Greybrook Family/Ferdinand/The death of a Grand Master

From BattleMaster Wiki

The RP detailing the death of Ferdinand Greybrook at the Battle of Glongin 23/12/2019

Ferdinand stood with the single file line of Obia’Syela troops looking over the plains of Glongin. The Sapphire Flame had dwelled there for nearly two weeks trying to restore the region after the excessive looting by the Empire of the Vales and Nova. Yet, there was not much one could do about the fear that dwelled within the peasantry’s eyes.

They were afraid.

The Grehkian Centuria were deployed on the far-right side of the formation expecting to cut into the enemy battle lines as well as holding the flank. There was much preparation for the eventual battle but when the scout reports finally came in, the Grand Master knew that they had to hold their ground. Too many times had the Obia’Syela run from battle to only see enemies and heretics maraud their lands. Taking the stand was the right thing to do but perhaps not the right thing to do.

In the distance, the battle formation of the enemy approached, it was confirmed that the Vales and Nova doubled their number. Knowing that the enemy formation comprised of in majority archers, the line formation was deployed to get into the melee as quickly as possible – was the safest option and this was not the day Ferdinand died from a ranged projectile, not like Marcus.

Shaking the thought away, Duke Vahanian lead the charge into the enemy ranks of which Ferdinand and the other infantry followed suit. In the first wave, the barrage of archer fire saw only a few men fall yet, just before reaching the enemy battle line, a string of projectiles fired from within the centre of the formation. The horror seeped into Ferdinand as he watched nearly 20 men fall flat under the pressure. Using the anger within him, the Grand Master dived into the close quarters with the stained red Forgotten Warblade of Jarbosh in hand. Facing him was the unit of the infamous Margrave Zeminemesis Kabrinski of which the Centuria down a third of their number – there was little honour here.

After removing the warblade from the torso of another dead Novan soldier, Ferdinand looked down the line only to see his mentor escorted off the battlefield by what remained for his unit. Obeah’s infantry began to lose their ground upon the waves of Novan infantry relentlessly killing loyal men. The fear of the cavalry charge saw Ferdinand’s men usher themselves to the left of the battlefield where the Grehkian soldiers fought the men of Margrave Zeminemeisis once again. The foreseen cavalry charge saw the archers change targets to the now exposed Obia’Syela archers. Seeing his men wane in confidence, the Grand Master shouted:

“Rally men! We must hold the line! For Obeah!”

His men rallied once more as the Inquisitorial Guard of the Grand Inquisitor were subject to even greater levels of archer fire. Yet, as the fourth round of combat broke, the tide began to truly turn against Obia’Syela. Greater numbers of infantry joined the melee as the Ferdinand had to parry soldiers from all sides as the threat of encirclement began to dawn upon him. The Novan infantry doubled and the former Empress of the Shattered Vales joined the fight against Ferdinand’s men.

Taking a moment to look at Astrida, Ferdinand wondered what he has done wrong as time began to slow. Heraldrim were sieging Rines, former nobles of Obia’Syela were bringing death to their former lands and Ferdinand oversaw all of it. Looking for some semblance of one last organised rally, Ferdinand looked to the Inquisitorial Guard for the Grand Inquisitor. It was in that moment that Kethan was cut down. A shout of desperation came from the Grand Master seeing the Inquisitor killed by what appeared to be one of Sir Agamemnon’s men.

Oh Agamemnon…

It was in this daze that the Grand Master felt the sharp pain of a slash come down his back an unknown Novan solider saw their opportunity to kill the ruler of Obia’Syela. Responding instantly by bringing the thirsty warblade down upon the unexpecting warrior, recoiling him backwards. The pain was worse than he had possibly imagined, the deep cut that found the gaps in his armour which even caused Ferdinand to stagger. A brief moment to recover himself saw the battle truly turn against him as when he stood up once again, they were the last remaining banner of Obia’Syela.

He was surrounded.

He had failed.

Realising the dire situation, Ferdinand rose his arm to give the final retreat orders…


The force of the impact saw Ferdinand stagger as he saw the projectile wedged into his torso…


The successive arrows brought the hero of Obeah to his knees who could only stare at the items now lodged into his stomach and shoulder. There was only numbness that Ferdinand felt as he tried to jostle the arrow out of his stomach, but his strength had left him. The realisation set in that this was the time Obeah allotted him, this was his moment. He wondered if he would be remembered for the good, he brought to these lands. The once Grand Master, wannabe crusader, expansionist Grand Templar who never grew out of his mentor’s shadow. Did he disappoint Vahanian? He wondered if he would meet Mariana now that his service was over and dance like they once did in Rines, foolish youth or the love of his life? Ferdinand looked up to the overcast sunset over Glongin as he ushered one final prayer to his Goddess, asking for forgiveness and mercy…