Falasan Inquirer/October07

From BattleMaster Wiki


October Edition
Date of Issue: October 2007
Price: 1 silver
Editors: Rathkanouros Kalantis
Reilwin Merytis
Jambo Lamonte

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Battle Reports

Peace with Tara
October 30th 2007

King Gucky has signed a peace treaty with Lister, Dictator of the realm of Tara. Communications between the rulers started urgently after King Andrews speech to the generals of Atamara which showed Eston was prepared to go to war with Tara in an effort to save itself. This treaty reasures peace between the two realms for a hopefully untroubled future.
-- Jambo Lamonte

King Andrew Hints at War with Tara
October 26th 2007

This Evening King Andrew openly proposed that he was prepared to wage war against the realm of Tara in an alliance with Falasan. In a message sent to all the Generals in Atamara King Andrew declared he was willing for peace with Falasan and would even help in a war against Tara.

" In fact, has Gucky or anyone else in your government informed you that we would even help you to regain regions lost? "

obviously Falasan would never enter such a dishonorable agreement with Eston and King Andrew, or ever forget it was Eston that ambushed Falasan without declaring war or giving any incline of its intentions and realistic reasons for doing so.
Nor is this the first time the nobility of Eston has made alarming comments to the citizens of Atamara. Back in March, Eston's general insulted the Carelia King in a private message that was made public.
The desperation of King Andrew for peace with Falasan has clearly come to light. Summoning help from its allies BOM and Talerium, Eston has tried to stem the havoc being caused by Falasan forces in its interior in a war that it now regrets. In the words of Francisco Pizarro, news reporter for Eston

" realms will be brought on the brink of destruction... or worse. "

-- Jambo Lamonte

Battle in Dondor
October 23rd 2007

This evening Falasani troops broke the BOM lines in Dondor after Eston troops moved out of the region leaving BOM troops outnumbered. Eston's military strength has moved to another alltime low with roughly the same amount that BOM has. There is certainly speculation from this reporter that the war with Eston may be coming closer to its end with Falasan coming out on top.
-- Jambo Lamonte
