Melhed/History/Age of Betrayal/Guide

From BattleMaster Wiki

Lands of the Republic

Senatorial Domain
Heartland Red
Periphery Blue
Frontier Green
Valentic Province Fuchsia

Senatorial domain is not to be confused with the boarders of Melhed, though the two are often interchanged. The domain of the senate encompass all the land the senate considers under their direct administrative authority. Conversely, the senatorial domain also indicates which territories can be represented on the senate by a senator.

It often comes to pass that an outlying territory is not in fact under the control of Melhed or represented on the senate. In this case the territory is nominally considered under the domain, but practically, with no senator to speak for the region, it is ignored. Recent trends may change this approach, but for now the domain and the Melhed boarder are in flux.

Melhed-icon.pngSenatorial DomainMelhed-icon.png
Melhed Circle
Agyr | Hopidrii | Gor Ault | Rengo | Bil Havil | Tepmona | Bisana | Trottie | Mhed
Lastfell | Orde | Kannoktet | Rafferty | Lin Helon | Affkat | Crim
Fronepu | Seven Rivers | Ieara | Lloringel | Qual
Valentic Province
Unger | Wailing Wood | Winifael | Ukh | Mouzl