Legendary Aegis of Piety

From BattleMaster Wiki
Type Shield
Discovered By Belras
Discovery Date 2011 May 28
Discovery Location Sniika, Beluaterra
Abilities Prestige +2
Current Owner Victus Draco Tanos

Description: The Legendary Aegis of Piety is a medium sized round shield made out of what appears to be Silver. It never stains and is a lot harder than ordinary silver as it do not dent no matter how hard the blows are directed at it are in battle. This may well be due to outside enchantment.

The strangest part about it is that the shifting motive that can be seen on the Aegis in bas relief. The motive always shows some important event in the Aegis past and always involves the defeat of Daimons in one way or another. One day when you look at it you may see the Wizard Ophuri banishing the Daimon Lord Azagari the Deceiver back to the Netherworld, and another day you may see the entirely different depiction of the Battle of Brawason fields where a human army vanquished a Daimon force with the aid of the Aegis.

Ancient History: The Aegis is an enigma. It appears in the mythology of many diverse religions where it is a gift from a divine agent to a particularly pure hearted champion to help him face some Daimon threat that would be impossible to meet without it. If the wielder only is pure enough of heart it is said to protect the wearer and the men he commands from Daimon Fire and other forms of foul Daimon Magic.

Recent History: Some months after what historians have already named the fourth invasion of Beluaterra it was recovered from an Alpha Monster in Sniika by the adventurer Belras. He sold it for gold to the Viscount of Hirzmet Victus Draco Tanos.