Huntsmaster Family/Aeth
Aeth grew up as a smith's apprentice on the Huntsmaster estate in Erahol, then belonging to Greater Aenilia. He took that family's name when he left in search of adventure and renown but is not otherwise recognized by anyone of noble blood.
Aeth's Hunting Journal
Here I will record significant battles fought among the walkers, beasts, and various other perils. Some will be missing, as my original account was lost as I lay wounded from some encounter that I do not now remember aside from the scars. To judge by the marks on my body, I was lucky to survive at all. I will also record here any encounters with the magical masters of the Far East, whose tracks crisscross the island.
Tonest, called "The Gatekeeper", has been sighted by my own eyes in Azarons, Tunozo, and Zolon. He seems to travel northwest along the south coast, then southward again along to north coast. I have no yet mapped the extent of his travels, but it must be very great indeed.
Tonest offers various scrolls in exchange for collected trinkets. In Tunozo, he would have written the following had I the proper trinkets:
Scroll of Teleportation 1x Ancient Book 3x Fool's Gold 1x Boar Tusk 1x Ancient Sword. Alas, I had no book or fool's gold, and he would not exchange for the iron ore I did have.
A day later, Tonest offered Scroll of Glow of Health 1x Book of Daimon Banishing 1x Broken Sword 2x Wooden Statuette 2x Monster Teeth
Echusk, the "Opener of the Path" I found in Zonasa, and then a few days later in Ipsosez.
In Ipsosez, he offered a scroll of Pain and Suffering
1x Giant Eagle's Feather 1x Bar of Soap 1x Ceremonial Dagger 1x Portal Stone
I recently just missed Sayinal, the lady of the west, in Taop. Trying to find her route again.
Inagess repaired the Breastplate of the Foolish in Ipsosez for 1x Old Coins.