Luria Nova/Events/Estate-Manager/Confrontation with the Fellish Merchant Guild

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News reaches you through local merchants that the Fellish Merchant Guild made an unsuccessful attempt to sell some of their manufacturing businesses as a protest against your decision to embrace Lux Nova. Fortunately, their efforts fell short, sparing your estate from losing a significant portion of its manufacturing sector.

As this information circulates, various voices within your estate offer their perspectives on how to respond to the Fellish Merchant Guild's actions. Some minor nobles argue for a strong stance, advocating for the arrest and expulsion of the Fellish merchants from your domain as a lesson. They see this as a way to assert your authority and reinforce your commitment to Lux Nova.

On the contrary, your local merchants caution against such a confrontational approach. They fear that forcibly expelling the Fellish merchants could lead to retaliation and escalate tensions further. Moreover, they express concerns about potential unrest among troublemakers within the estate.

One of the Lux Nova priests presents a more conciliatory suggestion. They propose initiating a dialogue with the Fellish Merchant Guild, giving them an opportunity to learn about Lux Nova and consider conversion before resorting to expulsion.

The decision ultimately rests with you: How will you address the situation with the Fellish Merchant Guild? Will you choose a path of confrontation, conciliation, or something else entirely?
