Dwilight University/Political Studies/An Objective Study of Luria
Luria and Lurians: A Study of Imperial Culture.
The Lurian Outlook
The most important aspect of any culture, is the outlook of its people. Not peasantry and the like, as you will find beyond which days they feast on, they are virtually identical. Survive. The nobility of Luria is unique in its dual split of allegiance. Virtually all Lurians are loyal to the greater concept of Luria, and then to themselves, before all other considerations. A few religious zealots might place their faith above one or both, but the general outlook is to look out for Luria as a whole, and oneself, not necessarily in that order. Through this outlook, Lurians are capable of the deeds they are most known for, infighting and civil war, and still maintain longstanding members and a core cultural identity. In normal circumstances, a rebellion will seek to erase the identity of its predecessor. In Luria, victorious rebels assume the cultural identity. Luria is unique in that is written into law that any successful rebellion is automatically declared legitimate and lawful. This fosters a culture whereby only the strongest and most savvy survive. Advancement is purely on merit, and more often than not, thrones are won by force. Whether force at arms, or other means. Power is respected by Lurians, and they will follow it, wherever it may lie. Lurians are also intensely jealous in protecting internal affairs. To meddle in Lurian internal affairs, as one can see in the recent annexation of Luria Vesperi by Luria Nova, is a dangerous game. D'hara was only spared the wrath of Luria Nova by outside pressure to join the anti-Aurvandillian coalition. Nothing unites the Lurian people more than outside interference.
Lurian Lands
The uninformed moving about the Eastern sub-continent of Dwilight may find himself in lands that are culturally and historically Lurian. Of course, Lurians will view these lands as Lurian for all time, and endeavor to maintain that identity in some shape or form (if not necessarily holding them in fief under an actual Lurian government). Balance's Retreat and the Divides are an excellent example. These regions were once reserved under Lurian law as the private hunting grounds of House Solari until they were granted in fief to House Guile. They are viewed as Lurian (in a cultural sense, and insofar as the local government is at present concerned) still, despite belonging to the joint Lurian/Morekian colonial endeavor known as Swordfell. Lurians are jealous of their lands, and will shed blood to see that proper claimants are not denied. This can be seen when the last of the Vesperian Lords attempted to defy the Novans and change allegiance to D'hara. Queen Alice Arundel of Luria Nova almost resumed war with D'hara in the incident that followed when Prime Minister Rynn Jevondair refused to promptly hand the regions over.
Another lesser known Lurian land has been idly claimed as part of the Marrocidenians, mistakenly so. Port Nebel, and the surrounding islands were unlawfully annexed by D'hara from the Lurian Colony Shadovar, and still are Lurian in culture and history, if only distantly. This has caused much tension between D'hara and the Lurias, as in the Lurian mindset D'hara is nothing more than a rebellious Lurian state attempting to deny their own heritage.
The region oft referred to as Greater Luria has changed hands between Lurian governments throughout time. Pian en Luries is the historical heart of Luria, and the regions it occupied, referred to as Greater Luria. Askilieon, Giask and Shinnen, though they have changed hands between Lurian governments, have always been the core of Luria. North of Greater Luria lies the region of Solaria, though no longer a sovereign kingdom, it identifies itself separately from Greater Luria.
North of the Solarian region are the Divides, resting just South of Toprak, they are the oft neglected step-child of Luria. While held mostly by Lurian Lords, they no longer are apart of a truly Lurian Nation, having been gifted to Morek to aid in the formation of Swordfell. This region has been hotly contested for some time, with various groups wanting to found realms in Balance's Retreat from time to time.
Lurians are strict Imperialists and Royalists. The Empire and their respective thrones have always been the core of Lurian government. Other governments are seen as weak and foolish. Historical disputes with organizations such as the Moot have lead to a general distrust of republican governance, and there is a general distaste for the instability such governments bring. For the Empire, and for King or Queen is a statement in virtually every Lurian oath. Theocratic rule is not practical in Luria given its religious diversity. Sanguis Astroism may be rising in popularity, owing to the political nature of the religion and Lurians affinity for politics, but it has been home to other faiths, and always identified itself as a secular body.
Luria is best known for its civil wars. Many wars have been fought for control of the various Lurian thrones that have existed throughout history, and Lurian law even legalizes rebellion in the event that it is successful, cultivating a society where the strong prevail and exercise rule, while the weak gather power and attempt to become stronger. One would assume that this would create a culture hostile to itself and susceptible to outside influences, however, Lurians take great pride in their culture, and in the strength it breeds. If a Lurian ruler is ousted, you can be sure it is because a stronger one is stepping up to the plate. Interference by Ausländers is always met with hostility, for to require another people's aid to rule would be a sign of Lurian weakness. I could go on to list historical examples of the civil wars of Luria, but there already exists ample documentation of these, so I will not deliberate at length on the individual conflicts.
Of Blood and Bloodfeuds
Luria is a nation where land, titles and prosperity are hard won and those who possess them command the respect of their peers and subordinates. Naturally, in a nation known for civil war and political maneuvers, nobles will eventually cross a line. Whether through a heinous (read unsuccessful) act of treachery, or a severe breach of honor, or betraying Luria to an ausländer, a blood feud is declared by a relevant party. These are supposed to be (though they have not been, particularity in times of civil war) honored by all nations apart of the Lurian Empire (which is at present unified under a single monarch). Those with a blood feud declared on them have two ways to pay their debt: their blood or the blood of the one who made the declaration. Solaria under Malus Solari and later Sevastian Guile were notorious for their numerous blood feuds, resulting in the exile of several Lurians and the execution of others. These aren't necessarily carried on hereditary, but can serve as a point of tension when the heirs of those who have received such a dire proclamation arise, notably when Sir Proslyn Silverfire was received by Queen Alice Arundel.