Felsenbach Family/Wolfgang

From BattleMaster Wiki

Adventure of Wolfgang

  1. Battle in Moeth I - 10/30/21 - Maximo Braxcious, Knight of Belushas been wounded by Wolfgang (3).
  2. Battle in Moeth II - 10/31/21
  3. Battle in Moeth III - 10/31/21 - Maximo Braxcious, Knight of Belushas been wounded by Wolfgang (1).
  4. Battle in Moeth IV - 11/4/21 - Grog Le Monte, Count of Umkinnu, Marshal of the Gearhead Legionhas been wounded by Wolfgang (20).

(Starting here, only record battles where Wolfgang managed to injure someone)

  1. Battle in Belus I - 11/25/21 - Navron Admyr, Count of Falens has been wounded by Wolfgang (2).
  2. Battle in Cave of Guilt I - 11/30/21 - Ježibaba Nowack, Dame of Taselak has been wounded by Wolfgang (5).
  3. Battle in Falens I - 1/7/22
  4. Battle in Falens II - 1/8/22 - Kanuni Kalkandelen, Turner of the Cogs of Taselak, Knight of Cirannor has been wounded by Wolfgang (18), Frederick Aboolio, Knight of Astin has been wounded by Wolfgang (18).
  5. Battle in Wellaf - Killed in the battle.

Adventure of Wolfgang II

  1. Battle in Unlib I - 2/2/23 - Col Kubo, Baron of Berakorhas been wounded by Felsenbach Guards (6).
  2. Battle in Riakond 9/15/23 - Valec Steele, Knight of Kietremhas been wounded by Wolfgang (8).
  3. Battle of Aboal 11/22/23 - Victorio Fireborn, Knight of Kietrem has been wounded by Wolfgang (27).
  • Garak Doggo, Knight of Ikalak has been wounded by W O L F G A N G (5).
  • Garak Doggo, Knight of Ikalak has been seriously wounded by W O L F G A N G (5).