Eston/Military Rank Structure

From BattleMaster Wiki

Some of you may have noticed a military rank system in effect for some months now. I have implemented one that has been implemented with senior military leadership and some other volunteers.

An officer in a command position in the military chain of command has the authority to promote within their subordinate chain of command.

For instance, the High Marshal can promote the Marshals and, if it is his will, nobles in any of the Armies of Eston (Hawthorne, Belegrond, Barad Riel, Barad Lacirith, Massilion). Marshals can promote within their Duchies. Dukes and Duchesses, as the responsible authority in each Duchy, have the authority to promote, also.

What are the ranks?

From the lowest to the highest, the standard, non-general officer ranks that can be held by a troop leader are:

  • Second Lieutenant
  • First Lieutenant
  • Captain
  • Major
  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Colonel

In times that a Duke or Duchess of a Duchy want to appoint a commander to lead their forces into battle, the High Marshal and/or the City Commander have the authority to order a 'brevet, or temporary, promotion to one of the General Officer ranks:

  • Brigadier General (1-star)
  • Major General (2 stars)
  • Lieutenant General (3-stars)
  • General (4 stars)

The High Marshal holds the highest rank, which also is a brevet rank:

  • General of the Armies (5-stars)

Once a Marshal steps down from their post or is retired by their Duke or Duchess, they usually revert back to their prior rank as a non-general officer, at the Duke or Duchess's discretion. After a High Marshal retires from said post, they always carry the rank of 4-star General in recognition of their service to the realm.

Rank is awarded based on a few things:

  1. Merit
  2. Time in service
  3. Politics

Merit is just that: How good' and active are you in your post? Time in service revolves mostly around how long you have been in active service to the realm of Eston. Though politics is not always a factor, it can not be left out of an honest assessment of the feudal monarchy and it's military.

This is meant to add breadth and depth to the military experience of a noble in Eston and is voluntary. If you are interested, please contact your Marshal.