Muninn Newsrag/Adventures of one Drunk and her Rabbit/RP10Ch2

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Roleplay from Davendrall

Andre didn't let go. "Anneliese I'm disappointed. You've done so much worse, then you use this pathetic attempt at escape" He turned Anneliese round and pushed her against a tree, still holding her sword to her neck. He drew a knife from his belt.

"Now I'll take what I should have had a long time ago. But you never gave in did you? Now you won't have a choice"

At that moment Davendrall burst through the trees


"Stay there Davendrall! Another move and I'll kill her. He pushed the sword further into Anneliese's neck and Davendrall froze

With the knife Andre began to cut Anneliese's clothing off

Roleplay from Anneliese

Anneliese gave another hiss, out frustration. She desperately wanted her blade, her armor... or even a simple dagger. Most of her daggers had been stolen with the tent, and her armor she had left behind - simply because, for once in her life, it seemed silly. She wasn't fighting with Davendrall anymore, and the only time she'd actually needed it was when she was in battle with the rest of the army.

The first layer of her clothing fell off her easily. She would rather be killed than go through this... but... Davendrall. Anne didn't want to leave her, and there's the matter of what Andre would do to Davendrall after murdering her.

Saying anything might make matters worse, so stayed quiet, staring at Andre in a way that conveyed contempt.

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall felt so helpless. She began to shake and tears were streaming down her eyes. She couldn't bare to see this happen, but she couldn't do anything at the risk of Andre killing Anneliese. She would easily give her own life in this situation, but not hers.

She stood helplessly. Feeling completely repulsed at herself for not doing anything, even though there was nothing she could do. She wasn't going to risk Anneliese.

Roleplay from Anneliese

Soon they would have five little goslings!

Yellowbill was as proud as a father could be - it would not be long now before they hatched. He and his mate had already picked out the names - Ferdinand, for the boys - Ferdinand was definitely a good name, much better than the uncreative Blackbill. The gander was the eleventh Yellowbill in a long line of Yellowbills, and he planned to end that confusing naming tradition once and for all.

The gander swam leisurely across the lake, doing a routine inspection of their territory. The raccoons were nowhere in sight - they'd managed to eat their last clutch, but no more! Yellowbill whacked them soundly with his wings, like no raccoon had ever been whacked before. He'd not have any trouble from them this time around, fortunately, but he still had to be vigilant. Who knows what other predators might lurk near their lake, just waiting to steal their eggs?

At that particular moment, the gander spotted something that he had not seen before, or at least not in a long time. His neck began to tremble. A human! Fury welled into his feathered body - he'd heard of them before! There were stories a plenty of humans stealing eggs, eating them or throwing them for their own amusement.

Yellowbill immediately took flight, attacking the closet one to him - the adult male.

Roleplay from Davendrall

"AAAAHHHH! NOOO!! THE GOOSE! IT'S EATING MY FACE!" Andre screamed as the goose attacked him. He stumbled back away from Anneliese, but the goose kept pecking his head. He fell over. That was a mistake. Now it started pecking at a more...painful location

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! GET IT OFF!" Andre screamed. This brought back memories of Anneliese and Davendrall torturing him, but he wasn't concerned with that at the moment. He continued screaming, trying to get his arms in the way but he couldn't, nor could he move back.

Davendrall immediately ran over to Anneliese and grabbed her protectively, but she couldn't help being amused and satisfied at the sight before her

Roleplay from Anneliese

Anneliese stood in shock at the sight of a goose attacking Andre. "What the..." While she was busy staring, Davendrall grabbed hold of her. She flinched, but relaxed slightly once she realized who it was. "I... I... think we should leave before the goose gets through with him."

Roleplay from Mick
Mick slashed with his axe, he hated axes, they were dreadful, a rusty broadsword was much more fun. The "Slashing lumberjacks" company was barely making mick any money he'd only started it to drive some upstart beavers out of Eston.

Mick cut into the tree again and again causing it to shake, it was a big tree, if it fell on anyone it would REALLLLY hurt...

After a few more blows the tree began to lean. Once more should do it.

"Tiiiiiimbbeeeeer" Mick shouted his voice gruff like a real lumber jack and then he swung his axe again

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Not until he's dead..."


"What the hell..." Davendrall stood in shock as this huge tree creaked forward.

Andre and the goose both looked up at the tree. The goose moved out the way. Andre's mouth opened in shock, his eyes wide with fear. Then it fell on him.

"Well that was convenient. We can go in a minute."

Davendrall went over to the crushed Andre. His eyes were still open, but frozen and lifeless. Davendrall spat on him

"Bastard" She said before forcing one of her daggers through his throat just to make sure he was dead.

"Good job i've got a new Captain"

Davendrall sheathed her daggers and went back over to Anneliese. She simply hugged her and began to cry

Roleplay from Anneliese

"I don't know what just happened, but... I think we should leave now. Let's... go home." She was still in shock, not quite all there. She didn't seem to respond when Davendrall hugged her. Mechanically, she pulled away and picked her up sword and its sheath.

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall wiped her face and led Anneliese back to the tent

"Sit. I'll get someone to get you some...tea"

Roleplay from Anneliese

She sat down on the bed. "Don't be long... okay?" A little hesitation could be heard in her voice.

For the next part to the thrilling Adventures of One Drunk and her Rabbit read Chapter 3