MontFort Family/Oligarch

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Oligarch: The Tale of a Realm Lost

From the fall of Omsk to the restoration of the Capital

"As the wars slowly merged into one large running conflict, Omsk slowly fell, finally surrendering into time. With her one ally gone, Oligarch started fighting 3 allies at any one time, they sought help from Perdan, the large military dictatorship, that was neutral at the time.

After Oligarch lost their capital city, and had been reduced to 4 regions [NB: enters at this point venerable and ancient Wynder, from Ubent Castle.], Perdan's forces swarm over the river, and started fighting the Sirion armies.
At that time Eleador was at it's apex with 14 regions. However, two things happened, that caused the frontlines to destablize. First of all, was Perdan's attack: for the longest time they had remained idle and [the Nobles of Eleador] thought all was fine, but next thing close to 40 troop commanders stormed the lines, heading north, overrunning several key locations.
As battles progressed, and W.Sirion started to lose regions, a choice was made, to keep them alive, by moving their capital to Avamar, as well, to dissolve E.Sirion, back into Sirion proper about this time, Oligarch City, was dropped into [Eleador's] hands.

Less than a week after this happened, and with some bad timing, Oligarch regained [rightful] control of its [historic] Capital."

from History of Eleador

Turning Point: Opportunity lost

"Shortly, region by region, Eleador started a long retreat: its Capitals moved from Rollbar, to Ashforth and eventually to Dale.

After Oligarch sent a massive force to wrest Ashforth from its control, Eleador entered a state of peace with all it's neighbors for a time. During this time great strides were made by Eleador nobles, so much so that bordering regions soon began to abandon their previous realms and join with Eleador. Through no fault of their own Eleador soon found themselves at odds with its once allies (Rancagua, Old Rancagua and Sirion). These allies soon came to resent Eleador and demanded that it end its peaceful status and pick a side in "The Great War".

[NB: In this author's opinion, had Oligarch not taken Ashforth (or returned it), Eleador would have been stronger and could have resisted and at least remained Neutral: the fate of the North hung in the balance. As later events unfolded, the area was doomed, as was Oligarch itself. Woe to those who over-reach!]

Kazidi La (then king of Eleador) entered a long slow process of negotiation with all Eleador's neighbors to try to find someone offering more than 'We won't utterly kill you if you join us' terms for Eleador's alliance.

It seemed that Oligarch's offer of a city and 3 regions would be the best bid but before the deal could go through, Kazidi La was forced to leave on a spiritual retreat.
At this time a dark elvish member of Eleador by the name of moe used his seniority in the realm to gain the throne and the position of High Priest and immediately turned all Kazidi La's dealings on their ear, destroying Kazidi La's hard work; he joined Eleador with the elven bretheren in Sirion.

Unfortunately the damage was already done and Eleador soon met it's demise at the hands of Sirion and Old Rancagua who had been raiding Eleador lands and were poised already to take over her remaining regions."

from History of Eleador "The final years"

started --BenTrem 20:48, 19 April 2008 (CEST)