Falasan Inquirer/March08

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March Edition
Date of Issue: March 2008
Price: 1 silver
Editors: Reilwin Merytis
Rathkanouros Kalantis
Jambo Lamonte
Tenebrioun Kiri-Jolith

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Battle Reports

Letters from the readers

Lion Biting off More than they can Chew?
March 31, 2008

The Cagilan Empire is currently feeling the effects of its foolish declaration of war on the White Hare. Having its superior numbers beaten back repeatedly by the skilled Falasani warriors. Retreating with their manes singed and tails between their legs from battlefields all across the land, Nazia, Galadia, and Sauvia to name a few, the Cagilans can be seen throwing off pieces of armor to hurry their cowardly retreat.

In lighter news, the Lions have realized their mistake. The mistake this editor saw from the beginning. The Cagilans attempted to fight a war on their own. Seeing the remains of the Cagilan armies scattered across the hills in small pieces, their Ally, (See: Minions), Talerium suddenly remembered an imagined slight the Hare had done against them.
Claiming we aided their enemies, PoM, in the past by allowing free access to their lands (which none, save Talerium remember occurring), Talerium chose the convenient time of Cagilans in full rout to repay our insult. Although it obviously had nothing to do with The Empire's pitiful performance in their war. Although Talerium's aid in the way has been slow in appearing, currently restraining their massive legions to small looting runs and hiding within Cagilan lands.

Speaking of Hiding. One must wonder why CE staged their largest force within striking distance of Falasan... inside Taran lands. Which given our treaty, we cannot strike. It must just be a goodwill tour? Certainly the Cagilans aren't filled with fear and cowardice, needing to hide behind allies. That is not the Lion way.

This humble editor wonders who the next to remember a reason to attack Falasan would be. As the Cagilan Empire certainly isn't asking for Aid as they are slaughtered Hill and Glen.
-- Tenebrioun Kiri-Jolith

The Bunny Defeats the Lion, in Sauvia
March 11th 2008

With Sauvia now being occupied by Falasani troops, there can be no doubt of the humiliation the Cagilan Empire is now facing. The take over was completed in the shortest of time. With the Sauvian government already changed to Falasan, how long until the Cagilan Empire realizes its mistake in distracting Falasan from aiding its allies. And how long before the Cagilan Empire has to call in aid from its allies to defend it where its own troops cannot? Meanwhile, Falasan troops have marched into the neighboring of Alaise, which was the former region Prime Minister Samuel Haine was Count of, until his election.
Turn over to see the battle back page
-- Boen

Battle in Nazia
March 11th 2008

This morning the last of the Cagilan army that had invaded Falasan were ousted from our realm. In an excellent victory the Cagilans were sent back home to their borders. The sides were matched up with Falasan having a combat strength of 9000 against the Cagilan Empire with 3000 combat strength.
With Falasan victorious
Turn over to see the battle back page
-- Boen

Battle in Galadia
March 10th 2008

The mountains and hills of Galadia are drenched with blood after a fierce day of fighting. Following the cowardly attack on Nazia, the Bloody-Lust of the Cagilan Empire caused them to press their advantage, and move on Galadia. Seeing the approached masses, the armies of Falasan gathered to meet them.

But what started as a relatively even fight, quickly became a slaughter, as the inexperienced CE troops failed to make anything resembling a formation. Men died in scores throwing themselves upon the meager defenses of Galadia.

But, as the Cagilans broke and ran like scalded dogs, it was seen that the Falasans still stood, and with few casualties. Yet another day I am proud to be Falasani.
-- Tenebrioun Kiri-Jolith

Cagilan Empire Declares War on Falasan
March 8th 2008

In a stunning and cowardly move the Cagilan Empire has declared war on its long term neighbour Falasan. Falasan's armies were marching south to aid and defend ASI from multiple realms as alliances demand. But soon after the defeat at Aja the Cagilan Empire formally declared war of Falasan and immediately attacked the Falasani region Nazia from Eagles Glen, which is a region of Talerium. This move was not completely unexpected, as the Cagilan Empire has long been hostile to Falasan with threats. Although the closest the two realms came to going to war was during a battle in Nazgorn a few months ago, when many misguided nobles traveled into the region but were met with the might Falasans Black Army which made up most of the defenders. The Cagilan Empire was routed and sent back home again in disgrace. But as is seems, the Cagilan Empire has met the warriors of Falasan once again, and once again defeated on Falasani soil. See the report on the battle in Galadia, which should follow soon.
-- Boen

New Editors Wanted
March 8th 2008

The Falasan Inquirer is in need of editors to produce material for the newspaper.
There is a need for someone to add battle reports about Falasan - CE battles in the battles section.
Anyone who has time for making articles and writing things creatively would be welcome, but anyone who can report on events factually is needed as well.
Also, if any editor would like to change the layout of the Inquirer, they are welcome to do so, so long as they can become an active editor.
-- Jambo Lamonte
