Ibladeshian Newspaper

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one gold piece the godly newspaper 1st edition (15th September)
This is the first edition of the Ibladeshian news paper.

War On Perdan
Ubent Rebels Win
Cost of war
On recent attack on Perdan, Ibladesh and it allies took a beating and if that was not worst enough, some poeple in Ubent started to rebel again the current goverment. So it is an bad day for the alliance, but it does not mean the end of the war, with is most lickely far from over and will contineu on and on. It was clear defeat for the already outnumberd attacked. A reason of this is the rebelion and bad coördinations between troopleader. Poeple who survived the battle do not say a lot about it and you can see it on there face that they gave everything in the battle, but where only lucky to have survived. After the great loss in Ar Mosul some troopleader in Ubent dicided to rebel, yet it show that this has been coördinated from the beginning and they waited for an good time to do so. With the goverment weakend becouse of the battle and Ubent who have been battered in war for a while now and is bleeding stood not change to such an act, yet not a lot of information is know on who if leading it now and what his intentions are. Yet the world will most lickely will find out soon and it will not be pretty for someone. What are the cost for a war and how can you explain it. The war is costing a lot of gold, land and even worse poeple. Families are being torn apart, becouse there son, brother and or father died. Region leave realms and get lawless, making room for criminal to loot all they want. What is the real cost of war and what is the point of it. Most Ibadesians trust there pontifex and know she is doing what is right for the realms and they are sure the gods lead them the right way and that they will give them piece. What the real cost is no-one will even know, only that it sometime is worth it.

Temple of the heart
1st edition of the Ibladeshian newspaper
"The Sun had set, when Xiso reaches the spot he had chosen to build the temple... Before unscroling the scroll, Xiso reminded himself of the day, when Lady Sorcha appointed him Protector-Guardian of Ibladesh, and in those scrolls he had found this scroll. unscrolling Xiso looked at the strange writing and slowly the words came to him... murmuring with his eyes half shut, he chanted the verses like it was a language he often spoke.... a cool wind blew, the earth tremored, a bright light, and then silence.. when he reached the end of the scroll, the scroll - scrolled itself and the fog lifted... Lo! and Behold! - the fabled temple had been built and soon many more will be. Temple of the Heart had arisen, and mortals would soon throng to it.

~Xiso, Protector-Guardian, Architect of the First "Temple of the Heart", Count of Itor Boss and Haruspex Maximus of Ibladesh."

So the creation of the temple of the heart started. A gathering place where poeple yough and old can worthship the gods and dedicade there live even futher to the gods. The temple is build in Itor Boss. It is a nice temple, made by the Architect Xiso. Even if you do not worthship the gods, then it is still an amazing building worth a visite

With great proud I can annouch the first Ibladesian newspaper. This newspapaer is an pilot and it will be unknow when the second isseu will be out. This newpaper will cover all mayor event in the realm of Ibladesh and other new with effect Ibladesh in one way or the other.