Highmarch/Grand Democratic Alliance Treaty
Treaty Text
In celebration of the birth of a new Democracy on the East Island, the realm of Highmarch and its mother nation, Vix Tiramora, do hereby agree together on these terms to usher in a new age of prosperity, democratic freedoms and continued support in the wars against tyrants and oppressors alike across the continent:
- The realm of Highmarch shall be declared a Democratic realm, following the values and freedoms of Vix Tiramora as of this day, and will abide by all referendums that passed for at least one month after formation of the realm. At that point citizens of Highmarch may request referendums to change aspects voted upon except for the following terms:
- The realm of Highmarch and Vix Tiramora shall join in an alliance together and pledge military and political support against the foreign aggressors who are listed(for the most recent date of revision): Greater Xavax, Nivemus, Caligus, Sirion, Shadowdale, Eponllyn.
- The realm of Highmarch shall seek out alliances with fellow members of the Southern Alliance coalition.
- Highmarch shall continue to remain at war with the northern realms(and not seek out personal ceasefires) until terms are settled by Vix Tiramora and the Vix-Highmarch alliance shall continue to persist even after the conclusion of the current war.
This treaty was created on 2017-10-16.
Current Signatories
Highmarch (withdrawn) Vix Tiramora (signed)