Fox Talks/Talerium Tournament III

From BattleMaster Wiki Chocxal Tournament Held in Shadow of Citadel

Greetings! A total of 89 nobles from 14 realms entered the tournament grounds at Chocxal in hopes of claiming the winner's honours and 1000 gold first place prize (400 gold for second place) in either the sword ring or the joust. This is the way! Sir Krabat of Darka bested Sir Ivore of Talerium in the final round at the sword ring, while fan-favorite Sir DrSeptre of the Barony outlanced Sir Doromir of Darka 3 to 0 in the final round for his 17th jousting title. Congratulations to both champions!

The Especially Generous
A list of those cunning enough to give the competition a hangover!

Brakus (7), Malcolm (the Count of Scarbran don't ya know), Night Hawk, Luscious, Kurohyou-----Leo, ZogXIX, Osskelmightskel, Arramis, Herotious, Jyotis, Leonora, Dankwart, Hottori, Keiichi

Those in bold bought multiple rounds while those from the dashes down bought singles. We think. Our Tally Master arrived rather late due to previous obligations (all excuses) so the usual disclaimer applies. If your name isn't up there, or your numbers are incorrect, please contact the printing office. Nobody need live in irked silence when it comes to who provided what alcohol on Atamara.

Walls and Standers
The tournament was held to commemorate the completion of Chocxal's new walls, an impressive Citadel that had most visitors staring upward in awe. We can barely comprehend the monstrous repair costs, never mind the royal fortune it must have taken to build the thing in the first place. Truly a monument to Talerium's wealth. And they still managed to pull together nearly three thousand gold for a dual event tournament...anger not the desert people.

The walls also seemed to inspire an impromptu contest of "Standing". We're not sure of the details (or if, in fact, there are any...), but the main contenders seemed to be Sir Kartet of Talerium (the local favorite!) and Sir Smeagunwulf of Norland (the fierce fur-clad challenger!) who claimed an impressive genealogy of Standing prowess. Not the most exciting sport for spectators, we admit, but the hardcore fans swear by it

Two Shadows
Spotted among tavern goers and tourney attenders, former(?) infiltrators Sir Ivore Whiteblood and Lady Seria Marioneaux shared a backwall table at The Broken Blade, along with some heavy conversation. Discussing their beginnings, their intentions, and...lists...The pair didn't seem overly comfortable in each others company, but it was perhaps the most intriguing conversation Fox Talks has listened in on in some time.
Slip Up
In his speech of thanks, Sir Brakus Stein, generous ale provider of Chocxal fame and Duke of Ash'rily, had a small misstep when he congratulated Talerium on behalf of Abington. Most have heard the rumour that the southern realms of Caergoth and Suville are really just Abington reborn, but does Caergoth agree? Sir Malcolm made to help the Duke from the table, dismissing his comment as a mere drunken slip of the tongue. Convinced? We're still on the fence.
The Lady Tera
Okay, she's not a real lady, but if she were her honour would be horribly slighted by the debasement the name received in Chocxal. Suvillian Sir Mark Antonius spared no kind words for his former home, the Taran empire, calling Tara the "whore of continent" while ridiculing the General and Judge. Several nobles joined the conversation, including Sirs Kurohyou and Rorik of Tara, Sirs Kartet and Ivore of Talerium, and Sir Malcolm of Carelia, and despite a brief slide into petty squabbling, they seemed to work out the argument rather well. Sir Mark apologized for calling Tara a "whore", stating his true misgivings lied with the Judge and the policies of the realm's leaders. And that was the end of it.
Darka beginner.png Barony News Marker.png Winners Circle Barony News Marker.pngDarka beginner.png
From Sir Krabat van Belhanka, champion of the sword!

I guess the secret of winning is to have some luck at the right moments.

My opponents were very strong and without that bit of luck, its very possible they would have won.

The prize money? Well, I am from darka; off course it will be invested in weapons and armour.


Sir Krabat van Belhanka (Knight of Massillion)

Just lucky? We were watching the final round you know...

From Sir DrSeptre Meadowcrest, champion of the lance!
No comment as of yet!

Greetings fair readers, Fox Talks is here to inform you that our remaining editor, Keiichi Hyral, will be leaving for Beluaterra at the close of this tournament. Unfortunately, we have been unable to secure a definite replacement and therefore cannot guarantee that Fox Talks will continue to be printed. We thank you for your support and feedback, and hope you will continue to look out for new issues in the future. If you are interested in taking over the paper, please contact us by sending your intentions to Fox Talks "Discussion". Our Many thanks.

~Fox Talks Staff, Editor Hyral.