Luria Nova/Events/Estate-Manager/Prospector Event: Discovering Limestone Deposits

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Intrigued by the prospect of uncovering valuable mineral resources within your estate, you decide to engage the services of a skilled prospector. For a fee of 3 gold coins, the prospector dedicates several weeks to thoroughly explore your domain in search of any mineral deposits with the potential for profitable extraction.

The diligent efforts of the prospector bear fruit, as he identifies a promising hill near your estate rich in limestone. Remarkably, this limestone deposit is conveniently close to the surface, making initial extraction straightforward and cost-effective.

At this juncture, you face a pivotal decision:

Begin Limestone Extraction: You can opt to initiate limestone extraction immediately, as it doesn't incur any additional costs at this stage due to its proximity to the surface. This initial extraction will be relatively small in scale but can provide a valuable resource for your estate.

Invest in a Limestone Quarry: Alternatively, you can choose to invest additional gold to construct a limestone quarry. The size and efficiency of the quarry will depend on the extent of your investment. A quarry would enable you to extract limestone more effectively, ultimately increasing the volume of this valuable resource available to your estate.

The discovery of this limestone deposit opens up new possibilities for your estate, and the choice you make will shape its economic future. Will you opt for immediate extraction to secure a modest but prompt supply of limestone, or will you make a more substantial investment to establish a quarry for long-term gains? The decision is in your hands.

Outcome Delayed: Strategic Delay of Limestone Quarry Investment

Upon discovering the promising limestone deposit, you initially entertain the idea of investing in a quarry to maximize the long-term potential of this valuable resource. However, upon assessing your current financial situation, you find that your available gold can only support the construction of a small-sized quarry.

Recognizing the limitations of this budget, you make a pragmatic decision to hold off on building the quarry for the time being. Instead, you opt to patiently accumulate more gold before proceeding with quarry construction. Your rationale is clear: by waiting until you have a more substantial gold reserve, you'll be able to establish a larger and more efficient quarry, ensuring a more significant and sustainable yield of limestone in the future.

While this delay may postpone the development of your limestone resources, your strategic thinking reflects a prudent approach, prioritizing the long-term success and growth of your estate over immediate gains.