De Pooh Family/Pandora/Bisciye
2020-11-08 20:07:00
Her men did not like Pandora’s antics, and became less trustful of orders. Being a young lady has made it bitter for the men to be interrupted on their fun for sneaking into the coronation. No battle was fought, and they believed that Pandora had followed false orders to Nascot. They were convinced that being spoiled by the riches of being a noble, would not possibly understand the difficulties of sacrifice. They soon bickered over orders between arriving at Clermont or Bisciye.
“Orders were to station at Clermont.”
“No! You fool, you’re going to march us to death.”
“Nobody is going to be stationed at Bisciye!”
“My wife can pummel all of your wifes’ faces.”
Pandora was deeply upset by this, but decided to keep her eyes on the cold dark trail uprooted by enormous trees. It was daytime but the shade created by the high tops of overlapping branches had severely limited the amount of light reaching the ground. A few of her men tripped over some roots, only to curse at a pagan god and quickly recover from their steps.
There was a clearing of the woodlands, transitioning into grass field. Seeing multiple tents, Pandora was relieved. She let her men settle in a tent of their own to rest, and led her horse to the fence where other horses were able to be refreshed with running spring water. Pandora gave her horse a gentle head rub before leaving.
Pandora had her blade sheathed made into her belt. Besides the soft chain mail layered over her torso and under the military coat, she was rather unprepared and cold. The tips of her ears had turned pink and you could see her breath condense whenever she spoke. She entered what seemed to be an occupied tent with a knight and his squire.
“Ser, I am Pandora de Pooh Dame of Bescanon- my men have just arrived from Nascot. Are there any rations left for my men? We are on our way to Clermont at sunrise.”
Daario Vulparan
2020-11-09 01:15:06
The space was cozy and cold kept out by the fur that prevented the breeze from entering. Pandora had recognized the name of the noble whom exchanged letters with from her first few days of becoming a dame. The chance of meeting by chance always loomed in the back of her mind, but could not fathom it happening in the moment.
Daario Vulparan had much softer features than she had imagined, though she was correct that he was very tall. Upon examining his features, she noticed an intensity to his gaze that emphasized the fullness of his long brown lashes and brows.
She hesitantly looked down at the hand reaching out to her, not fully understanding the gesture. Curious, she glanced at his squire’s reaction for a cue. Was he nervous for her to make contact with a respectable knight like Daario?
His presence had made it bearable for Pandora to carefully take off both her gloves to avoiding adding abrasion to her hands. Her palms were slightly roughened with redness where her finger joints and palm met from the trip.
She holds onto Daario’s hand lightly, while he nudges her in a back and forth motion to hand shake. Pandora did not want to make eye contact as she was shameful and content from the brief moment of shaking hands. In comparison to Daario’s hands, Pandora’s fingers were slender, smaller and colder. The warmth of his gesture warms up her hand slightly in the process and she was thankful for it.
2020-11-10 07:30:53
As Daario let go of her freezing hands, Pandora’s evasive gaze came back to trace the tip of his fingers to the back of his head. The young squire dare not to move an inch but looked terrified as Daario reaches for the bottle and two glass jars. When Pandora tried to make eye contact with the squire years younger, his eyes looked hollow.
As Daario pours a golden drink for her from across the tent, Pandora was reminded of the alcohol she had tasted at the coronation; she was keen about the foul taste but conflicted about the bottle’s honey-like hue. Daario’s gesture compelled Pandora to momentarily sit on the dark chair paired next to a heavier fancy piece of furniture almost big enough for two. She stared into the bottom of the full glass for a good minute while she could feel Daario’s heat radiating from across the table.
Pandora lightly sips- and an immense burning in the back of her throat goes down. Daario was a good friend: he had sent her reassuring letters, was well respected amongst his peers, and was kind enough to ask Pandora to use his first name. Yet, her stomach could not settle. Perhaps it was the missing rations. Pandora encountered alcohol before and she was determined not to humiliate herself. Sluggish. Why did a mere glass take so long to finish? Daario’s careful observation did not go unnoticed as they exchanged glances.
Pandora finishes the rest of the glass by holding her breath and closing her eyes. Down everything went. Pandora starts feeling her heart thump faster while a healthy glow comes back. An agitation stirs in the back of her mind. Pandora gets up carefully, giving it a few seconds for her eyesight to settle and track the floor.
“Daario, I- I have to tend to my men. I have to go.”
2020-11-10 09:07:55
Pandora could spot her men setting up their tent, while crowding around the man linked in arm with a noble walking towards the entrance. Clearly it was the look of disgust with loud snickering by the small army following Pandora. Typically Pandora would see this as a misunderstanding, but the agitation starts settling in. Pandora was deeply insulted by this scene; the de Pooh family would hear of this. Rude comments were made by the men and laughter ensured. The tone of their voice was bothersome, annoying and filthy.
“Go back into the fray you coward!”
“Did you see them? Are the undead real?”
“Nah, he should go home to his mummy!”
Upon arriving closer, your could see a beautifully woven basket tumbled over with letters torn open and scattered. Wrappers of chocolates and hard candies littered the floor. The only thing left salvageable were the soap bars muddied. Pandora could only assume that the letters were meant for her to read, she was heartbroken and enraged.
Pandora’s men were laughing at the noble at the coronation with the sunken eyes and inconsolable pain. Pandora grabs onto the bruised basket and uncontrollably starts heading towards them.
“YOU! I’VE HAD..” Pandora starts swinging.
“ENOUGH..” The basket just missed the man entangled in Pandora’s anger from a blow to the left side of his face.
“OF YOUR..” Pandora takes a few shallow breaths before making a wide swing across the right side of his head, making a large gnash across his face.
“DISOBEDIENCE!” The basket swings again! It slams directly on the upper right side of his frontal lobe, leaving scratches.
Pandora starts to stumble towards the next victim as they quickly scattered. Losing her balance, Pandora grabs onto Cailin Daubeny’s other arm momentarily to break her fall. Her headache was undeniable at that point. Everything was spinning.
2020-11-12 02:39:33
Pandora’s legs felt awfully relaxed and her stomach churns, letting out a small grumble while leaning on Lorelai Chamberlain. The young dame was quite at ease with the way the Marshal introduced herself. Dreary-eyed and reassured, Pandora softly introduces herself in a withdrawn way.
“Pandora de Pooh.”
She looks at the candy and chocolate wrappers on the floor and starts to feel a tug behind her eyes, Pandora was sure that they were made for her. A lovely person must have put in the time and effort to make a lovely basket. Wild flowers were caught in the crumpled basket, some of its light blue petals found to the side- all of it was ruined.
Pandora starts to crouch near her ruined items, examining them. A soap bar that had a sweet fragrance, another one with wood scented reminders of shepherd’s pie.
A young boy peeks out from behind the covers of an unfinished tent. An oak wood carved into a bee can be seen in the palm of the young boy’s hands, bringing it to Pandora.
“Lady- Lady Pandora. Your family sent me to check up on you.”
Pandora quickly shook her head, gets up frustrated looking away, “Tig, they just ate it all!”
“Yes m’ lady.”
Tig brings a bucket of water to Pandora and takes the bars of soap and rubs away the dirt under the bucket. He was relieved to see Pandora being her silly self, though she seemed rather vocal, and puts the partially used soap in a cheese cloth fabric. He bundles them up, and hangs them to the side to dry.
Pandora makes a quiet humph, looking away with a chin-raised pout. She peeks with one side eye at what Tig has done and quickly goes back to her chin pout. Pandora peeks again. Tig catches Pandora’s peek this time and they soon break out in laughter.