Fox Talks/Darka Tournament II

From BattleMaster Wiki
Darka.gif A Standard Tournament in Darka

A total of 148 nobles from 13 realms handed over the easily met 5 gold entrance fee and made way for Bisquez following Queen Amaarent's invitation to the Darkan tournament grounds. This is the way! Sir El Cid of ASI took the 500 gold first place prize in sword event (Sir Joytis of Talerium took second place and 250 gold), while Sir DrSeptre of the Barony dominated the joust for his 16th victory (with Sir Neo of Darka taking second). Congratulations to the champions!

Ale Games
What else would we do at these tournaments if not drink? Sure you can think of a few things (show off your skills, meet up with out-of-town acquaintances, challenge thy enemies to duel, what have you), but none would embody that tourney spirit of international cooperation quite like teaming up to destroy a few "evil" barrels of the good stuff. Former rulers Gabriel of Tara, Kostaja Kosunen of Darka, and the Zadar Nargath of the Empire took part in this mission of good will and good drinking, as well as inviting all interested parties to join in the hunt. A few serious souls resisted of course (there are always a few), Dame Vilnya of Carelia decided to devote all of her time to training instead. Admirable, yes, fun, no.
The Especially Generous
A list of gracious guests in a giving mood

Brander(5), Rau, Rowan, Dario----Zadar Nargath, Herotious, Samael, Jyotis, Memnoch, Magnus the Mighty (Riverholm stout), Emma, Ferrus, Thrawn, Humberto, Cormon, Keiichi.

As usual, the kind souls to the left of the dashes bought multiple rounds while those to the right are single hitters. And it is worthy to note that Sir Magnus the Mighty actually brought Riverholm Stout to pass around. Political affiliations aside, good stout is good stout. You have our gratitude Sir. Also worthy of note is the timing of our arrival at the grounds. Day three. So, if you put down your gold and don't find yourself on our list...we plead absence! However, we are not above reprinting, send us your name along with your left-right status and we'll give you credit for your generosity!

Gauihu's Return
Now, we realize the infamous tyrant returned to Atamara some time ago, but, this is the first time we've seen him in the public eye. Abington's Mad King appears to have aged immensely in his absence from the continent, but that charming wit doth remain, along with some old grudges apparently. With fellow former-Abingtonian Gabriel Bachelor's first comment being "go drink poison and die", we can assume there are some unresolved issues at hand here. Of course, Gauihu's response "Alas, my dear Gabriel, even poison will no longer do your bidding" had us feeling the burn in Ser'quea. It did earn him an invite to the Barony from Lars of Sale, though. Atamara is just more interesting this way, isn't it?
Riddles from Caergoth
Sir Brander of Caergoth promised us a free round if we could figure out Riddle 25 of the Exeter Book, sadly, the prize went unclaimed in Bisquez. But you, dear readers, you can claim the prize via postcard addressed to the Fox Talks printing office (now located Ser'quea). Got a guess? Send it in!

Riddle 25 of the Exeter Book

I am man’s treasure, taken from the woods,
Cliff-sides, hill-slopes, valleys, downs;
By day wings bear me in the buzzing air,
Slip me under a sheltering roof-sweet craft.
Soon a man bears me to a tub. Bathed,
I am binder and scourge of men, bring down
The young, ravage the old, sap strength.
Soon he discovers who wrestles with me
My fierce body-rush-I roll fools
Flush on the ground. Robbed of strength,
Reckless of speech, a man knows no power
Over hands, feet, mind. Who am I who bind
Men on middle-earth, blinding with rage
Fools know my dark power by daylight?

Hawk? Wheat? Time?!
Did we win?

ASI small.png Barony News Marker.pngThe Winners CircleBarony News Marker.pngASI small.png
From El Cid, Champion of the Sword!

Lady Keiichi, natural born skill is my secret, training only goes so far. Spend time with the best if you want to be the best.

The gold I won, I will use it to see to it that my enemies have many sleepless nights, you can count on that.

I generally don't care of the public, if they wish to admire me, they best do it from afar, well thats unless they are as attractive as you.

El Cid Testaverde
Knight of Ser'quea

A man of few words, confident, slightly mysterious, that devil-may-care attitude...still your hearts, ladies.

From DrSeptre, Champion of the Lance!

I would like to thank Darka for hosting a fine tournament. I haven't won in several tournaments and many thought age was becoming a factor. It is good to see I can still hold my own against the best. This was my 16th jousting victory and my best tournament as I was only scored on by one noble. Almost a perfect tournament. Congratulation to the runner-ups and sword fighting champion.

Sir DrSeptre Meadowcrest
Baron of Howling Waste

We have yet to receive a response to our official questions from the lancing legend, but this public letter is fine by us. After all, how many ways can a 16-time champion answer the same three questions?