mick, and you know him far better than I do. Also... I'd like to find my clothes, and I thought you might know where they are." She was not surprised to see Davendrall eat cookies for breakfast, but wondered just how she hadn't gotten sick of the things by now.

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Omnom...well...nomnom...we could...nomnomnom...dye his eyebrows pink. I think I might have some of your clothes. Be back in a minute"

Davendrall finished off all the cookies in the bag and went back to her tent

As Davendrall went off a hand suddenly gripped firmly around Anneliese's mouth from behind, and her sword was drawn from her belt and held to her throat

"Your coming with me. You'll pay for the torment you caused me" Said a familiar voice, before dragging her behind the healers tent into a wooded area.

Anneliese was dragged further into woods, next to a lake

Roleplay from Anneliese

"Your coming with me. You'll pay for the torment you caused me"

Lacking any ability to reply, Anneliese hissed. She knew exactly who it was - Andre! Until this moment, she had entirely forgotten about him. She had thought Davendrall would have killed him by now.

Before Anneliese could retaliate, she was dragged through some area full of trees. She could see water on the edge of her vision, probably some kind of pond.

Anne bit down on Andre's hand, then kicked backwards. She lunged away from him, hoping to get free, and perhaps grab ahold of her sword.

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall returned with a set of Anneliese's clothing. She was gone. Had she upset her? Had she insulted her? Had she been consumed by an evil sheep? Davendrall began to get very worried and angry

"No sheep eats my friend!" Davendrall looked at the ground where Anneliese was and saw some footprints and drag marks leading off to the woods. Then she noticed something else. Andre's cage...had been broken out of...and was empty

Davendrall swore and ran into the woods, drawing a pair of daggers in the process

For the next part to the thrilling Adventures of One Drunk and her Rabbit read Chapter 2