Holy Ring

From BattleMaster Wiki
Type Ring
Discovered By Cedreic
Discovery Date 2022-05-19
Discovery Location Port Nebel, Dwilight
Abilities Prestige +9
Current Owner Cedreic


The Holy Ring was found by Garm Crownguard of Outer Tilog after a battle with Halcyon troops both located on the Colonies. A gleam caught his eye on one of the dead warrior's hands and after severing the dead man's hand to acquire it, Garm pocketed it until he could examine it further. Later, as he studied the object with his Aunt Cecilia she discovered that were Garm to wear the Holy Ring and given his evil and wicked nature he could pervert the ring from the cause of good and corrupt it to a more appropriate use of such an item. For every battle Garm wears the ring, despair and ruin spreads across the land as populations increasingly lose hope. Eventually turning to more of an Outer Tilog way of life. That is to say, turning to cannibalism, infighting, dismemberment and general chaos.

Rediscovery Many years later on the continent of Dwilight the Holy Ring was rediscovered by the adventurer Cedreic in the vicinity of Nebel. What happened between the founding of the ring to it's rediscovery is unknown. Unlike it's past owner Cedreic took the ring for what it was, a holy artifact that only a truly holy person should be allowed to wield.