Kestrel Family/Kureshtev
Lady Kureshtev Salar Kestrel was a hero of Ibladesh and Baroness of Mines of Isadril.
She was killed in battle at age 36 in Al Aquabah, East Continent.
Kureshtev was quite tall, with a presence about her that made people take notice when she entered a room. She spoke little, but when she did it is with such passion and conviction that people stopped to listen. She was much better at speeches than chit chat. She kept her black hair cut short. She wore a lot of red and gold.
Mines of Isadril
The central feature of the Mines is the temple of the Church of Ibladesh. The huge structure was originally built by Baroness Kureshtev Kestrel and was been greatly expanded Priest Korin Flightwing. At the time of her death, the temple is the main focal point of the region's society and culture.
Kureshtev also constructed an archery center, special forces center, and mixed infantry center there.
Church of Ibladesh
Kureshtev was a Benefactor in the Church of Ibladesh. She is completely devoted to the Church and credits the Church for the peace in the Mines. She has donated thousands of gold to the church, as well as help fund the building of shrines.
She was very devoted to the Church and spent a lot of her time expanding its membership and influence.
The Family
The Family was sorry to see Lady Kureshtev leave home for the East. They had wanted her to join the army in Talerium, for she always had much promise as troop leader. They are very proud of everything that she accomplished in life and were very sad to hear of her death.
Always interested in stories of far away lands, as a child she would grab any books or news scrolls she could find, then hide in the family stables to read them. Her favorite was scroll that had arrived from Ubent, detailing their revolution. As soon as she was old enough to travel, she set sail for the East Continent, eager to fight alongside her childhood heroes.
Upon her arrival Kureshtev eagerly joined the army but soon learned war is not all honor and glory. After seeing her troops slaughtered time and time again, she for a time sought her own death in battle. She carried the scroll until her death, covered with old camel spit and fresh blood.
A poorly executed move into enemy territory landed Kureshtev into an Ibladesh prison cell, while her troops were slaughtered once again. This gave her some time to consider her situation. She managed to break out from her cell and rejoin the army, but the experience left her a bit more jaded.
Just when she was considering giving up, a letter from the Senate changed everything. They wished to appoint her Baroness of the Mines of Isadril. She had never considered such a post, but it dramatically changed her life. The responsibility placed upon her gave her new energy. Over time working with the locals gave her a better understanding of war, and what it does to civilians as well as armies.
Ubent signed an agreement with Ibladesh to exchange the Mines for peace between the two realms. At first Kureshtev was outraged, but after talking with the locals in the Mines, she saw the value in the agreement. The people had been badly mistreated by the war, and switching to an enemy realm so that they would no longer be abused by either side was the best for the civilians. Then she realized she need not abandon her people, she could go with them.
When the documents were sealed and the mines had changed hands, Kureshtev became a member of Ibladesh as well. She was concerned she would not be welcomed, but she would endure what she must for her people. If it came to it, she had seen the inside of the Ibladesh prison before and gotten out, she could do so again. Fortunately her fears were unfounded. She was welcomed by Quake, Pontifex of Ibladesh, who gave her control of her region again. In a strange realm with a religion she does not fully understand, she has at least found one person she can trust. Her newfound faith has lead to her to believe that her choices were wise, and peace really has come to the Mines of Isadril.
Keeping control of the Mines was very difficult at first, but Kureshtev was determined to be sure the Mines remain part of the Church of Ibladesh, as per the Armistice. With the assistance of her new realm mates (Kureshtev was particularly honored to have received much help from Lady Sorcha), the Mines were good condition until the time of her death.
Other honored realm mates who have helped the mines include: Sir Targe Keenan, Lady Sienna Firefox, and Korin Flightwing, Titus Miles, Grey Mouser Spearhawk, Dexter Jackson, Schek Radigand, Minerva D'Anglos and many others.
Just before she died, Ubent was in the process being destroyed and she had offered to welcome to any nobles wishing to join the Church. Unfortunately she was never able to fill this promise.