Heen (Realm)/Heenite Highlights/April '07

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Price: 1 gold Creator: Thrydwulf April '07

Changes in Heen

April 7

A lot of things have changed since the last article was written for this newspaper. Firstly, the previous editor had to quit his job as he was appointed as Arch Priest of Heen, meaning he had less time to see to the newspaper - especially with all the goings on within the realm.

Last month, the last of the fighting took place, and Heen finally lay claim to most of the desert lands - with Vice and VN having been destroyed, and many of the nobles seeing sense and joining the ranks of Heen. The war for the purification of Heen by the irradication of Hedonism is over - and Heen is Victorious.

This should have been a time for celebrating, and helping the citizens of the Western Badlands to prosper under the unity of a single realm. Instead the realm was hurled into a deep internal "war of words" between the Marshall of the First Army of Heen, Sir Tarajist Balewind and the High Marshall Lady Martana Curs. This editor will not go into the details, but it was a pretty ugly "discussion" and Tarajist was banned for behavious unbefitting of a noble, despite many warnings from the Arch Priest.

He left with the warning for Martana and Medium to watch their backs - for he would be coming back, this time with a knife in the dead of the night.

However, this was not the only blow to the morale of the nobles of Heen. The High Marshall Lady Martana Curs sent a message to everyone in the realm, asking whether she should step down as the leader of the military hierachy. This was met with a chorus of "no's", but the debate was not to end there...

...for King Scion the SKilled himself informed everyone that he would be stepping down as ruler. He decided that it was time to let somebody else take his place so he could step out from the limelight and relax and enjoy life. He felt like he had accomplished all that he wanted when the dessert lands were united. So, this left the realm to find a New Ruler AND possibly a new Marshall.

Martana, Mao, Wolfgang and Bayloc (don't think I missed anyone) all ran for the throne. On the election day, the votes were cast and The new Queen is Martana, with 32 % of the valid votes.

These results meant that Lady Martana Curs would step down from her position as High Marshall, and become the first true Queen of Heen. This meant that a new High Marshall must be chosen. The new Queen decided to appoint the current Marshall of the Scarlet Mamluks, Thrydwulf Grancourt as the High Marshall of Heen.

Subsequently, all these changes meant that a lot of things must be sorted out for the realm. The military structure has been turned upside down. Frederic was appointed as the Marshall of the First Army of Heen when Tarajist left, but with so few nobles in the realm, the whole structure must be reordered and a lot of planning must be done in order to implement a new system that will work better. This may take some time, but is already under discussion in the council.

The editor is aware that this news item is rather long, and apologises. But a lot has happened in a month - and while he has tried to be concise, there is a lot to explain.

Liberation Mission

April 8

While all the military organisation is going on, Heen's military force able to leave the realm have been enlisted to help their allies Vlaanderen and Khthon against the armies of Mesh and Plergoth. Previous missions have been based in Reeds, with Heen troops "city watching" while the Vlaandered troops fought the battles. However, things have changed slightly, as a strong force from Mesh and Plergoth have initiated a take over of Worvobaen, and Vlaanderen have asked Heen to aid in the liberation of this region from the armies of their enemies.

Many of the nobles of Heen are unable to take part in this mission for many reasons. While Heen is prospering in this time of peace, there are not enough nobles to take care of all the regions, and so the realm cannot commit too many nobles to aid their allies, as their own regions also need a lot of work. Especially with all the rearrangements occuring. This is something being looked at in the senate in order to sort out the military structure of the realm.

Jadine Tells A Story

April 9

Deception in Weghie

April 12

Earlier this morning a small army from Plergoth attemtping to sneak into Weghie encountered an army they thought had left the evening before. The army of Heen stationed in Weghie, had pretended to break camp and move out to aid the Vlaanderen and Khthon forces in Worvobaen. They had however, relit their fires, and put their tents back up as soon as the scouts from Plergoth had disappeared.

As the sun rose in the morning, the Heenite forces prepared for battle. The High Marshall had seen the Plergoth units marching their way, and had lined his units up on the field. The enemy were 9 units strong. 8 Troop leaders, each with a troop of foot soldiers, and one unit of archers. The attackers totalled 281 Inf and 34 Arch in strength. The Heenite army (and two Khthon militia units) on the other hand was very cavalry heavy, with 92 infantry, 21 archers and 99 cavaliers.

The Plergoth army began their charge as the sun rose fully from the horizon, and quickly reached the front line of the Heenite defences. Only two units were stationed at the front. The Noble Kesaria had positioned her unit at the front to protect the militia archer unit. As the overwhelming attacking forces reached her unit, the soldiers fought bravely, clustering the attacking forces, and disrupting their attack. At this moment, the Infantry led by Beatrice and Balyoc arrived to her defence, attacking the flanks of the enemy infantry. Almost immediately the two waves of Cavalry followed, and there was little left of the Plergothian soldiers.

The total number of casualties was 240 on the attackers, and 81 for the Heenite defenders. It was an outstanding and surprise victory on the fields in Weghie, and will aid the Take Overs of Worvobaen and Cwellndell by Vlaanderen. The full battle report can be found in this insert: Deception in Weghie

Queen Martana Visits Kif

April 12

With its Lord being so far away from Heen (fighting to protect Khthon and Vlaanderen), the people of Kif quite understandably are getting a bit unhappy, so to cheer them up a bit, the new Queen Martana took a visit to the region.

The people of Kif were delighted to meet the new Queen. Some of the commoners even sent letters to Beatrice asking her to thank the Queen for them.

Chezier Pickton: "ow Beats, will you tell that nice Qween lady she is wellcum to visit Kif enytime she pleeses. It was nice to haf her here. Next time thow make shure you tell me when she is coming and i will find her some flowers"

George Tittering: "It was my son's first time at seeing the new Queen. She has always been a pretty one in my eyes - and that crown does her a lot of justice. I think my son is as besotted as i am!"

Lyanda Moore: "Well Beatrice, it seems that you now have a rival in heen, i was unaware the former High Marshall was as pretty as she seemed until her visit here last night. I think you have some competition for the hearts of all the men here..."

Tiana Geerson: "howsit Beats?? I hear you won a fight somewhere down in the souff? Did you ask Queenie to come visit us or somefink? All the peepole are cheering so lowd it hurts my eyes. It was good to see her though. I hope you arent scratched up bad Countess, or all them men will wonder what youve been up to!"

Needless to say i think they enjoyed the Queens visit and hope she will be back soon.

Religious Confrontations

April 23

Today saw the announcement that Duke Atilla of Latlan announced a new faith to be setting its feet within the Dessert badlands of Heen. This new faith, the Church of Estahsism is originally from Old Grehk, but Atilla has become a member here in his city of Latlan.

All was not as great as it might have seemed. While Heen is a place of massive cultural diversity, and indeed religious teachings. Some were not so happy to hear the news. Valeria, the priest of this editors relgion the Path of the Great Dragon was unhappy with the claims Atilla had made upon the region of Latlan, stating that no other priests could speak to the masses until his new religion was set up. - An understandable disagreement, after all the hard work Valeria had put in there.

Many discussions about how diversity of religion could work within a realm followed, with the noble Loquan presenting a good argument that Atilla was in his rights to enforce his own religion in his own region, as the Lords of the region command the respect of the commoners. They serve the lord, and the lord serves them. (What a religious quote hey!)

While the disagreement has died down by now, once preachings start, and more religions try to set their roots down in the sands of Heen, I am sure the conflicts are not over. Perhaps working towards a cohesive future of the different beliefs within Heen is something we, as nobles of our great realm should be striving to achieve. This editor certainly hopes that no more Civil/Religious wars will tear apart the regions and destroy the populations they have worked so hard to rebuild after the last.

New Nobles for Heen

April 24

While the First Army of Heen and a couple of other nobles belonging to the Scarlet Mamluks have been on a campaign to aid Sint, Heen has seen a remarkable number of new nobles arrive at their shores. 5 New Troop Leaders - much welcomed - have disembarked upon the shores outside our capital city of Heen. This was great news to the rest of the troop leaders of Heen, as they have been in need of more nobles to set up estates in the regions in great need of help and deal with production and authority.

However, Duke Kagurati of Tahgalez quickly discovered and brought to the attention of all the nobles, that there was a conspiracy behind the immigrations. Apparently, there was some hope that a new island had been spotted, but travel to the place is not advised as no one is really sure how to get there (or how the information of a new island reached our ears!).

Queen Martana announced that she was happy to welcome the new nobles, so long as they served Heen loyally until they decided to leave. Many of htem upon hearing this did exclaim that they were here to help Heen anyway, and it seems that many of them have family in Beluaterra anyway, so perhaps they heard of our situation through their siblings? I guess only time will tell.

The Assault on Keffa

April 24

This evening, the forces of Heen and Sint assaulted the walls of the Fortress Keffa, belonging to the realm of Ashborn. There were 27 Troops Leaders for the attackers, and 16 defenders - only 1 of which was lead by a TL, the rest were stationed militia. The strenghts of each army were calculated at 9653 vs. 3705. Even with the level 5 walls in Keffa, the militia of Ashborn stood no chance.

As the siege engines approached the walls, the strong infantry pushing them up the hill towards the city, The Cavalry began their charge - hoping to arrive once the gates were opened. As it happened, the siege towers took a little longer than expected to reach the walls, and the cavalry were already pacing up and down waiting for the drawbridge to fall so they could enter.

Once at the wall, the soldiers quickly climbed the ladders, opened the gates and jumped out onto the battlements, immediately dispatching the militia there. Once the gates were opened and the cavalry charged in, the defenders stood no chance. The battle was won before it started. For the full battle report, see the insert: The Assault on Keffa, written by one of the scholars who saw the battle unfold.

The Second Assault

April 25

So it seemed that Ashborn weren't to happy that Heen and Sint has assaulted their fortress last night, and had ordered their troops to return to the castle - accompanied by a force of Mesh soldiers. The Sintian Paladin Primus Fulin had thought that we would control the battlefield after such an astounding victory the morning before - some one troop leader had messed up our plans. Deceiving us, the enemy armies had moved in behind us as our forces charged out to fight a small army that turned out to be a diversion. The 2nd Assault on Keffa had begun!

Reinforcements had arrived for both sides, and the strenghts of the armies were 14159 (Sint and Heen) vs. 9474 (Ashborn and Mesh). It was going ot be a close and bloody battle, as the Sintian and Heenite soldiers would have to assault the walls of Keffa for the second time in two days. The walls were in an amazingly awful state. Already battered, they were ready to fall - the fortress of Keffa was slowly being destroyed.

As the battle raged, various nobles were captured. 4 Ashborn soldiers were taken into captivity, and the Pontifex Maximus Bocephus of Sint had been captured by Ashborn forces are he ferociously tried to get back to his unit he had accidentally left behind. The casualties were immense. 516 Heenite and Sintian soldiers had been struck down, but had taken with them 758 Ashborn and Meshian soldiers. The full report can be seen on the insert: The Second Assault.

Inside Keffa

April 26

Last night, a terrible storm raged through the city of Keffa. As the sun began to set, the huge dark clouds rolled up, and the thunder began as the last rays of sun blessed the earth with their warmth. Upon nightfall, there was torrential rain, and both the camps of allies and enemies based in Keffa were drenched. A fitful night's sleep was had by all.

The storm did not let up by morning, as the dawn broke grey and wet - but still Mesh and Ashborn initiated a battle. Sint and Heen were defending this time, and had rallied their troops in the early light of the morning just incase there would be another fight this morning. Neither army could make any use of the walls, and it was somewhat of a skirmish battle. It raged for two whole hours, until the force of Ashborn/Mesh (some 4023 soldiers) were defeated by the allied troops (some 9792 soldiers).

Even with some of the Heenite and Sintian troops heading back to their respective capitals to recruit and refit, Ashborn and Mesh were no match for them. The big difference between the two armies this time (besides the numbers), was the 90 more cavalry the allies had still intact, causing another devastating charge. This Editor wonders if Ashborn and Mesh will give up soon? The full battle report can be seen on the insert: Inside Keffa.

Martana's Song

April 26

After Martana had finally arrived in Keffa (missing the first assault on the wall due to an influx of messages from foreign rulers causing her to be up all night), she blessed us with her voice - rumours are that it was heard all the way over in Hcallow. The song went like this:

"Let stories be sung and tales be told,
about the Heenite way that's fierce and bold.
Our men are strong and our camels are fast,
they keep riding along where few would last.

Covered with some desert's sand,
a companion so we're never alone,
we ride throughout a barren land,
throughout the land we call our home.

Our camels are fast and our men are strong,
we ride in the desert and the journey is long.
Fierce and bold is the Heenite way indeed,
with the wind of the desert our only heed..."

Keffa Finally Ours

April 26

Keffa has seen a lot of fighting in the last 3 days. From the first initial assault on the walls, to tonights confirmation that the armies of Heen and Sint are the stronger force in the continuing war against Ashborn. The population of Keffa must be sick of the fighitng by now, but the Heenite and Sintian armies definitely aren't. The 4th Victory for the allied armies took place this evening.

Sint and Heen controlled the Battlefield once more, and stood up to face the tired and already defeated army of Ashborn. A total of 8 foolish Ashborn troop leaders, totalling 1733 in strength faced the still 8236 strong allied army.

The walls remained unuseable as they were too destroyed in the first two assaults. Even so, the allied army wiped out and wounded every single enemy soldier on the field. The storms still raging, the thundering cavalry charge proved uncounterable by the enemy forces who were flattened in its wake. The full report can be found on the insert: Keffa Finally Ours.