Legendary Breastplate of Strength

From BattleMaster Wiki
Type Armour
Discovered By Gustave von Genf
Discovery Date August 8th, 2009
Discovery Location Villriil, Beluaterra
Abilities Prestige +7
Current Owner Chénier

Vilriil was teeming with monsters and undead, close to the point where they would form a Horde. I hunted Undead, but they were shifty, always disappearing from view to reappear the day after. One day, while I was following a cold trail, I was attacked by a pack of monsters, who at last would fight without running away. It took me half a day, but I finally defeated their leader, and got the Legendary Breastplate of Strength from his body.

The breastplate itself is made from the hardest steel, and all of one piece. Although heavy and unwieldy, it shows not the slightest dent or trace of repair, even though it is evidently quite old. It seems as though weapons bounce off it without leaving a mark.

Eventually, it came in the possession of Nicolas Chénier, then Field Marshal of the realm of Enweil. As he wore it battle after battle, and was perhaps only seen in a couple without it, it started to be associated with his character and to the mystique of the invincible Enweilian armies which he boasts. He is often seen spreading tales about it, and stating that the armies of Enweil, much like him with him armour, occasionally get knocked off their feet, but never get scratched. When some of the parts started showing age, Nicolas ordered to have it repaired and had some Enweilian heraldry added to it. He still wears it to this day, even in many non-combat situations.

It has, over time, become a symbol of Enweilian military might.

After protecting him against many battles against the monsters, Nicolas had to command a repair of his treasure. However, the monsters attacked soon after and so he rode without it. Lacking the Legendary Armour of Strength, his defences were significantly weaker and so he was killed in that battle. The armour has since passed on to another Chénier and is considered an Enweilian treasure.