Fox Talks/Eston Tournament

From BattleMaster Wiki Tournament of Horror in Hawthorne!

A total of 199 troop leaders - irritating how it's not an even 200, isn't it? - from 14 realms paid the 15 gold entrance fee to take part in the swords-only event in Hawthorne. Sir Tomin Jackson of Suville took the generous 1500 gold first place prize, and former sword-champion Sir Blood Haze of Falasan took home the equally magnanimous 500 gold second place prize. Congrats to the winners!

Blood Spilled on Tournament Grounds
Lady Kara Salvator was murdered by Raziel III Himoura in Hawthorne shortly before we arrived in the city. Though the complete story has yet to be understood, it appears that there was a love triangle between Lady Kara, her husband Myrn'tek Grimoire, and Raziel III... something along the lines of you-took-her-from-me-so-I-took-her-from-you. In any case, whatever it was came to a brutal end with the decapitation of Lady Kara. From there things got loud, broken, and nearly out of hand. Fortunately, Lady Tiana called for an end to the fighting before any more blood was shed.

This is truly sad. The Atamaran tourney has gone from all that lovely verbal abuse that we just can't help but deal out to the murder of fellow nobles on festival grounds! Seriously!

EXTRA!!! ***An explanation from Jens Namtrah***

Here's how it happened:

"See, da whole t'ing started when I was kissin' Lady Ain over by da trainin' grounds, an' den Lord Hang comes along (he's my liege, don'tcha know) an' says "Watcha doin' dere, Jens? Come ta da pub an' drink wit' me!", an' so I went along wit' him, even dough I wanted ta kiss her some more still. So anyways, we drank a bunch a tankards' full, an' Lord Hang foun' dis red-haired wench he tought was nice-lookin' - aldough dat part's not important ta da story, so you ken jest ferget dat part - so, anyways, Lady Ain comes in wit' dis ribbon-haired fella so I gets up ta punch him and I wallops him good a couple two-t'ree times, but I tripped on da last time dat I hits him an' fall over an' dat's when I saw dem! Dere was da one fella who kicked da table at me - I'm still gettin' ta dat part - and da lady dat was angry wit' him and da udder fella dat was tryin' ta stay in da middle an' dere may a bin anudder lady dat looked jest like da first lady, or dere may not a bin, cuz at dat point I was seein' multiplications of some a da people.

So anyways, da group kept on t'rowing daggers an' t'ings at each udder, all dese no-ways-dey-can-miss shots, except dat dey all kept missin' - I t'ink dey may a bin divinically enhanced or somet'in', you probably know more about dat, bein' a priest an' all, an' da one fella kept on gettin' angrier an' angrier.

So anyways, back ta da part where I tripped after hittin' da ribbon-haired fella six or seven times. So, I was fallin' at da group a t'ree or maybe four people, dependin' on wedder or not da udder lady was da same lady, or was real, and da fella dat kicked da table at me, dat's when he done it, an' da table hit me in da face, an' den I don't remember not'in' fer a liddle while cuz Lady Ain - she's da one dat started da whole t'ing back when I was kissin' her - she was draggin' me across da floor, except she was doin' it wit' me bein' face down, so dat explains why I couldn't see not'in'. And also, I maybe passed out fer a liddle while, too.

So anyways, when I woke up, I heard dis shoutin' from da alleyway an' I went back an' looked, an' dere was da fella dat had kicked da table at me, standin' dere wit' a bloody sword in his hand, and da lady dat had been arguin' wit him lyin' dere wit' no head, or at least, not one dat was doin' her any good any more."

The Especially Generous
A list of those nice people who hand out free drinks!

Moses, Christofer----Hang, Night Hawk, Fingo, Herumor, Drake, Alexander, Cutter

Seeing how I arrived less than a day before the first round of swordfighting, one can imagine just how very incomplete this list is. Anyway, Sirs Moses and Christofer both treated us to multiple rounds while everybody from the dashes down were single-hitters. You all have our heartfelt thanks!

The Winners Circle
From Sir Tomin Jackson, champion of the sword!

Any words of advice to those who aspire to great swordsmanship like yourself?: Forget about serving your realm or your liege. They will be happy enough when you start winning tournaments.

Any plans for the prize money?: I plan on visiting the poorest places in the Realm and extending my hand and just as they are about to take a few meaningless pieces of gold that will benefit them greatly I will pull my hand back as fast as possible and laugh my ((arse)) off.

Anything you'd like to say to your adoring public?: I hate you all, and I thank no one but myself. I owe all my success to my great skill and dedication.

Tomin Jackson, (Knight of Dampinn)

And there you have it! Maybe not the most kindly gentleman out there but hey, it's his party!