Luria Nova/Events/Estate-Manager/The Mud Pit Monopoly Offer

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A group of merchants from Swordfell arrives at your estate, their eyes fixed on your mud pits. After a thorough inspection, they approach you with a tempting offer. They propose acquiring the exclusive rights to monopolize your mud pits, and in return, they are willing to pay you a chest full of coins annually. Their argument revolves around your estate's perceived inability to maximize the potential of these quality mud pits.

Local craftsmen staunchly oppose this proposal, asserting that developing the mud pits themselves could lead to the production of high-quality pottery and bricks, benefiting both the estate and its artisans. However, there's no guarantee of when you'll amass enough gold coins to undertake such a venture.

On the other side of the debate, minor nobles in your estate view the merchant's offer favorably, suggesting that you accept and use the annual payments to host banquets to please them.

Local merchants, who have been engaged in competition, are wary of the Fellish merchants and are aligning themselves with the craftsmen.

The decision rests with you. Will you retain control of the mud pits, patiently waiting until you can invest in their development? Or will you entrust the Fellish Merchants with the mud pits, accepting their annual payments?

Outcome: Declined the Fellish Merchants' Offer

You choose to hold on to your mud pits, resisting the allure of the Fellish Merchants' offer. They express their disappointment in your decision and reluctantly depart from your estate.

Your decision resonates with your craftsmen and local merchants, who believe that retaining control of the mud pits will bring long-term benefits to the estate. They see potential in developing the mud pits to produce high-quality pottery and bricks, enhancing the estate's economic prospects.

However, your stance disappoints the minor nobles, who had hoped for annual feasts as a result of the merchant's offer. They lament the missed opportunity for lavish banquets and favor you a little less for it.