Ledoux Family/Élodie/2019/September/Sally from Golden Farrow

From BattleMaster Wiki
Sally from Golden Farrow
(Part 1 of Battle of the Bloody Farrow)
Part of Gold Sea Conflict

Date 9/04/2019
Location Farrowfield
Weather Quite windy
Result After 7 rounds, Defender Victory
Farrowfield, Westgard being conquered by Tol Goldora
Attackers Defenders
Westgard Tol Goldora
Luria Nova
Goffredo Bande Nere Sir Medrawt Camlann
Wassgandr Felsenbach
19261 cs
(533 Inf, 598 Arch, 339 SF)
23567 cs
(806 Inf, 46 MI, 521 Arch, 74 Cav, 371 SF)
no particular Fortification Defense
Fortification Defense
656 730

1AAchenar ElitesHengistWestgard76 SFskirmish  1524
2ACelestial SwordsSairynWestgard78 Infskirmish  954
3ADark rainJohnWestgard114 Archskirmish  939
4AEagle archersMargeryWestgard55 Archskirmish  515
5AGelene Silver ArrowsSonyaWestgard83 SFskirmish  1606
6AGolden ArrowsAyanakaWestgard140 Archskirmish  1558
7AGolden SentinelsGhericWestgard51 Infbox  761
8AHidy's 5 HitersPanHildaWestgard50 SFskirmish  1171
9AHonza's Hand XHonzaWestgard50 SFskirmish  1209
10AMilitia RecruitsFelix ValentineWestgard30 Infline  520
11AParty peopleWilhelmWestgard137 Archskirmish  1195
12ARancorCalderWestgard50 Infline  602
13ARaskolnikov GuardMikhailWestgard22 Infline  337
14ARosalind's RavensRosalindWestgard244 Infline  2488
15ASun's HammersÉlodieWestgard58 Infline  638
16AVengeful PorcupinesGoffredoWestgard152 Archskirmish  1644
17A[WL] Bathgate SpecialistsSparticus IIWestgard80 SFskirmish  1600
18D1st Novan Wrath PlatoonWassgandrLuria Nova65 SFskirmish  1664
19DBlue BladesZivaTol Goldora46 Infline  571
20DCrimson ScourgeArchimedesTol Goldora118 Infline  1044
21DDeath BoltsBerenisTol Goldora211 Archskirmish  1688
22DFelsenbachi KnightslayersOskarLuria Nova37 SFskirmish  939
23DGolden FuryEmyhrTol Goldora100 Infline  1061
24DLeonid GuardsLeonidLuria Nova64 SFskirmish  1423
25DMixed EscortsKiranLuria Nova46 MIline  602
26DProtectors of TruthScipioneTol Goldora95 Archline  1007
27DRafikan Honour GuardWillardTol Goldora63 Infline  840
28DReodling VariagsRenwardTol Goldora46 Infline  476
29DRiders of ViaRooseTol Goldora74 Cavline  1346
30DSelemnir Sixth CompanyBennetLuria Nova67 SFskirmish  1297
31DStratarch's FinestMedrawtTol Goldora64 SFskirmish  1344
32DThe Exalted ArbalestsSolomonTol Goldora74 SFskirmish  1543
33DThe LegionJohnathonTol Goldora20 Infline  288
34DUruksNinsiannaTol Goldora99 Infline  1154
35DValourRakeshTol Goldora66 Archskirmish  706
36DVan der Voorts MarksmenAlexiusTol Goldora71 Archskirmish  619
37DVihased vennadBemmyTol Goldora165 Infline  1533
38DVorn huntsmenAriaTol Goldora78 Archskirmish  729
39DWestgard DesertersHervisTol Goldora124 Infbox  1396
40DWolves of ViaAethlwynnTol Goldora25 Infline  297
41NDelta GuardsNoelleMadina58 Infbox  863

17 attackers (533 Inf, 598 Arch, 339 SF)
23 defenders (806 Inf, 46 MI, 521 Arch, 74 Cav, 371 SF)
Total combat strengths: 19261 vs. 23567

1 neutral observers (863 combat strength).

Protectors of Truth tried to evade foreign troops, but were spotted.
The forces from Tol Goldora brace as they prepare to defend their ongoing takeover.
The region owner Westgard and their allies attack the takeover forces.
The Westgard troops attack because they are at war with Tol Goldora.
The Madina forces stay neutral because they have friends on both sides.
The troops from Luria Nova join the defense because of their alliance with Tol Goldora.

It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully.
Even though there is a fortification nearby, neither attackers nor defenders are able to make use of it, so the battlefield is in the open.

Margravine Berenis Vasiliev is spotted wearing the Daemonic Armour of the Dragons.
Suzerain King Bennet Selemnir is spotted wielding the Dazzling Sword.
Navarch Solomon Greybrook is spotted wearing the Mediocre Mask.
Royal Sir Medrawt Camlann is spotted wearing the Scorching Pendant.
Knight Emyhr le Craint is spotted wearing the Sapphire Ring.
Goffredo Bande Nere, Margrave of Farrowfield, Marshal of the Westgard Lightbearers takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.
Wassgandr Felsenbach, Imperial Marshal of Luria Nova, Margrave of Askileon, Marshal of the Novan Wrath takes command of his army. They deploy in Fortification Defense formation.
Sir Medrawt Camlann, Stratarch of Tol Goldora, Royal of Tol Goldora, Knight of Mech Alb, Marshal of the Golden Host takes command of his army. They deploy in Fortification Defense formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1

 2 (78-I)
7 (51-I)
12 (50-I)
13 (22-I)
14 (244-I)
15 (58-I)
1 (76-S)
3 (114-A)
4 (55-A)
5 (83-S)
6 (140-A)
8 (50-S)
9 (50-S)
11 (137-A)
16 (152-A)
17 (80-S)
10 (30-I)
  18 (65-S)
19 (46-I)
20 (118-I)
21 (211-A)
22 (37-S)
23 (100-I)
24 (64-S)
25 (46-M)
26 (95-A)
27 (63-I)
28 (46-I)
30 (67-S)
31 (64-S)
32 (74-S)
33 (20-I)
34 (99-I)
35 (66-A)
36 (71-A)
37 (165-I)
38 (78-A)
39 (124-I)
40 (25-I)
 29 (74-C)

Selemnir Sixth Company (30) fire on Militia Recruits (10), scoring 763 hits.
Hidy's 5 Hiters (8) fire on Death Bolts (21), scoring 231 hits.
Leonid Guards (24) fire on Gelene Silver Arrows (5), scoring 389 hits.
Vorn huntsmen (38) fire on [WL] Bathgate Specialists (17), scoring 127 hits.
Achenar Elites (1) fire on 1st Novan Wrath Platoon (18), scoring 287 hits.
Gelene Silver Arrows (5) fire on The Exalted Arbalests (32), scoring 437 hits.
Mixed Escorts (25) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Valour (35) fire on Vengeful Porcupines (16), scoring 152 hits.
Golden Arrows (6) fire on Vihased vennad (37), scoring 338 hits.
Death Bolts (21) fire on Honza's Hand X (9), scoring 206 hits.
1st Novan Wrath Platoon (18) fire on Party people (11), scoring 340 hits.
[WL] Bathgate Specialists (17) fire on Westgard Deserters (39), scoring 388 hits.
Stratarch's Finest (31) fire on Dark rain (3), scoring 214 hits.
Protectors of Truth (26) fire on Achenar Elites (1), scoring 298 hits.
Van der Voorts Marksmen (36) fire on Golden Arrows (6), scoring 82 hits.
Honza's Hand X (9) fire on Uruks (34), scoring 440 hits.
Vengeful Porcupines (16) fire on Golden Fury (23), scoring 487 hits.
Party people (11) fire on Crimson Scourge (20), scoring 437 hits.
Dark rain (3) fire on Felsenbachi Knightslayers (22), scoring 204 hits.
Eagle archers (4) fire on Rafikan Honour Guard (27), scoring 105 hits.
The Exalted Arbalests (32) fire on Hidy's 5 Hiters (8), scoring 111 hits.
Felsenbachi Knightslayers (22) fire on Eagle archers (4), scoring 120 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 2802, Defenders: 3354
Riders of Via (29) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.
Celestial Swords (2), Rosalind's Ravens (14), Sun's Hammers (15), Militia Recruits (10), Golden Sentinels (7), Raskolnikov Guard (13) and Rancor (12) advance towards the enemy.
Vihased vennad (37), Reodling Variags (28), The Legion (33), Uruks (34), Westgard Deserters (39), Crimson Scourge (20), Blue Blades (19), Golden Fury (23), Rafikan Honour Guard (27) and Wolves of Via (40) advance towards the enemy.

Hidy's 5 Hiters (8) take 111 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Vihased vennad (37) take 338 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Achenar Elites (1) take 298 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Gelene Silver Arrows (5) take 389 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties.
Sonya Jimenez, Dame of Eidulb has been wounded by Leonid Guards (24).
Golden Arrows (6) take 82 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Death Bolts (21) take 231 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Uruks (34) take 440 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties.
Westgard Deserters (39) take 388 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.
Militia Recruits (10) take 763 hits from archer fire, which cause 13 casualties.
1st Novan Wrath Platoon (18) take 287 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Crimson Scourge (20) take 437 hits from archer fire, which cause 13 casualties.
[WL] Bathgate Specialists (17) take 127 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Honza's Hand X (9) take 206 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Vengeful Porcupines (16) take 152 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Party people (11) take 340 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties.
Dark rain (3) take 214 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Golden Fury (23) take 487 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties.
Rafikan Honour Guard (27) take 105 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Eagle archers (4) take 120 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
The Exalted Arbalests (32) take 437 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties.
Felsenbachi Knightslayers (22) take 204 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2802 (0 from close combat and 2802 from ranged), Defenders: 3354 (0 from close combat and 3354 from ranged)
Total casualties: 65 attackers, 77 defenders

Turn No. 2

  1 (69-S)
2 (78-I)
3 (107-A)
4 (51-A)
5 (73-S)
6 (138-A)
7 (51-I)
8 (48-S)
9 (46-S)
11 (127-A)
12 (50-I)
13 (22-I)
14 (244-I)
15 (58-I)
16 (148-A)
17 (78-S)
 10 (17-I)
19 (46-I)
20 (105-I)
23 (90-I)
27 (61-I)
28 (46-I)
33 (20-I)
34 (89-I)
37 (158-I)
39 (116-I)
40 (25-I)
18 (60-S)
21 (204-A)
22 (32-S)
24 (64-S)
25 (46-M)
26 (95-A)
30 (67-S)
31 (64-S)
32 (64-S)
35 (66-A)
36 (71-A)
38 (78-A)
 29 (74-C)

Valour (35) fire on Militia Recruits (10), scoring 323 hits.
Protectors of Truth (26) fire on Rosalind's Ravens (14), scoring 253 hits.
Vorn huntsmen (38) fire on [WL] Bathgate Specialists (17), scoring 137 hits.
Mixed Escorts (25) move closer so they can fire safely into the melee.
Achenar Elites (1) fire on Vihased vennad (37), scoring 482 hits.
Honza's Hand X (9) fire on Westgard Deserters (39), scoring 671 hits.
Van der Voorts Marksmen (36) fire on Vengeful Porcupines (16), scoring 77 hits.
Selemnir Sixth Company (30) fire on Golden Arrows (6), scoring 163 hits.
Vengeful Porcupines (16) fire on Uruks (34), scoring 604 hits.
Eagle archers (4) fire on Golden Fury (23), scoring 114 hits.
Party people (11) fire on Crimson Scourge (20), scoring 421 hits.
[WL] Bathgate Specialists (17) fire on Rafikan Honour Guard (27), scoring 600 hits.
1st Novan Wrath Platoon (18) fire on Gelene Silver Arrows (5), scoring 523 hits.
The Exalted Arbalests (32) fire on Hidy's 5 Hiters (8), scoring 275 hits.
Death Bolts (21) fire on Celestial Swords (2), scoring 338 hits.
Stratarch's Finest (31) fire on Dark rain (3), scoring 345 hits.
Felsenbachi Knightslayers (22) fire on Golden Sentinels (7), scoring 143 hits.
Golden Arrows (6) fire on Mixed Escorts (25), scoring 676 hits.
Gelene Silver Arrows (5) fire on Blue Blades (19), scoring 638 hits.
Leonid Guards (24) fire on Achenar Elites (1), scoring 384 hits.
Dark rain (3) fire on Reodling Variags (28), scoring 192 hits.
Hidy's 5 Hiters (8) fire on The Legion (33), scoring 440 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 2961, Defenders: 4838
Riders of Via (29) ride on, closing in on the enemy.
Wolves of Via (40) break through the frontlines!
The Legion (33) break through the frontlines!
Rafikan Honour Guard (27) break through the frontlines!
Westgard Deserters (39) break through the frontlines!
Crimson Scourge (20) break through the frontlines!
Reodling Variags (28) break through the frontlines!
Golden Fury (23) break through the frontlines!
Blue Blades (19) break through the frontlines!
Uruks (34) break through the frontlines!
Vihased vennad (37) break through the frontlines!
Militia Recruits (10), Raskolnikov Guard (13), Rancor (12), Rosalind's Ravens (14), Golden Sentinels (7), Celestial Swords (2) and Sun's Hammers (15) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Center Line):
8 Luria Nova banners are visible in the melee.
Militia Recruits (10) score 262 hits on Mixed Escorts (25).
Mixed Escorts (25) score 375 hits on Militia Recruits (10).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 375, Defenders: 262

Militia Recruits (10) take 698 hits (375 in close combat, 323 from archer fire), which cause 12 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Mixed Escorts (25) take 938 hits (262 in close combat, 676 from archer fire), which cause 28 casualties.
The Legion (33) take 440 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Achenar Elites (1) take 384 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
Rafikan Honour Guard (27) take 600 hits from archer fire, which cause 12 casualties.
Vengeful Porcupines (16) take 77 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Westgard Deserters (39) take 671 hits from archer fire, which cause 14 casualties.
[WL] Bathgate Specialists (17) take 137 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Crimson Scourge (20) take 421 hits from archer fire, which cause 13 casualties.
Golden Arrows (6) take 163 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Rosalind's Ravens (14) take 253 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Gelene Silver Arrows (5) take 523 hits from archer fire, which cause 15 casualties.
Reodling Variags (28) take 192 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Golden Fury (23) take 114 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Golden Sentinels (7) take 143 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Gheric Arylon, Knight of Golden Farrow has been wounded by Felsenbachi Knightslayers (22).
Blue Blades (19) take 638 hits from archer fire, which cause 14 casualties.
Celestial Swords (2) take 338 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Uruks (34) take 604 hits from archer fire, which cause 13 casualties.
Ninsianna Nuanet, Dame of Itau has been wounded by Vengeful Porcupines (16).
Dark rain (3) take 345 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties.
Hidy's 5 Hiters (8) take 275 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Vihased vennad (37) take 482 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 3336 (375 from close combat and 2961 from ranged), Defenders: 5100 (262 from close combat and 4838 from ranged)
Total casualties: 75 attackers, 120 defenders

Turn No. 3

  1 (60-S)
3 (96-A)
4 (51-A)
5 (58-S)
6 (134-A)
8 (42-S)
9 (46-S)
11 (127-A)
16 (146-A)
17 (75-S)
2 (72-I)
7 (48-I)
12 (50-I)
13 (22-I)
14 (240-I)
15 (58-I)
19 (32-I)
20 (92-I)
23 (88-I)
27 (49-I)
28 (39-I)
33 (13-I)
34 (76-I)
37 (148-I)
39 (102-I)
40 (25-I)
25 (18-M)
18 (60-S)
21 (204-A)
22 (32-S)
24 (64-S)
26 (95-A)
29 (74-C)
30 (67-S)
31 (64-S)
32 (64-S)
35 (66-A)
36 (71-A)
38 (78-A)

Hidy's 5 Hiters (8) fire on Vihased vennad (37), scoring 752 hits.
Party people (11) fire on Westgard Deserters (39), scoring 788 hits.
Death Bolts (21) fire on Rosalind's Ravens (14), scoring 688 hits.
Stratarch's Finest (31) fire on Celestial Swords (2), scoring 392 hits.
The Exalted Arbalests (32) fire on Golden Sentinels (7), scoring 485 hits.
Dark rain (3) fire on Golden Fury (23), scoring 305 hits.
1st Novan Wrath Platoon (18) fire on Sun's Hammers (15), scoring 630 hits.
Vengeful Porcupines (16) fire on Uruks (34), scoring 1236 hits.
Golden Arrows (6) fire on Crimson Scourge (20), scoring 1217 hits.
Protectors of Truth (26) fire on Rancor (12), scoring 522 hits.
Felsenbachi Knightslayers (22) fire on Raskolnikov Guard (13), scoring 305 hits.
Eagle archers (4) fire on Rafikan Honour Guard (27), scoring 180 hits.
[WL] Bathgate Specialists (17) fire on Blue Blades (19), scoring 863 hits.
Selemnir Sixth Company (30) fire on Achenar Elites (1), scoring 358 hits.
Valour (35) fire on Gelene Silver Arrows (5), scoring 143 hits.
Honza's Hand X (9) fire on Reodling Variags (28), scoring 907 hits.
Gelene Silver Arrows (5) fire on Wolves of Via (40), scoring 759 hits.
Vorn huntsmen (38) fire on Vengeful Porcupines (16), scoring 141 hits.
Leonid Guards (24) fire on [WL] Bathgate Specialists (17), scoring 311 hits.
Mixed Escorts (25) fire on Golden Arrows (6), scoring 51 hits.
Achenar Elites (1) fire on The Legion (33), scoring 920 hits.
Van der Voorts Marksmen (36) fire on Party people (11), scoring 90 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 4116, Defenders: 7927
Riders of Via (29) ride on, closing in on the enemy.
Vihased vennad (37), Uruks (34), Blue Blades (19), Reodling Variags (28), Wolves of Via (40), Rafikan Honour Guard (27), Golden Fury (23), The Legion (33), Westgard Deserters (39) and Crimson Scourge (20) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Attacker Line 2):
17 Westgard banners are visible in the melee.
5 Tol Goldora banners are visible in the melee.
Vihased vennad (37) score 701 hits on Raskolnikov Guard (13) (1126 before overkill).
Uruks (34) score 620 hits on Rosalind's Ravens (14).
Blue Blades (19) score 222 hits on Golden Sentinels (7).
Reodling Variags (28) score 453 hits on Celestial Swords (2).
Rancor (12) score 388 hits on Westgard Deserters (39).
Rancor (12) score 85 hits on Wolves of Via (40).
Wolves of Via (40) score 195 hits on Rancor (12).
Sun's Hammers (15) score 576 hits on Rafikan Honour Guard (27).
Raskolnikov Guard (13) score 186 hits on Vihased vennad (37).
Rosalind's Ravens (14) score 692 hits on Crimson Scourge (20).
Rosalind's Ravens (14) score 610 hits on Uruks (34).
Rosalind's Ravens (14) score 642 hits on Golden Fury (23).
Rosalind's Ravens (14) score 107 hits on The Legion (33).
Rafikan Honour Guard (27) score 420 hits on Sun's Hammers (15).
Golden Fury (23) score 727 hits on Rosalind's Ravens (14).
The Legion (33) score 235 hits on Rosalind's Ravens (14).
Westgard Deserters (39) score 761 hits on Rancor (12).
Celestial Swords (2) score 682 hits on Reodling Variags (28).
Crimson Scourge (20) score 700 hits on Rosalind's Ravens (14).
Golden Sentinels (7) score 573 hits on Blue Blades (19).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 5034 (5459 before overkill), Defenders: 4541

Vihased vennad (37) take 938 hits (186 in close combat, 752 from archer fire), which cause 20 casualties.
Uruks (34) take 1846 hits (610 in close combat, 1236 from archer fire), which cause 41 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Ninsianna Nuanet, Dame of Itau has been wounded by Vengeful Porcupines (16).
Party people (11) take 90 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Blue Blades (19) take 1436 hits (573 in close combat, 863 from archer fire), which cause 32 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Ziva Blue, Dame of Itau has been wounded by Golden Sentinels (7).
Reodling Variags (28) take 1589 hits (682 in close combat, 907 from archer fire), which cause 39 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Renward Reodling, Viscount of Mozyr has been captured by Honza's Hand X (9).
Vengeful Porcupines (16) take 141 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Golden Arrows (6) take 51 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
Rancor (12) take 1478 hits (956 in close combat, 522 from archer fire), which cause 25 casualties.
Calder O'Deathh, Knight of Gelene has been wounded by Westgard Deserters (39).
Wolves of Via (40) take 844 hits (85 in close combat, 759 from archer fire), which cause 25 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Sun's Hammers (15) take 1050 hits (420 in close combat, 630 from archer fire), which cause 17 casualties.
Raskolnikov Guard (13) take 1006 hits (701 in close combat, 305 from archer fire), which cause 20 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors.
[WL] Bathgate Specialists (17) take 311 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Rosalind's Ravens (14) take 2970 hits (2282 in close combat, 688 from archer fire), which cause 51 casualties.
Rafikan Honour Guard (27) take 756 hits (576 in close combat, 180 from archer fire), which cause 15 casualties.
Golden Fury (23) take 947 hits (642 in close combat, 305 from archer fire), which cause 20 casualties.
Gelene Silver Arrows (5) take 143 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
The Legion (33) take 1027 hits (107 in close combat, 920 from archer fire), which cause 13 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Johnathon Shepherd, Knight of Via has been wounded by Achenar Elites (1).
Westgard Deserters (39) take 1176 hits (388 in close combat, 788 from archer fire), which cause 24 casualties.
Celestial Swords (2) take 845 hits (453 in close combat, 392 from archer fire), which cause 15 casualties.
Crimson Scourge (20) take 1909 hits (692 in close combat, 1217 from archer fire), which cause 58 casualties.
Archimedes Polemistis, Viscount of Elets has been wounded by Golden Arrows (6).
Golden Sentinels (7) take 707 hits (222 in close combat, 485 from archer fire), which cause 13 casualties.
Achenar Elites (1) take 358 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 9150 (5034 from close combat and 4116 from ranged), Defenders: 12468 (4541 from close combat and 7927 from ranged)
Total casualties: 166 attackers, 287 defenders

Turn No. 4

  1 (52-S)
3 (96-A)
4 (51-A)
5 (54-S)
6 (133-A)
8 (42-S)
9 (46-S)
11 (124-A)
16 (143-A)
17 (69-S)
2 (57-I)
7 (35-I)
12 (25-I)
14 (189-I)
15 (41-I)
20 (34-I)
23 (68-I)
27 (34-I)
37 (128-I)
39 (78-I)
29 (74-C)
25 (18-M)
18 (60-S)
21 (204-A)
22 (32-S)
24 (64-S)
26 (95-A)
30 (67-S)
31 (64-S)
32 (64-S)
35 (66-A)
36 (71-A)
38 (78-A)

[WL] Bathgate Specialists (17) fire on Riders of Via (29), scoring 730 hits.
Honza's Hand X (9) fire on Mixed Escorts (25), scoring 647 hits.
Stratarch's Finest (31) fire on Vengeful Porcupines (16), scoring 267 hits.
Selemnir Sixth Company (30) fire on Golden Arrows (6), scoring 495 hits.
Felsenbachi Knightslayers (22) fire on Gelene Silver Arrows (5), scoring 91 hits.
Hidy's 5 Hiters (8) fire on Death Bolts (21), scoring 186 hits.
Eagle archers (4) fire on 1st Novan Wrath Platoon (18), scoring 50 hits.
The Exalted Arbalests (32) fire on Achenar Elites (1), scoring 137 hits.
Dark rain (3) fire on Leonid Guards (24), scoring 116 hits.
Protectors of Truth (26) fire on Party people (11), scoring 191 hits.
Valour (35) fire on [WL] Bathgate Specialists (17), scoring 187 hits.
Leonid Guards (24) fire on Honza's Hand X (9), scoring 469 hits.
Gelene Silver Arrows (5) fire on Vorn huntsmen (38), scoring 210 hits.
Vorn huntsmen (38) fire on Hidy's 5 Hiters (8), scoring 183 hits.
1st Novan Wrath Platoon (18) fire on Dark rain (3), scoring 343 hits.
Death Bolts (21) fire on Eagle archers (4), scoring 365 hits.
Party people (11) fire on The Exalted Arbalests (32), scoring 249 hits.
Van der Voorts Marksmen (36) fire on Eagle archers (4), scoring 123 hits.
Achenar Elites (1) fire on Stratarch's Finest (31), scoring 202 hits.
Vengeful Porcupines (16) fire on Selemnir Sixth Company (30), scoring 237 hits.
Mixed Escorts (25) fire on Eagle archers (4), scoring 81 hits.
Golden Arrows (6) fire on Protectors of Truth (26), scoring 449 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 2932, Defenders: 3076
Riders of Via (29) charge forward.

Close Combat (Attacker Line 2):
17 Westgard banners are visible in the melee.
Riders of Via (29) score 2333 hits on Rosalind's Ravens (14).
Celestial Swords (2) score 338 hits on Westgard Deserters (39).
Sun's Hammers (15) score 393 hits on Rafikan Honour Guard (27).
Westgard Deserters (39) score 787 hits on Celestial Swords (2).
Rancor (12) score 299 hits on Vihased vennad (37).
Rafikan Honour Guard (27) score 340 hits on Sun's Hammers (15).
Crimson Scourge (20) score 306 hits on Rosalind's Ravens (14).
Golden Fury (23) score 628 hits on Golden Sentinels (7).
Rosalind's Ravens (14) score 1173 hits on Riders of Via (29).
Rosalind's Ravens (14) score 518 hits on Crimson Scourge (20).
Golden Sentinels (7) score 423 hits on Golden Fury (23).
Vihased vennad (37) score 639 hits on Rancor (12) (743 before overkill).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 5033 (5137 before overkill), Defenders: 3144

Riders of Via (29) take 1903 hits (1173 in close combat, 730 from archer fire), which cause 38 casualties.
[WL] Bathgate Specialists (17) take 187 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors.
Celestial Swords (2) take 787 hits in close combat, which cause 14 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Sairyn Son, Margravine of Golden Farrow has been wounded by Westgard Deserters (39).
Sun's Hammers (15) take 340 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Honza's Hand X (9) take 469 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Honza Gabhann, Count of Sabadell has been wounded by Leonid Guards (24).
Stratarch's Finest (31) take 202 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Westgard Deserters (39) take 338 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties.
Selemnir Sixth Company (30) take 237 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Rancor (12) take 639 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 2 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Hidy's 5 Hiters (8) take 183 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Eagle archers (4) take 569 hits from archer fire, which cause 18 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors.
The Exalted Arbalests (32) take 249 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Rafikan Honour Guard (27) take 393 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties.
Dark rain (3) take 343 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties.
Protectors of Truth (26) take 449 hits from archer fire, which cause 12 casualties.
Crimson Scourge (20) take 518 hits in close combat, which cause 16 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Leonid Guards (24) take 116 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Gelene Silver Arrows (5) take 91 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Golden Fury (23) take 423 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties.
Vorn huntsmen (38) take 210 hits from archer fire, which cause 12 casualties.
1st Novan Wrath Platoon (18) take 50 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
Death Bolts (21) take 186 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Rosalind's Ravens (14) take 2639 hits in close combat, which cause 45 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Golden Sentinels (7) take 628 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Party people (11) take 191 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Vihased vennad (37) take 299 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.
Achenar Elites (1) take 137 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Vengeful Porcupines (16) take 267 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Mixed Escorts (25) take 647 hits from archer fire, which cause 18 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Kiran Mir-Ashtan, Earl of Nid Tek has been wounded by Honza's Hand X (9).
Golden Arrows (6) take 495 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 7965 (5033 from close combat and 2932 from ranged), Defenders: 6220 (3144 from close combat and 3076 from ranged)
Total casualties: 163 attackers, 152 defenders

Turn No. 5

  3 (85-A)
5 (52-S)
8 (39-S)
11 (118-A)
16 (137-A)
23 (59-I)
27 (26-I)
29 (36-C)
37 (122-I)
39 (71-I)
  18 (59-S)
21 (199-A)
22 (32-S)
24 (61-S)
26 (83-A)
30 (60-S)
31 (59-S)
32 (59-S)
35 (66-A)
36 (71-A)
38 (66-A)

Vorn huntsmen (38) fire on Vengeful Porcupines (16), scoring 92 hits.
Van der Voorts Marksmen (36) fire on Gelene Silver Arrows (5), scoring 177 hits.
Protectors of Truth (26) fire on Party people (11), scoring 197 hits.
Felsenbachi Knightslayers (22) fire on Hidy's 5 Hiters (8), scoring 160 hits.
Vengeful Porcupines (16) fire on Vihased vennad (37), scoring 1070 hits.
1st Novan Wrath Platoon (18) fire on Dark rain (3), scoring 400 hits.
Leonid Guards (24) fire on Dark rain (3), scoring 368 hits.
Stratarch's Finest (31) fire on Dark rain (3), scoring 251 hits.
Selemnir Sixth Company (30) fire on Dark rain (3), scoring 400 hits.
Hidy's 5 Hiters (8) fire on Westgard Deserters (39), scoring 633 hits.
Party people (11) fire on Riders of Via (29), scoring 624 hits.
Death Bolts (21) fire on Dark rain (3), scoring 302 hits.
Dark rain (3) fire on Golden Fury (23), scoring 283 hits.
Valour (35) fire on Dark rain (3), scoring 168 hits.
The Exalted Arbalests (32) fire on Dark rain (3), scoring 106 hits.
Gelene Silver Arrows (5) fire on Rafikan Honour Guard (27), scoring 752 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 2621, Defenders: 3362
Riders of Via (29) charge forward.
Westgard Deserters (39), Golden Fury (23), Vihased vennad (37) and Rafikan Honour Guard (27) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Attacker Line 3):
Westgard Deserters (39) score 448 hits on Hidy's 5 Hiters (8).
Golden Fury (23) score 498 hits on Gelene Silver Arrows (5).
Vihased vennad (37) score 1152 hits on Dark rain (3).
Vengeful Porcupines (16) score 247 hits on Riders of Via (29).
Riders of Via (29) score 959 hits on Vengeful Porcupines (16).
Hidy's 5 Hiters (8) score 272 hits on Westgard Deserters (39).
Party people (11) score 177 hits on Rafikan Honour Guard (27).
Dark rain (3) score 63 hits on Vihased vennad (37).
Rafikan Honour Guard (27) score 373 hits on Party people (11).
Gelene Silver Arrows (5) score 124 hits on Golden Fury (23).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 3430, Defenders: 883

Westgard Deserters (39) take 905 hits (272 in close combat, 633 from archer fire), which cause 18 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Golden Fury (23) take 407 hits (124 in close combat, 283 from archer fire), which cause 8 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, 3 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Vihased vennad (37) take 1133 hits (63 in close combat, 1070 from archer fire), which cause 24 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Vengeful Porcupines (16) take 1051 hits (959 in close combat, 92 from archer fire), which cause 25 casualties.
Riders of Via (29) take 871 hits (247 in close combat, 624 from archer fire), which cause 18 casualties.
Hidy's 5 Hiters (8) take 608 hits (448 in close combat, 160 from archer fire), which cause 12 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, 4 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Party people (11) take 570 hits (373 in close combat, 197 from archer fire), which cause 17 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 15 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Wilhelm Von Lunkhofen, Knight of Farrowfield has been wounded by Rafikan Honour Guard (27).
Dark rain (3) take 3147 hits (1152 in close combat, 1995 from archer fire), which cause 85 casualties, wiping the unit out.
John Derik, Count of Ygg d'Razhuul has been wounded by The Exalted Arbalests (32).
Rafikan Honour Guard (27) take 929 hits (177 in close combat, 752 from archer fire), which cause 19 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors.
Willard de Rafiki, Knight of Via has been wounded by Party people (11).
Gelene Silver Arrows (5) take 675 hits (498 in close combat, 177 from archer fire), which cause 19 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 3 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 6051 (3430 from close combat and 2621 from ranged), Defenders: 4245 (883 from close combat and 3362 from ranged)
Total casualties: 180 attackers, 90 defenders

Turn No. 6

  16 (112-A)
29 (18-C)
   18 (59-S)
21 (199-A)
22 (32-S)
24 (61-S)
26 (83-A)
30 (60-S)
31 (59-S)
32 (59-S)
35 (66-A)
36 (71-A)
38 (66-A)

Protectors of Truth (26) move closer to get better shots.
Valour (35) move closer to get better shots.
Stratarch's Finest (31) move closer to get better shots.
Van der Voorts Marksmen (36) move closer to get better shots.
1st Novan Wrath Platoon (18) move closer to get better shots.
Death Bolts (21) move closer to get better shots.
Leonid Guards (24) move closer to get better shots.
The Exalted Arbalests (32) move closer to get better shots.
Felsenbachi Knightslayers (22) move closer to get better shots.
Selemnir Sixth Company (30) move closer to get better shots.
Vorn huntsmen (38) move closer to get better shots.

Close Combat (Attacker Line 3):
Riders of Via (29) score 299 hits on Vengeful Porcupines (16).
Vengeful Porcupines (16) score 191 hits on Riders of Via (29) (279 before overkill).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 299, Defenders: 191 (279 before overkill)

Riders of Via (29) take 191 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Vengeful Porcupines (16) take 299 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 299 (299 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 191 (191 from close combat and 0 from ranged)
Total casualties: 7 attackers, 4 defenders

Defender Victory!

The battle does extensive damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 66 %.

The local roads network has also been damaged.