Gryphonheart Family/Parcival/Heroism

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Letter from Sir Parcival Gryphonheart
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It is often said that the war has been truly won once you have broken your enemies' will to fight and defend. Once his fear of his own demise defeats his resolve. I am a supporter of such a thesis and I believe we are not yet defeated unless we defeat ourselves.

However, in a situation as desperate as this it is mighty important to understand that absolutely nothing below unconditional dedication will be enough. There are many things we can still do and many options to make. But, our leadership needs to understand and be capable of doing them unconditionally. For example, if Eston is already hesitant to truly stand beside us as a force, why not asking for their financial support? A realm like that is definitely loaded with gold and doesn't really have any wars to properly fight. A couple of thousands of gold would help us immensely as Minas Ithil does have a vast line of brave nobles to defend her, yet is unable to properly equip them all with men. Furthermore, why not sending an emissary to the Carelian court to defend the Ithilian interests and win over the Carelian support? Carelia must be aware that they may be the next in line if Minas Ithil is defeated and are surely not looking lightly upon these events. Or while we're at it, why not asking for the Carelian financial support as well? Why not seeking assistance from the Barony of Makar, who, although we have an ugly history with them, can be used and can help. As someone stated, we are standing on the crossroads of Atamara and if the new alliances won't be made now and old wounds buried, then they never will be and we will not witness it under the banners we currently so proudly display.

If the unpleasant really occurs and Minas Ithil ceases to exist I will probably head north to serve as a mercenary and dream of the day when and if Minas Ithil will be reborn. But, we first need to give our enemies hell instead of an easy victory. Let them fight for every square of our land and let them bleed as much as possible. I have noticed that many Norlanders have fled to Coria and Tara, which subtly suggests that they are planing to reborn Norland in one of our cities, most likely Shanandoah as without a colony in Shanandoah our enemies will have a disadvantageous tactical position. I would personally rather end my earthly service on the fields of Minas Ithil then let the Norlandese vikings rule over them.

Throughout the ages many realms were standing like this, on the brink of destruction and with the sad future upon them, yet the history remembers them as survivors and winners. Why? Was it because they gave up or was it because they endured until the end and refused to give up? Thusly, we need to hold our ground until the bitter end if need be, stout in our hearts and with iron in our arms, as the winds of change may blow on Atamara once more before Minas Ithil ceases to exist.

For York and Minas Ithil,
Sir Parcival Gryphonheart (Knight of York)

Roleplay from Sir Parcival Gryphonheart
Message sent to everyone in your realm (62 recipients)
Parcival stood atop the high walls of Shanandoah. Sadness crept up behind him as the messengers arrived with the news of York falling into anarchy and despair. With that, Parcival found himself without a liege to serve and without a city to protect.

Things were running out of control and Minas Ithil was spiraling down faster and faster. The massive armies of their enemies were too many to count, their lands were destroyed and population killed or enslaved. He has been living out of his families gold for 3 weeks now, which his father didn't really approve, bringing disfavor and malcontent from his family elders. Yet, all he could hear through the commotion of an imminent defeat was the bickering and arguing of his fellow nobles.

As the dark clouds gathered above the city keeps, the summertime shower pours down washing away the mud and blood from the walls. Ravens could be seen on the denuded trees in front of the city gates, mercilessly killing any life that was left on the barren fields. One raven catches Parcival's attention, with his lifeless eyes staring right at him. His gaze is deadly and his eyes are bleak... Parcival looks away, and with the raven black on his track he looks towards his fatigued soldiers. The Knights of York were still there, ready to serve the city that no longer is theirs to serve. "How ironic", he thinks to himself. Parcival orders another routine check of the city streets to his men. The morale was low, yet he was determined not to give up and was eager to make the best of it before their maker comes to take them all.
Sir Parcival Gryphonheart (Noble of Minas Ithil)